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Alfred, this doesn't make any sense--- ahh, I don't give a crap, this is my 21st eggnog.
~ Phat Dawg ridiculing Alfred's retelling of the Story of Christmas.
Oh, look, a laser pointer! Those disrupt people! (Slaps Alfred and approaches cashier) I want a laser pointer.
~ Phat Dawg upon finding out the $1 store sells laser pointers.

Phat Dawg is the deuteragonist of the 2005 - 2007 era of Emily Youcis's Newgrounds animations.

He is a brown "Gangsta Dawg" who, along with his best friend, Alfred Alfer, would get up to mischief and indulge in drugs and drug dealing.

In Alfred Alfer and Phat Dawg, he, like Alfred, was voiced by his creator, Emily Youcis, who also voiced Labby in The Alfred Alfer Movie and herself in DA EMILY SHOW. In Alfred's StoryofChristmas, he was voiced by Lee Youcis.


Phat Dawg is a dopey cartoon dog of average height with brown fur, slightly lighter brown hair on his stomach and paws, a purple nose, sharp teeth and tired eyes, which often have red sclera as he is often high on marijuana, and when he isn't, his sclera are white.


Osama Gets Low[]

Osama Gets Low is Emily's very first Newgrounds upload, a music video featuring Phat Dawg, Alfred (named "Shizzle" at the time) and an unnamed third dog, along with several pop-culture celebrities and other relevant people at the time, all singing "Get Low". There doesn't seem to be a visible plot, but the description describes it as Phat Dawg and Co. taking the viewers "down the toilet on a journey through pop culture land".

Alfred Alfer and Phat Dawg[]

The animation begins with Phat Dawg and Alfred exploring the one dollar store, bewildered by the low prices of all the items. They eventually run across a laser pointer and excitedly go to pay for it, commencing a brief sequence of Alfred getting angry at the foreign cashier for his accent preventing Alfred from understanding what he's saying.

Phat Dawg and Alfred perch themselves on top of a building with their new laser pointer. Phat Dawg uses a pair of binoculars to search for someone to torment while Alfred shines the laser in his eyes and on his genitals. Phat Dawg decides upon a large man minding his own business in his apartment and snatches the pointer from Alfred, aiming it at the man. The man immediately assumes he's about to be shot and begins eating as much food as he can before he dies, which results in him choking and dying, much to the amusement of the dogs. They then aim the pointer into the apartment of a cat lady watching the ugly sweater shopping channel with her cats. The laser riles up the cats, which results in them tearing the lady to shreds. The lady reaches for the phone, presumably to call for help, but instead orders the ugly sweater she saw on TV.

Afterwards, Phat Dawg and Alfred go home and play with the pointer in a brief sequence, sitting on beanbags and laughing like stoners, treating the pointer like a blunt.

The dogs then go to a convenience store where a man is being arrested for unknown reasons. They aim the pointer at the convict and poke fun at him, Phat Dawg calling him gay and Alfred repeatedly calling him a loser. A policeman sees them and tells them that he's going to confiscate their pointer, which Alfred ignores and offers the officer five dollars for him to tase Alfred. The policeman ignores this and confiscates the pointer like he promised. The short then seems to end.

Alfred Gets Fixed[]

Alfred Gets Fixed begins with Alfred strapped to an operating table in a hospital, about to be castrated, when he decides to defy his fate, breaking free of his bonds and stabbing the doctor with a needle. He leaps off the table and runs through the hospital with Phat Dawg and many of the hospital patients cheering him on. He eventually comes upon a window to a field with vast, sprawling hills covered in flowers and green grass underneath a beautiful sunset. He leaps from the window, with Phat Dawg cheering for him excitedly, and it's revealed that the landscape in front of him is simply a billboard across the street, and Alfred falls a dozen floors to his death on the street below.

Perpetual Limbo of room[]

Phat Dawg and Alfred sit in the house from Alfred's Playhouse, with Phat Dawg smoking weed and Alfred excitedly looking around the room, rocking back and forth, while commercials play on the TV, getting progressively weirder while the video goes on. Alfred then attempts to leave, stating that he's going to "Rent The Sound Of Music for him and his best friend Phat Dawg", only to find out that by some weird phenomenon, he can't, and that he's stuck in the room forever.

This is the last official appearance of Phat Dawg, who disappears afterward, only appearing again in 2009 in an unreleased animation made in 2005 called Alfred's StoryofChristmas before disappearing from Emily's animations forever, which from that point on centred around Alfred and his trauma, mental illness and descent into villainy.

Father Oceana[]

In this short, Phat Dawg is referred to as "Black Person Alfred", so it's unclear whether it's meant to be a black version of Alfred or Phat Dawg. This short is more or less "Jesus Christ Porn Star", but with Phat Dawg instead of Alfred and "Father Oceana" instead of Paul Thomas. Instead of Phat Dawg being saved from Father Oceana by Jesus Christ, the short is instead cut off by Emily Youcis' trademark Metapocalypse porn.

Alfred's StoryofChristmas[]

Phat Dawg and Alfred are spending Christmas together when Alfred tries to tell Phat Dawg his own distorted rendition of the Story of Christmas, which Phat Dawg doesn't want to hear about, but ultimately reluctantly agrees.

