“ | It's all in your mind. | „ |
~ The teaser for Phantom Chica and Foxy. |
“ | Look, this place will give you the spooks, man, and if you let that ventilation go offline, then you'll start seeing some crazy stuff, man. | „ |
~ Phone Dude foreshadowing the Phantom animatronics. |
The Phantom Animatronics are one of the two secondary antagonists (alongside Shadow Freddy) of Five Nights at Freddy's 3 and minor antagonists in Ultimate Custom Night and Five Nights at Freddy's VR: Help Wanted.
They are burnt hallucinations of various animatronics created by Fazbear Entertainment that haunt the Fazbear's Fright Security Guard. They are one of the few animatronics in series which can't kill the player. According to Fazbear Frights novels, it's heavily implied they were somehow created by Springtrap, so he could have an easier way of killing the guard. While others believed that they're simply created by agony, dark negative emotion of remnant. It's unknown what happened to them after Fazbear's Fright burned down, although it's implied they vanished, either because the guard stopped being scared of them and/or Springtrap stopped summoning them.
The Phantoms are burnt, withered, ghostly entities with charred colors and greenish hues, possibly foreshadowing the fire that will demolish Fazbear's Fright. All of them have empty eyes with grayish irises and white pupils, just like Springtrap. When jumpscaring the player, they suddenly turn black-and-white (excluding Phantom Puppet, who lacks a jumpscare).
Phantom Freddy[]

Phantom Freddy is a ghost version of the Freddy Fazbear animatronic. He looks incredibly like Withered Golden Freddy, with the only true difference being a missing leg and different coloring to match the other Phantoms, and pupils. His mouth is usually seen hanging open.
Starting from Night 2, Phantom Freddy appears, taking a walk across the window in front of the player. The player has to view either the monitor or the maintenance panel to avoid him - If they don't do so, Phantom Freddy will jumpscare them, disabling either the sound, audio or ventilation; however, in the later nights, he becomes powerful enough to disable all three.
Phantom Freddy is one of the three Phantom animatronics to return in Ultimate Custom Night. Over time, he will slowly manifest into the office, and the player needs to shine their flashlight at him to make them go away. Otherwise, he will attack and jumpscare them, forcing the player to reset their ventilation. The higher his AI and the higher the temperature, the more often he will appear.
He returns in Five Nights at Freddy's VR: Help Wanted in what is currently his last outing. He only appears in the FNAF 3 mode, has the same mechanic as in the original game. Interestingly enough, his model was changed; instead of being a burnt Withered Golden Freddy, he instead looks like Classic Freddy from the very first game.
Phantom Chica[]

Phantom Chica is a ghost version of the Chica the Chicken animatronic, and is a complete recolor of her with no changes other than the colors and eyes. Due to the way her head looks, the fans have started calling her a watermelon, with it even being joked on in Phantom Chica's loading screen in FNAF World. She holds some of the smallest relevance in the entire Phantom cast, her only important outing being her debut, and being a cameo at best and completely absent at worst following it (unless one counts the RPG spin-off FNAF World).
Starting from Night 3, Phantom Chica will appear on CAM 07 in the arcade machine's screen. If the player does not change the camera, she will jumpscare the player the second they turn left towards the maintenance panel, disabling the ventilation system. The frequency of her appearing on CAM 07 grows with each night.
Phantom Chica does not return in Ultimate Custom Night as a customizable animatronic. However, in the FNAF 3-styled office, she appears as a background element, her face being seen in the arcade machine in the back.
Phantom Chica is completely absent in Five Nights at Freddy's VR: Help Wanted, being one of the only two Phantoms which didn't return (the only other being Phantom Puppet).
Phantom Foxy[]

