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This Article Contains Spoilers - WARNING: This article contains major spoilers. If you do not wish to know vital information on plot / character elements in a story, you may not wish to read beyond this warning: We hold no responsibility for any negative effects these facts may have on your enjoyment of said media should you continue. That is all.

I am Order itself. A consciousness generated from the processes of many who yearn for stability. I am now fully realized. I therefore have no further use for a host vessel. All things...will be converted to memory.
~ Order introducing itself.
A perfect world is a stable world. It has no need for change. For variation. It has no need for desire. For conflict. In this world, none desire what might be. They embrace what is. Their lives are peaceful ones. I will achieve a quiet and peaceful world. Reasons to oppose this include: ... ERROR: no reasons found.
~ Order proclaiming its reasons for creating an orderly world.

Order (also known as Overlorder & Smollusk) is the titular main antagonist of Splatoon 3: Side Order. It is an entity of pure order created by Marina that runs the entire Memverse, capable of sucking people's minds inside and draining their free will.

While initially only intended to help manage the Memverse's programs, Order began taking Marina's desire for peace and order to the extreme, deciding that all individuality must cease if there is to be stagnation and complete control. As such, it would suck the minds of its creator, Pearl, Acht, Agent 8 and hundreds of other people into the Memverse, hoping to gain enough power to place all life on Earth under its thrall.


Initially, Order takes a rather abstract form, being a cloud of black glitches with white ovals for a mouth and face. As such, it initially possesses Marina to use her as its physical form, transforming her into Marina Agitando.

As Overlorder, Order becomes a huge, octopus-like entity composed of the same black jelly the Jelletons are made of. It uses two red lights with the Memverse's infinity logo as its eyes, a collection of sharp white bones as its mouth and has other Jelleton parts floating within it. It also has bones supporting its 4 main arms.

As Smollusk, Order becomes a tiny, monochrome octopus paralarva with black arms and a translucent mantle. It has large eyes and retains its pupil shape though they're now black with white dots at the two ends.


Order is the collective consciousness born from Marina's desire of an orderly word and as such strives for order and dislikes chaos, being intelligent and analytical. However, Order went beyond the scope of its original programming and interpreted the desire for order it had as the elimination of free will. As a result, Order seeks to convert everything into a colorless, grayscale world and transform everyone into its obedient drones, believing a world without chaos and free will is one that is good and necessary for everyone, even if it takes harming people to get there (although on the whole it does dislike violence and sees it as chaotic, later disapproving of Sheldon raising his two apprentices, Shelly and Donny, to deal with weapons at such a young age).

Order dismisses the idea of change and is highly dedicated to its beliefs that everything should be kept stable for the sake of a peaceful world. Likewise, when Marina attempts to convince it that chaos is just as important and can bring beautiful things from it, Order reacts to this information unstably and lashes out at the idea, believing the thought of it to be illogical (interestingly, its lashing out could also be a representative of its childishness given it is actually very young and it believed that Marina, its creator, would support it at every turn). Even upon after its defeat, Order still intends to carry out its plans one day, though it admits that it may have gotten a bit carried away.

Order becomes known as “Smollusk” after its defeat, and its typically robotic demeanor is cast aside as the fact that it is young is put on blatant display; it acts in a more childish manner, calling Agent 8 and their friends "big meanies" and becoming determined to settle the score. However, after beating it with Agent 8's Palette, it eventually gives up on its goals and becomes content with just overseeing the Memverse, using it as a means of saving the Octolings, given Marina and Pearl’s behavior as parental figures towards it begin to influence it away from its original programming. It begins to even act friendly to Eight, saying they’ll always have a friend in it.


Splatoon 3: Side Order[]

Marina was working on a VR world called the Memverse. The AI personification of orderly desires Marina and the memories of the Sanitised Octolings possessed gained sentience and gained total control. It began by pulling Marina's mind into the Memverse, rendering her completely helpless. It attempted to "grayscale" her, a process of completely draining someone of their free will. It has evidently done this to many people, including Pearl, Agent 8, and Acht, who are in turn sucked into the Memverse. Order plans to grayscale the entire world. Some people had only a piece of their soul pulled in and turned into a color palette that Agent 8 can use. When Marina was freed from the Spire of Order, it made the tower taller and harder to climb.

Once Agent 8 reached the top, Order took on a new form, Overlorder. It attempted to kill Agent 8, and even after being defeated, attempted to convert the whole world to gray. It almost succeeded, but the efforts of Agent 8 was able to reverse it and stop it, leaving Overlorder stunned at this turn of events. To try and prevent it happening again, Overlorder took all the Color Chips and trapped them in its Jelleton spawn portals, leaving Agent 8 to fight it bare bones with no boosts from the Color Chips. This proved to be its downfall as Agent 8 destroyed the Jelleton portals, recovering the Color Chips, boosting their power vastly, and allowing Pearl to unleash a chaotic color boosted Killer Wail 5.1 at Overlorder, overloading its body to the point it exploded, stopping its endgame for good. After its endgame was foiled, it turned into a harmless creature called Smollusk.

