“ | Welcome to Romulus Captain Picard. | „ |
~ Pardek, introducing himself to Captain Picard |
Pardek was a Romulan antagonist introduced in the Star Trek: The Next Generation episode Unification, Part I. He was played by Malachi Throne, who had voiced the Talosian Keeper and played Commodor Mendez in Star Trek.
He was born in the early 23rd century, and by the 2260s he was a Senator in the Senate of the Romulan Empire. Pardek would remain as a Senator for over 90 years. Pardek was unorthodox in his views, advocating peace and establishing a reputation as a "man of the people" due to his paying close attention to the people in the Krocton Segment he represented.
During the Khitomer Conference he served as an aide to the Tal-Shiar agent known as Nanclus. After that agent was exposed as being part of the Khitomer Conspiracy and arrested, Pardek became the Romulan representative at the conference. During the conference he met Spock and struck up a friendship of sorts, hoping that someone day he could manipulate Spock in a way to serve the Empire.
In the 2360s the Romulans hatched a plan to use the unification movement that sought to have the Vulcan and Romulan peoples peacefully reunify to expose members of the movement, and launch an invasion of Vulcan. Pardek ingratiated himself with the unification movement, and used his friendship with Spock to lure the Federation Ambassador to Romulus. Spock came to Romulus, with Captain Jean-Luc Picard and Commander Data following soon behind to figure out what Spock was doing. After meeting with Neral, Spock realized the Romulan government was up to something, and when they were exposed Spock realized that Pardek had betrayed him and the unification movement.
Neral and Commander Sela used intelligence gathered by Pardek to carry out a series of purges against the Krocton Segment, killing a large number of unification movement members. However, the core of the movement was unharmed and gathered in hiding places that Pardek had never seen. Spock continued his work with the unification movement while Data and Picard returned to the Federation.
Presumably Pardek continued in his service to the Empire. However, he ultimately failed in his goal as the Romulans peacefully reunited with their Vulcan cousins many years later.
First Splinter Timeline[]
Pardek continued to serve in the Romulan Senate following his betrayal of Spock. He survived the assassination of the Senate by Shinzon, however the following year he was killed by the Tal-Shiar in the Hall of State on Romulus.