Alfred starts to tell his own rendition of A Visit from St. Nicholas, which Phat Dawg shuts down immediately when Alfred begins talking about his porn-addicted older brother. Alfred then tries to tell his own version of A Christmas Carol where Scrooge and the Ghosts of Christmas Present, Past and Future all get high with Bob Marley.

Alfred is ultimately set on the right track by Phat Dawg, and finally starts stumbling through the Story of Christmas. When Alfred tells the story of Mary's impregnation, Phat Dawg notices that all the characters are played by him and Alfred, and questions why this is, with Alfred sadly stating that he doesn't know anybody else. When he starts to talk about Jesus's birth, the camera pans away before he can finish talking, which angers him.

Alfred tells the story of how Mary took Joseph to the Maurey Show and admitted that baby Jesus might not be Joseph's kid, which angers Joseph greatly as he's currently paying child support for the kid. Maurey reveals that God is the father of Jesus, to which Joseph gets up and dances to, and God is distraught. Phat Dawg criticises Alfred and tells him that Maurey and his show didn't exist two thousand years ago, which Alfred acknowledges and casually mentions that "It had been so long since he was there", much to Phat Dawg's confusion.

Alfred then goes on to start telling the story of Noah's Ark right in the middle of Mary and Joseph going to Bethlehem to give birth to Jesus, which prompts anger from Phat Dawg. Alfred then snaps at Phat Dawg and threatens to cry, to which Phat Dawg backs down and lets him continue. Alfred then speeds through the story of Noah's Ark, Moses and the Red Sea, the Lion's Den, and David and Goliath, before the story eventually spirals out into a retelling of Jack and the Beanstalk, and then Goldilocks and the Three Bears.

Phat Dawg cuts Alfred off and threatens to crap under the Christmas tree if he doesn't get to the birth of Jesus soon, which horrifies Alfred. Alfred tells the story of Moses (the Jewish one) goes on an acid trip and starts talking to 43rd President of the United States, George Bush, who takes on the form of a burning bush. Then Jesus is born, and an afterparty is thrown, with all of God's friends attending - The Tooth Fairy, The Easter Bunny, Chewbacca, Fidel Castra and Buddha, just to name a few. He then begins to tell the story of Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer until Phat Dawg tries to tell of Alfred for his inaccurate retelling again, but then collapses, completely drunk. Alfred finishes telling the story of Christmas, and saying that "Jesus will go down and history".

Buddha is then shown flying through the sky on Santa's sleigh, which is being pulled by Fidel Castra. Alfred recalls his teacher telling him that "Every time a bell rings, a teenage girl in America gets pregnant". Alfred then tells the audience to practise safe sex while Phat Dawg throws up, much to Alfred's delight, bringing the short to a close.


Phat Dawg is a laid back stoner who spends most of his time causing mischief and smoking weed with his best friend, Alfred. He enjoys teasing and annoying people, stating out loud that he only plans to buy a laser pointer for the sole purpose of disrupting others. He's rather reckless and has no forethought about what his actions could mean for the people around him, as shown when he inadvertently causes the death of an innocent man and the mauling of a woman with his laser pointer. He puts up with the antics of his friend Alfred begrudgingly and often seems annoyed at him for being silly, smacking him for no reason in the $1 shop, snatching the laser pointer from Alfred when he wants to use it and repeatedly interrupting his interpretation of the story of Christ, much to Alfred's annoyance. He seems to be completely oblivious to (or simply not care about) Alfred's struggle with sexual abuse and abandonment or his multiple personalities, or his massacre of the workers at his former job (although the canonicity of Phat Dawg still being around while these events unfolded is ambiguous).

As "Black Person Alfred", he's significantly more sociopathic and malicious, ready and willing to mutilate and murder Father Oceania simply for dancing.


Alfred: Wow, look at all the pointless crap you can buy for a dollar in here! Look, you can buy a dollar can opener... ooh, a dollar plastic fish! I don't know what THIS is, but I want it because it's only a dollar! Ooh, look, wigs.

Phat Dawg: Uhh... what kind of hair do you think they use to make those?

Alfred: I dunno, but it sure is greasy... and it kinda smells bad too. I think I'll rub my face on it.

~ Phat Dawg and Alfred exploring the $1 shop.
Hey, pass that over here. Ha ha ha, that's good.
~ Phat Dawg pretending the laser pointer is a blunt.
Hey, you stupid convict. What are you gonna do about it? ...that's right, nothing, because you're in the back of a police car! What are you gonna do when you get to jail, huh? You gonna drop the soap on purpose for your boyfriend's anniversary? When you go to jail, are you and your boyfriend gonna fight because you were flirting with the Mexicans? And then you're gonna... make him sleep on the top bunk? And the next morning, is your little boyfriend gonna cook you an omelet? Like... one with mushrooms and green peppers... one of those... top of the bun-ey things? Yeah, I know what you guys do in jail.
~ Phat Dawg teasing the convict outside the donut shop.
'Alfred: Gather around, children, and you shall hear a tale. The tale of the story of Christmas.