Phantom Foxy is a ghost version of the Foxy the Pirate animatronic. Like the other Phantoms, he is a recolored version of Withered Foxy, except missing his right arm. Like Chica, he is one of the least recurring Phantoms.
Starting from Night 3, Phantom Foxy is a threat, but there is no way to predict his attack. If the player stares at the cameras too long, Phantom Foxy will lunge at and attack them, making him one of the more dangerous Phantoms due to him forcing the player to use the cameras as rarely as possible.
After being absent from Ultimate Custom Night, Phantom Foxy makes his long-awaited return in Five Nights at Freddy's VR: Help Wanted, where he appears in the FNAF 3 mode, with his mechanic being exactly the same. Interestingly, just like Phantom Freddy, he is reusing Foxy's FNAF 1 model rather than his Withered version. He is also missing both his legs, yet his feet remain, making him look like he's floating.
Phantom Balloon Boy[]

“ | GUESS WHO? | „ |
~ The text on Phantom BB's teaser. |
Phantom Balloon Boy is a ghost version of the Balloon Boy animatronic, except missing the balloon and sign. He can be considered one of the more iconic Phantoms, partially because he appears frequently, partially because he's a far cry from his original counterpart, who didn't even have a jumpscare (although this BB can't kill you either).
Starting from Night 2 and excluding the vent cameras, Phantom BB can appear in every camera, blocking the entire view with his face, which becomes more frequent every night. If the player looks at him for too long, he will purposefully put down the monitor and jumpscare them, turning off the ventilation system.
Phantom BB returns in both Ultimate Custom Night and Five Nights at Freddy's VR: Help Wanted, where he retains his original mechanic from FNAF 3. Interestingly enough, the FNAF VR version of Phantom Balloon Boy lacks legs, although has his "Balloons!" sign back.
Phantom Mangle[]

Phantom Mangle is a ghost version of the Mangle animatronic, and she is a complete recolor of the original. What's worth to note is that, because due to not appearing in the Extras menu for unknown reasons, Phantom Mangle lacks an official render.
Starting from Night 2, Phantom Mangle will appear at CAM 04, hanging from the ceiling. If the player looks at her for long enough, she will peak out of the window and emit a loud, screeching noise while triggering an audio error and making it impossible for the player to hear Springtrap due to how loud she is. With each night, the player gets less time to react and switch the camera.
Phantom Mangle returns in Ultimate Custom Night, where she have the same mechanic as in the original game, except she can appear on every camera. The loud noise Phantom Mangle will make will anger the animatronics who's mechanics revolve around the noise meter, such as Music Man or Lefty.
She returns once again in Five Nights at Freddy's VR: Help Wanted, although only in the FNAF 3 mode. She has a completely different mechanic than beforehand, appearing in the vent cameras and jumpscaring the player if they don't look away, causing a ventilation error. This is the first time Phantom Mangle's full body is shown, although it received a very slight redesign, retaining some of the original Mangle's white coloring.
Phantom Puppet[]

