Owlman is an alternate reality version of Batman and a Major antagonist of the 2009 animated Tv show Batman and the Brave and the bold, serving as the overarching antagonist of "Deep Cover for Batman!" and the main antagonist of "Game Over for Owlman!". He is the leader of the Injustice League, who after retrieving pieces of the phase oscillator, Owlman traveled to Batman's world to understand the environment before invading it. However, he was caught and defeated by Batman. As Batman was trying to stop his teammates, Owlman escape his imprisonment, disguised himself as Batman, and went on a crime spree turning Batman's closest allies against him. Owlman. He is the archenemy of Red Hood.
Owlman lead the Injustice League and had once dealt a major defeat to Red Hood. Owlman planned to use retrieve materials to make the phase oscillator so that travel to parallel earths, invade them, and conquer them. After fighting the Red Hood and getting the phase oscillator, Owlman traveled to Batman's Earth. He entered the Batcave and fought against Batman until the latter defeated him and imprisoned him. As Batman took Owlman's costume and go to his world to stop his teammates, Owlman escaped his imprisonment and took on Batman's disguise.
While Batman was away for about two weeks, Owlman managed to go on a major crime spree under Batman's disguise making Batman the biggest criminal in Gotham and turning his allies such as Green Arrow, Blue Beatle, and Aquaman against him. After Owlman was caught stealing, Batman confronted and fought him. Owlman escaped. Batman allied with the Joker to go against Owlman as the latter continued to commit crimes in Gotham. Eventually, Owlman teamed up with multiple villains including Black Manta, Gorilla Grodd, the Brain, Gentleman Ghost, the Clock King, and others. During Owlman's confrontation with Batman and the Joker, Owlman was able to win over Joker's allegiance so that the latter can kill Batman. Although Owlman and the other supervillains thought they killed Batman, Batman teleported to another universe and managed to make allies with his good counterparts and returned to his own world to fight against Owlman and his allies. The battle escalated to the point where Owlman got distracted by the Joker and was caught in a trap by Batman leading to his defeat. As the other supervillains are escorted away by the police, Owlman is detained and escorted away by the other alternate reality Batmans back to his original world.
- His cowl resembles Wolverine’s cowl.
- His chest emblem resembles Terry McGinnis Batman's chest emblem.
External Links[]
- Owlman on the Magnificent Baddie Wiki
Villains | ||
Joker | Music Meister | Catwoman | Penguin | Mr. Freeze | Equinox | Clayface | Cluemaster | Riddler | Poison Ivy | Lex Luthor | Flower Children | Fun Haus | Harley Quinn | Morgaine Le Fey | Sweet Tooth | Queenie Goldstein | Bane | Kite Man | King Tut | Black Manta | Gentleman Ghost | Astaroth | Slug | Joe Chill | Major Force | Mirror Master | Gorilla Grodd | Monsieur Mallah | Metallo | Brainiac | Felix Faust | Flamingo | Fisherman | Mr. Mxyzptlk | Toyman | Thinker | Doctor Sivana | Mister Mind | Black Adam | Baby Face | Ocean Master | Injustice Syndicate | Owlman | Silver Cyclone | Blue Bowman | Scarlet Scarab | Psycho-Pirate | Kanjar-Ro | Terrible Trio (Fox, Vulture & Shark) | The Faceless Hunter | Starro | Darkseid | Mongul | Mongal | Steppenwolf | Time Trapper | Tiger Shark | Gambler |