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Villains Wiki
NOTE: This article is about the portrayal of the Package Thief in the video, NOT the actual person in real life.
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The Package Thief is a minor antagonist of Plainrock124's videos, only appearing as the main antagonist of creepy backyard mystery..., where he stole packages from a random person, ran away, and put the packages by the side of King Liang's shed to ditch them and run off.


King Liang one day spots a pile of packages lying against the shed in his backyard. He goes out and collects the boxes to which he finds out they are packages. He leaves the boxes outside while thinking he may be messing up a murder scene, but still takes the stuff inside to look. He finds a mop and a bucket that was already unboxed by the thief, a storage container, a Ninja Waffle Maker, and a window privacy film. The maker was still inside it's box. He wonders if there are body parts inside of the box but there isn't.

King puts in the tracking number, which all were torn in half, but the first four numbers were all the same. He finds out they were taking on August 10th, at around 11:58. The website then shuts down so he talks to the camera for a bit. At first he thought it was one of his neighbors but he realized no sane person would throw out perfectly good products, and assumes the thief put them by his shed out of plain sight to ditch them and get away, to attempt to incriminate him as well. He finds the man that took the packages in his backyard camera. The Owner of the packages said they chased the person, who jumped through multiple yards, ditched the packages, and hid under a porch until he was caught.

By the time the video came out, he was awaiting trail in jail.

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  • Stealing Packages



           Plainrock124Title Villains

Main/Supporting Characters
King Liang | King's Mom | Timmy | Timmy's Mom | Feminist Jones | KoolKid69 | Sonic Fan | PlayStation Fan | Ned A Lyfe | Teacher | TechRax124 | TheH0t0ne | YouTube Copyright

Chef | Dan Schneider | DKOldies | Fat Customer | Plainrock124 L.L.C (Plainrock124's Intern)
(Plainrock124 L.L.C Shooter)
(Plainrock124 L.L.C Pervert)
| Tax Police | Thief King | Taylor Swift | Windows 10 | Robber | Nintendo CEO of Russia | Sony | Soccer Goalie | Asian Video Game Nerd | The Trail | Package Thief | Protesters | Intendo CEO of Japan | Animal Crossing House Ghost | U-Haul | Walmart Shooter

Chris the MacBook | Daddy Xbox | Daddy Duke Controller | iPhone 5s | iPad 5 | MacBook Pro 2011 | MacBook Air | Wii | Wii U | Subaru Impreza | Canon Powershot G7X Mark II | Siri | DS Lite | Android
