“ | "Hah! That all ends today! Because my current opponent's Kinnikuman, who everyone calls the strongest wrestler in the universe! I've already assimilated everything he has and have surpassed him! I'll never need to be a baby ever again! I've been reborn as the true "Perfect Fright"!" | „ |
~ Peek-a-Boo to Strong the Budo |
Peek-a-Boo is a minor antagonist in the Perfect Origin Arc of the manga series Kinnikuman.
Most of Peek-a-Boo's past is unknown. What is known is that at some point he travelled to Mount Saint Parfait where he impressed Mirageman to the point he was turned into a Perfect Chojin and he would work his way up the ranks until he became a member of the Perfect Large Numbers.
The Man would constantly erase Peek-a-Boo's memories, reverting him back to an infant in order to make him be able to adapt to every opponent he fights with his infant learning ability.
Kinnikuman (2011)[]
Peek-a-Boo joined a portion of the Perfect Large Numbers led by Strong the Budo on their assault on the Justice Chojin, wanting to start a war so they could personally subjugate them because of their unexpected power.
After Max Radial was defeated, Peek-a-Boo and the rest of the first corp of the Perfect Large Numbers would spread across the globe, waiting to fight the best of the Justice Chojin with Peek-a-Boo waiting at the Ryogoku Sumo Hall to fight Kinnikuman.
Peek-a-Boo's infant-like behavior made Kinnikuman lower his guard before he started to beat on him. Kinnikuman got up and started to fight back, quickly learning that Peek-a-Boo had no wrestling skills and all of his attacks landed on him easily, however, Peek-a-Boo was learning and adapting to all of Kinnikuman's techniques, using them against him when putting him into a chokehold before suplexing him to the ground, giving him a concussion.
Peek-a-Boo starts to counter all of Kinnikuman's attacks and delivers multiple power attacks on Kinnikuman, Meat figures out what Peek-a-Boo's ability was to learn quickly. Peek-a-Boo's features become less baby-like and he starts to look more like an adult.
Kinnikuman became insulted that Peek-a-Boo could quickly learn the techniques that he put his life into mastering, Kinnikuman used the Kinniku Buster to try and beat Peek-a-Boo but Peek-a-Boo reversed it, slamming Kinnikuman to the ground and damaged him heavily. Kinnikuman tried to fight back but Peek-a-Boo used on of Kinnikuman's techniques that he has never shown off before, revealing that Peek-a-Boo has learned all of Kinnikuman's techniques.
After realising that Kinnikuman was running out of techniques, Peek-a-Boo used a piledriver on Kinnikuman, almost knocking him out. Peek-a-Boo then turned to Strong the Budo and said that he refused to have his memories sealed away again but Strong the Budo said that it was because he kept being reset to an infant that he was as skilled as he was.
Kinnikuman stood back up and Peek-a-Boo leapt at him, Kinnikuman caught him, wanting to use a special technique but he couldn't muster up the strength so he just threw Peek-a-Boo to the ground with Peek-a-Boo not actually countering, hitting the ground and lightly damaging, confusing both him and Kinnikuman why he fell for such a standard technique.
Peek-a-Boo called this a fluke and tried to beat Kinnikuman. When Kinnikuman ran at him, Peek-a-Boo thought he would use an advanced technique but instead, Kinnikuman used a simple kick which directly hit him. This made Kinnikuman realise that Peek-a-Boo had only learned highly advanced techniques but not any standard wrestling moves. Kinnikuman started to use standard moves on Peek-a-Boo, much to his annoyance.
Peek-a-Boo tried using Kinnikuman's Space Flight technique to throw him into space, but Kinnikuman held onto Peek-a-Boo's arm. He then used his Fuu Rin Ka Zan move, beating down Peek-a-Boo and making Kinnikuman win the match.
Peek-a-Boo asked to learn why exactly he lost before he killed himself. Kinnikuman would reveal that it was fighting Peek-a-Boo reminded him of his master Prince Kamehame, using the techniques and lessons from his deceased master in order to win, their bond of friendship giving him the edge over Peek-a-Boo who was the stronger opponent. Kinnikuman also said that Neptuneman also learned this lesson and became stronger because of it and that Peek-a-Boo should speak to Neptuneman to learn the same lessons that he did.
Peek-a-Boo, hearing this, didn't want to end his own life, he wanted to continue living in order to grow in strength. Strong the Budo refused to let him do so, Peek-a-Boo argued that this would make him and the Perfect Chojin stronger but Strong the Budo saw this as a weakness and that Kinnikuman had corrupted another Perfect Chojin before continuing his fight against The Mountain who he easily beat and killed.
Kinnikuman was going to travel to the stadium to await the rest of the Perfect Large Numbers but Peek-a-Boo refused afraid that he would be killed by Strong the Budo but after being encouraged by Meat that going through adversities would make him stronger, he agreed.
Once the second corp of the Perfect Large Numbers arrived, Peek-a-Boo tried to convince them that him dying after one loss was pointless but they disagreed. Nemesis stepped forward to kill him, using the Muscle Spark in order to do so but Kinnikuman leapt under the move, saving Peek-a-Boo's life.
Once the rest of the Justice Chojin appeared, Peek-a-Boo would be taken to the ICU to have his wounds treated. Peek-a-Boo would watch the fights between the Justice Chojin, Devil Chojin and Perfect Chojin. The day before Kinnikuman and Nemesis' fight, Peek-a-Boo and Neptuneman would show up to encourage Kinnikuman that he wasn't weak and that he could fight on par with Nemesis.
After Nemesis lost, Peek-a-Boo tried to convince him that he didn't need to die and that his life was too valuable to the Perfect Chojin for him to die for losing one fight. Nemesis disagreed, thinking that he deserved to die after ordering that the other members of the Perfect Large Numbers should die and even killing Polarman. Once The Man stepped into the ring to kill Nemesis tried to convince him to spare him but thankfully Neptuneman and Akuma Shogun intervened, saving his life.
After The Man and Akuma Shogun fought, Peek-a-Boo would help The Man get back to the Chojin Graveyard.
Powers and Abilities[]
- Perfect Chojin Physiology: As a Chojin blessed by The Man himself, Peek-a-Boo has immense strength, speed and durability far above most other Chojin who already have the ability to perform superhuman feats. Additionally, due to being a Perfect Chojin, Peek-a-Boo doesn't age at all, staying at his peak physical age after millions of years. Other abilities that Chojin have that Peek-a-Boo likely have are the ability to grow to be as large as a building and the ability to fly without wings or thrusters, even in the vacuum of space.
- Enhanced Infant Learning: Because Peek-a-Boo is mentally an infant during his fights, he quickly learns and grows up, making him be able to instantly learn advanced wrestling techniques, making him one of the most skilled wrestlers, however, this only lasts as long as Peek-a-Boo is mentally an infant, the second he grows up, he grows out of his enhanced learning ability.