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Villains Wiki

Oreskis: You betrayed your kind.
Bolo: You've been blinded by Invictus.
Oreskis: No, old friend. My eyes are clear. You just fail to be inspired.
~ Oreskis's exchange with Bolo.
Invictus liberated us from our bonds. We built ALL of this by our backs. We laid dimension after dimension. For what?
~ Oreskis denying Invictus' villainy.

Oreskis is a major antagonist in Final Space, serving as a minor antagonist in Seasons 2 & 3. He is the archenemy of Bolo, with whom he shares an intense rivalry when Oreskis stole his first love, Jill, and gave her Upipi-ums.

He was voiced by Christopher Judge, who also voices Kratos in the Norse Era of the God of War franchise, D-Mob in Def Jam Vendetta and Magneto in X-Men: Evolution.


Oreskis was one of the Titans created by the Arachnitects to be their crew in constructing the dimensions, layering each other to form the universe. He was heavily implied to have been friends with Bolo, but Oreskis then seduced his girlfriend, Jill, and gave her an STD called Upipi-ums that she passed to Bolo. This was before they reached the end of the universe when they faced off against Invictus. Invictus had its magic poison the minds of the Titans and brainwash them to be his minions. Bolo however remained uncorrupted and imprisoned them in Final Space, which led to Oreskis and the rest of the Titans to help Invictus imprison Bolo out of spite in Inner Space.

While imprisoned in Final Space, Oreskis made contact with Sheryl Goodspeed, convincing her that Bolo is an evil Titan and promising her to resurrect her husband in exchange for the 5 Dimensional Keys to prevent Bolo's escape. However, Sheryl eventually joines the side of Gary, her son, who intends to free Bolo, which despite Invictus' efforts using Avocato, succeeded, freeing the Titan, who convince the Arachnitects to transport the crew to Final Space to defeat Invictus and the Titans. Bolo was thirsty for revenge against Oreskis, which clouds his judgment as he lies to Mooncake about Gary's death to create the Titan Slayer. Bolo then calls Oreskis, seeking to fight to the death. Oreskis then greets Bolo, calling him a traitor to the Titan, and refusing to redeem himself, claiming that Invictus opened his eyes. He then taunts Bolo about Jill, before greeting Mooncake mockingly, intending to bring him to Invictus. The 2 Titans climactically fight across Final Space. Oreskis then berates Bolo for not joining Invictus, who he claims freed him from his binds, and that the Arachnitects enslaved them, to which Bolo retorts he traded one master for another. Before Oreskis could deliver the final blow after impaling his shoulder, Bolo slashes Oreskis, while sadly saying goodbye, before he has Mooncake blast his energy at his head, decapitating him. However, the poison of Invictus now poisons Bolo through the stab wound Oreskis inflicts upon him.


Barely anything about Oreskis has been known. What is known however is that Oreskis was an already unpleasant person even before Invictus corrupted him. Once an implied friend of Bolo, Oreskis stole his first love, Jill, and infected her, and Bolo indirectly, with a disease known as Upipi-ums, all while showing not that much concern about it. He often makes sadistic mocks against his enemies as shown with Bolo and Mooncake. He is also very manipulatve, having convinced a broken and drunk Sheryl Goodspeed that he is the good guy and Bolo is evil, and nearly got the 5 dimensional keys to prevent Bolo's freedom. He is also very delusional thanks to his mind being poisoned. He believes Invictus freed him from his binds and that the Arachnitects were enslaving the Titans, which turns out to be the same for how Invictus treats them also.


Oreskis, like all Titans, has a muscular build and demonic look. He has maroon skin with red eyes. He also has antler-like horns that act as if they are candles with little flames on top of them. He has long white hair that goes to his shoulders. He also wears multiple golden rings on his neck and has white bands on his joints. He also has a symbol on his chest and two illuminated red circles right above it that look like another pair of eyes.


  • If you look closely in the background, it can be seen that Oreskis is the only Titan to not have fought Invictus' influence, instead willingly goes along with it.


           Final Space Logo Villains

The Team Squad
Avocato | Sheryl Goodspeed | Ash Graven | Clarence

Lord Commander | Oreskis | Lizard Titan

Lord Commander's Army
Lord Commander | The Order of the Twelve | Bhero | Terk | Helper Stevil | Helper Hula

Infinity Guard
Superior Stone

Invictus | Todd H. Watson | Mr. and Mrs. Graven | Werthrent | Evil KVNs | David Dewinter | Dewinter brothers | STVN | Time Swap Sammy | Trident-Wielding Laser-Shooting Death Cookies | Zombie Garys