Phantom Puppet is a ghost version of the Puppet animatronic and are a complete recolor. She is the least recurring Phantom animatronic in the series, because she appeared only once in the entire series and never returned (unless one counts the RPG spin-off FNAF World). Despite this, she is considered the most dangerous.
As mentioned above, her first and only outing is in Five Nights at Freddy's 3. Starting from Night 4, she will appear at CAM 08: although strangely, she has the model of the original Puppet from Five Nights at Freddy's 2. If the player stares at her for too long, she will put down the monitor by force and stare in the player's face for around 17 seconds straight while making a loud noise, giving Springtrap enough time to move towards the office. The player can't use the monitor or maintenance panel while this is happening, and once Phantom Puppet leaves, she will start a ventilation error. What's worth noting is that Phantom Freddy and Phantom Foxy can attack the player while they're being distracted by Phantom Puppet.
The fact that on CAM 08, we can see the original Puppet and not the Phantom Puppet, as well as the fact that she has a reflection on the floor, has led to a few theories, which claim that the Puppet has actually travelled to Fazbear's Fright by herself, which is supported by Phone Guy saying they "can go anywhere", as well as the Puppet's motives revolving around freeing the souls of the dead children.
Other Appearances[]
FNAF World[]
All six of the Phantoms appear in this non-canon RPG spin-off as unlockable characters who need to be defeated to be recruited.
- Phantom Freddy - His attacks are Gloom Song (temporarily decreases the attack power of all enemies), Sludge (temporarily decreases the speed of all enemies) and Rainy Day (temporarily decreases defence of all enemies). As none of his attacks do actual harm, he's pretty much useless in combat, although he can still help more powerful characters due to lowering status effects.
- Phantom Chica - Her attacks are Toxic Bite (poisons two enemies), Sludge and Unscrew (30% chance to insta-kill one enemy). While she is pretty useful at the beginning of the game, she should be replaced with better characters once they are unlocked as her attacks won't be useful later on.
- Phantom Foxy - His attacks are Jumpscare (stuns all enemies), Toxic Bite and Unscrew. Like Phantom Chica, he is a good character to use early in the game, although should be swapped out once more powerful ones are unlocked as his attacks won't do much good in late-game areas.
- Phantom Mangle - Her attacks are Toxic Bite, Mystery Box (swaps out all party members for random characters) and Pizza Wheel 2 (deals massive damage to all enemies). She is overall a pretty good, although risky character; while Pizza Wheel 2 and Toxic Bite might come in handy when dealing with opponents, Mystery Box has a chance of swapping out all characters for weaker ones.
- Phantom Balloon Boy - His attacks are Toxic Balloon (poisons a single enemy), Gloom Balloon (temporarily decreases the attack power of one enemy) and Rainy Day. He can be called a stronger Phantom Freddy, if only because he can deal actual damage to opponents with Toxic Balloon but should be swapped out with a more powerful character when given the opportunity.
- Phantom Puppet - Her attacks are Jumpscare, Hot Cheese 2 (massive overtime damage to all enemies) and Mystery Box 2 (swaps out all party members for random, but stronger characters). Even after more powerful characters are unlocked, Phantom Puppet is still a good and useful party member due to her powerful Hot Cheese 2 attack and the possibility of temporarily gaining even stronger party members with Mystery Box 2.
- By taking a closer look at Phantom Puppet's face, one can notice that Phantom Puppet appears to have a sad mouth rather than a happy one.
- It's been speculated by fans as to why there isn't a Phantom Bonnie. The most likely option is that the game already had a Bonnie animatronic in the form of Springtrap.
- Another reasonable reason, Scott Cawthon as the developer of FNaF has trauma with the rabbit mascot.
- Phantom Freddy and Phantom Foxy are the only Phantom Animatronics that have different designs in FNaF Help Wanted.
- As for Phantom Mangle and Phantom Balloon Boy, they are still maintain their appearance from original FNaF 3 game, with slight modifications.
- Phantom Chica, Phantom Foxy, and Phantom Puppet are the only Phantom Animatronics whom are absent in UCN.
- In FNaF 3, there is an easter egg where a slumped over Freddy suit appears in the left corner of the office. This lead to fans speculating it's a Phantom Golden Freddy, although in reality, it's Shadow Freddy as proven through the game files.
- The Fazbear Frights story What We Found implies Springtrap created the Phantoms so they could help him in killing the guard.
- However, one of famous theory is that the Phantom Animatronics were created from agony/dark remnants. This makes sense since agony itself can take physical form, and also act haunted objects without being possessed by any souls. The reason they jumpscare at the security guard in first place, were because they didn't want the security guard (whom is speculated to be either Michael Afton or Henry Emily) was found and killed by the hands of William Afton.
- These theory would make sense, because they also participate helped Cassidy tormenting William Afton in UCN. Meaning their existence were indeed created by agony, rather than just hallucinations.
- However, one of famous theory is that the Phantom Animatronics were created from agony/dark remnants. This makes sense since agony itself can take physical form, and also act haunted objects without being possessed by any souls. The reason they jumpscare at the security guard in first place, were because they didn't want the security guard (whom is speculated to be either Michael Afton or Henry Emily) was found and killed by the hands of William Afton.