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Villains Wiki

Oraclon is a sentient database of information on the Virtual Realm and a major antagonist in season 2 of VR Troopers. He assists Grimlord by providing him with knowledge on the Virtual Reality and by creating new mutants for his Virtual Warriors. He is also capable of detaching from the wall of Grimlord's Virtual Dark Fortress to fight the VR Troopers himself.


Oraclon first appeared in the new Virtual Realm Grimlord created with the knowledge he had copied from Tyler Steele's head. Pledging to serve Grimlord, Oraclon created a team of Ultra Skugs and summoned the Doom Master and The Vixens, telling Grimlord they would serve him in his quest to take over the world. Oraclon then prepared Grimlord's new Virtual Air Force for an assault on the barrier separating the Virtual Reality from the real world.

For Grimlord's next assault, Oraclon created a new robot in the form of Irradiator, whom he described as "a combination of technology and animal savagery." The robot was sent out to fight JB and Kaitlin but, unbeknownst to Oraclon and Grimlord, the two had been given a virtual power boost by Tyler Steele. When Ryan emerged in his new VR form to assist them in battle, Grimlord questioned Oraclon as to how that was possible, to which Oraclon deduced that Ryan had received a new form from Tyler Steele. After Irradiator was destroyed, Grimlord gave a speech to Oraclon and his other new minions warning them that failure was not an option.


  • Unlike Great Emperor Kubilai, his counterpart in Space Sheriff Shaider, Oraclon is not the main antagonist, with the role still being held by Grimlord, though he is a major villain.

See Also[]


           VR Troopers logoVillains

Virtual Warriors
Grimlord | General Ivar | Colonel Icebot | Decimator | Zelton | Toxoid | Blue Boar | Despera | Doom Master | The Vixens | Oraclon | Red Python | Knighttime | Desponda | Skugs
Ziktor Industries: Ziktor's Secretaries | Strickland
Virtual Monsters
Amphibador | Arachnobot | Athletetron | Bazookabott | Blue Robot Warrior | Bongotron | Bugbot | Cannon Nose | Cannonbot | Chainbot | Charmeekas | Chlorophoid | Chrome Dome | Cobrot | Combax | Conatron | Crabor | Cranoid | Cupitron | Cycletron | Diskbot | Dream Master | Drillbot | Duplitronic | Electrobot | Fake Dark Heart | Fanbot | Fiddlebot | Fogbot | Footbot | Forkoid | Frogbot | Gameoid | Graybot | Gunslinger | Hammerbot | Horrorbot | Hydrabot | Irradiator | Jailbot | Kongbot | Laserbot | Lizardbot | Lizbot | Magician | Magnetbot | Mechanoid | Metaborg | Metalbot | Minotaurbot | Mutant Jeb | Nutty Monster | Obotatron | Octobot | Photobot | Polarbot | Pollenbot | Preview Monsters | Puppetoid | Rabidspore | Ravagenot | Rollbot | Samson | Shish-Kebot | Scarlet Seductress | Scissor Fist | Serpentoid | Shark Fin | Sharkbot | Shoulderbot | Silkoid | Skullbot | Slashbot | Snowbot | Spiderbot | Spikebot | Spitbot | Stingbot | Swordbot Brothers | Terminoid | The Blade | The Eliminator | Torpediobot | Transformatron | Transgressor | Transmutant | Trooper Terminator | Vacbot | Vanbot | Vegbot | Venobot | Wolfbot | Woodman Monster
