Paleolith Basra is a Paleolithic stone tool/black bass-themed Jamen Beast of the Dark Empire Yodonheim, released from the invasion gate created from the dark energy gathered by Neanderthal Man Jamen. Also its the main antagonist in episode 4 of 2020 TV series called Mashin Sentai Kiramager.
Paleolith Basra made its first appearance when it used its Stone Tusk and destroyed a building. However the team arrived as they formed Kiramaizin and battle this monster.
As the giant battle rages on Paleolith Basra used its Stone Tusk and tied the Megazord up. However unknown to the team this Jamen Beast is part of Galza's plan to buy him time as he tricks his daughter into attaching the crystal with the fallen meteorite.
However Juru used Gemini doll to take his place during the giant battle as he goes and save the princess from her brainwashed uncle. Thankfully they used the sword to cut themselves free from the beasts binding.
A while later during the robot battle the Paleolith Basra manage to catch up to Kiramaizin however unknown to the beast it was in the line of fire from this megazord finisher called Burn Blacker and after that it was then destroyed by the Smog Jouki.
- Paleolith Basra's horns give him a slightly similar look to King Silvergon from the Ultra Series.
- Paleolith Basra is the first fish-themed monster since Samon Shakekisutanchin from 2018 TV series called Kaitou Sentai Lupinranger VS Keisatsu Sentai Patranger.