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You are still breathing. I must treat you quickly. Krat cannot have any more live patients. Trust me. It's better this way. It's far nobler to die as a human.
~ The Owl Doctor to P.

The Owl Doctor is a major antagonist in the 2023 video game Lies of P.


Originally an experienced doctor in a romantic relationship with Adelina Corday, the Doctor tried to save his love by having her escape to his safe house after the Puppet Frenzy began. Instead, Adelina chose to sing one last song, which is what would later lead to her being infected by the Petrification Disease.

After the Doctor accidentally helped the Alchemists create said disease, he went mad with guilt and became a serial killer, killing anyone with a pulse, as he saw that Krat was doomed anyway, and being dead now was better than living.

He would eventually meet his end at the hands of P, who killed him during their fight after the puppet found the mad doctor.



Simon Manus | Laxasia | Champion Victor | Giangio | Walker of Illusions | Door Guardian | Clark Shore

Parade Master | Scrapped Watchman | King's Flame, Fuoco | Nameless Puppet | Arlecchino

Mad Donkey | Survivor | Red Fox and Black Cat | The Black Rabbit Brotherhood | White Lady | Owl Doctor | Robber Weasel

Giuseppe Geppetto | Archbishop Andreus | Green Monster of the Swamp | Carcasses | Adelina Corday | Parrot