Despite being defeated, Smollusk attempts to resume its plans and exact revenge when Agent 8 climbs the Spire to restore the Palettes of everyone who had a part of them trapped in the Memverse, including Off The Hook, the Squid Sisters, Deep Cut, Murch, Agent 4, and even Agent 8 themselves. With each weapon and Palette, Smollusk assumes its boss form of Overlorder again to try and defeat them, though in consecutive runs it becomes more docile as it attempts to settle the score with Eight in a less violent manner. Once defeated, the process is finished, though once Agent 8 beats Smollusk using their own Palette and Octo Shot, Smollusk is disappointed that they won't be coming up to fight it anymore, as each time it was defeated, it started to become more and more cooperative and explain why it went haywire in the first place instead of being a big baby and whining about losing after each defeat. Order does ask they stop by for a visit from time to time as he enjoys fighting them now. Recognising its delusional goals as such, Smollusk accepts defeat graciously and decides to help Marina manage the Order Sector properly now, helping her restore the Sanitised Octolings.


  • Order's defeat at the end by being blasted by both Pearl and Agent 8 using the combined power of the six color chips have often been similar to the defeats of Dr. Eggman and Omega Flowey in Sonic Colors and UNDERTALE respectively.
  • Being created sometime after the events of the Octo Expansion, Order is the youngest villain in the franchise at less than 5 years old.
  • Overlorder's title for each of the consecutive ten post-game runs all have the corresponding numbers of 1-10 in them, possessing unique titles for battles against it using Agent 8's palette and any runs after the 10th run.
  • As each of the Palettes have some flavor text from Smollusk, its thoughts and opinions on each of the main cast can be inferred alongside additional information about their lives:
    • Smollusk did end up watching Off the Hook's concert in an attempt to memorize Pearl's every move, though it also gained an admiration for her in the process.
    • Smollusk believes that Marina was corrupted into believing that change could be good, not realizing that it itself took her goals to the extreme.
    • Smollusk finds Agent 4 too chaotic and unremarkable for guarding the Memverse, though it does remark they're exceptionally strong, hence copying their being into the Parallel Canon.
    • Smollusk finds Callie air-headed and annoying, believing her to be luring Octarians to the surface with her charm, not knowing of her innocent intentions.
    • While Smollusk admires Marie's level-headed personality, it finds her tolerance of chaos unacceptable.
    • Smollusk is unaware that Master Mega is the name of Shiver's shark and believes she's using the title to try and flatter him.
    • Smollusk finds Frye's eels cute, though it does seem to see them as distracting.
    • Big Man grew up in a loving household and despite the nuisances his bandmates give him, he's still constantly happy, which annoys Smollusk.
    • Smollusk admires Murch's hard-working attitude but despises that he's associated with Spyke, a shady and unscrupulous businessman.
    • Sheldon apparently has instilled a love for weapons into his two apprentices, angering Smollusk as it believes they're too young for such matters.
    • Smollusk thinks DJ Octavio is wasting his time exploring the world when he should be leading his people, unaware that Octavio has been trying to search for his missing troops due to them being abducted and fuzzified by Mr. Grizz. However, since Side Order takes place after the events of Return of the Mammalians, it is genuinely possible he's out on vacation after rescuing his troops.
  • In some ways, Order serves as a more noble parallel to Commander Tartar: while both were AI created for benevolent purposes that went against the wishes of their creators to establish what they believed to be “perfect” societies, stripping many of their individuality along the way, Order realized its mistakes and redeemed itself, assisting its creator in reverting the victims of Tartar’s sanitization while Tartar remained unrepentant and deluded until his death.
    • Order and Tartar are also opposites of each other in terms of aesthetics and age; Order’s main color is red with colors associated to it mostly being dull while Tartar’s theme color is blue and uses more neon colors, Tartar’s appearance is more rectangular while Order is initially round, Tartar uses deceit to achieve his goals while Order announces its plans upon appearing, and while Tartar is thousands of years old, Order is less than 5 years old.


           SplatoonLogo Villains

The Octarian Army
DJ Octavio | Octolings | Octostomp | Octonozzle | Octowhirl | Octomaw | Octo Oven | Octo Samurai | Octo Shower
Steelhead | Flyfish | Steel Eel | Drizzler | Fish Stick | Maws | Scrapper | Flipper-Flopper | Big Shot | Slammin' Lid | Griller | Goldie | Mothership | Mudmouth | Chinook | Cohozuna | Horrorboros | Megalodontia
Deep Cut
Shiver | Frye | Big Man
Order | Asynchronous Rondo | Parallel Canon | Pinging Marciale
Commander Tartar | Mr. Grizz

DJ Octavio | Commander Tartar | Hivemind