Phat Dawg: Eh, no thanks.

Alfred: Yeah, it’s the STORY OF CHRISTMAS.

Phat Dawg: Yeah, why are you telling me the story of Christmas?

Alfred: Gather around, children, and you shall hear a tale. The tale of the story of Christmas.

Phat Dawg: What children?!

Alfred: You might think that Christmas is about getting drunk off your ass at holiday parties, dressing in erotic Santa Claus suits, and shooting at carolers on your lawn. But what it's REALLY about, is Jesus being born, and that is the story I will tell you today!

Phat Dawg: Eh, it’s better than eating my throw up.

~ Alfred convincing Phat Dawg to hear about his story of Christmas.
Phat Dawg: Why are we playing all the characters?

Alfred: Because I don't know anyone else.

~ Phat Dawg inquiring about why he and Alfred are playing all the characters in Alfred's Christmas flashback.


  • Phat Dawg and the shorts he and Alfred appeared in have apparently been retconned from the Alfred Alfer canon as the plots of Alfred's Playhouse, Rise of Alfred and The Alfred Alfer Movie all revolve around Alfred's isolation, and that wouldn't make sense if Alfred still had a friend in Phat Dawg.
    • However, Emily has stated that she might bring Phat Dawg back. Considering that the last official Alfred media created was made in 2016, and almost more than a decade has passed, whether or not this is happening is unknown. (Citation needed)
  • Phat Dawg is the only Alfred villain (excluding the Doberman and Michael Jackson) to have no ties to the main Alfred narrative.
  • Phat Dawg and Alfred were based on a pair of ceramic dog figures that Emily played with as a child.
  • It could be theorised that with his reputation as a "Gangster" and the way he goes into detail about what's apparently going to happen to the convict in jail, Phat Dawg may have possibly been to jail and knew someone who formed a relationship with another man there (or possibly even did it himself).
    • However, there's nothing proving that Phat Dawg didn't only go into detail about a made-up gay relationship just to tease the convict.
  • It could also be theorised that the Alfred and Phat Dawg shorts ARE canon, and that Alfred's isolation-induced breakdowns, rampages and hallucinations could have still happened on account of the fact that Phat Dawg was an imaginary friend.
    • Throughout all of Alfred Alfer and Phat Dawg, Phat Dawg is never once spoken to by anybody except Alfred, who does all the talking when it comes to the cashier and the police officer.
      • During Osama Gets Low, Phat Dawg is barely ever seen getting up to wacky hijinks like Alfred and the Doberman.
        • Phat Dawg is somehow able to roam free through the hospital and piss on the wall without getting neutered unlike the other dogs during Alfred Gets Fixed (although this could be chalked up to the fact that he was simply visiting the hospital or was already fixed).
          • In Alfred's StoryofChristmas, Alfred explains to Phat Dawg that he doesn't know anybody else, which fits with the canon Alfred.
    • However, this theory likely has no chance of being believable with how, as previously mentioned, Phat Dawg was retconned.
  • Phat Dawg is one of the only Alfred Alfer villains with a speaking role (outside of a song or music video) to be voiced by someone other than Emily Youcis. In Alfred's StoryofChristmas, he is voiced by Emily's brother, Lee Youcis.
    • The others are the Playhouse Friends and Labby in Return to the Playhouse, which is the only other animation where Emily Youcis got a voice actor other than herself.
  • Phat Dawg is the only Alfred villain with no genuine evil intent, only hurting people out of negligence and stupidity by accident and failing whenever he does try.
    • The same could be said for Alfred with his sympathetic background. as well as his horrible illnesses that cause him to be easily manipulated by internal and external forces, although he still remains a force of malevolence after receiving the power and love he desperately sought after all his life (Noticeably more of a menace than ever before), meaning that to an extent, Alfred is still very evil.
  • In the description of Father Oceania, the Phat Dawg is referred to as "Black Person Alfred", even though it's clearly Phat Dawg. It's unclear whether "Black Person Alfred" is an alias for Phat Dawg or a version of Alfred who is black, although one could speculate that Father Oceania was made before Phat Dawg started to get phased out around 2009, and Emily decided to simply refer to the character as "Black Person Alfred" instead of bringing back Phat Dawg when she uploaded it in 2010.

External links[]

Phat Dawg on the Alfred Alfer wiki

Phat Dawg on the Alfred's Playhouse wiki


           AlfredAlferLogo Villains

Alfred Alfer's Alters and Aliases
Dictator Pickles | Lucifer, King of the Graveyard | Schoolgirl Alfie
Alfred Christ | Pimp Alfred

Alfred and Phat Dawg era (2005 - 2007)
Osama Gets Low
Alfred Alfer | Doberman | Michael Jackson | Phat Dawg
Rise of Alfred
Alfred Alfer (Dictator Alfred, The Souls of Hitler and Stalin) | Alfred's Parents | Burritobell Workers
Paul Thomas

Alfred's Playhouse era (2007 - 2011)
Alfred's Playhouse
Alfred Alfer | Dictator Pickles | Laverenti Beria | Playhouse Friends (Paul Thomas, Stalin, The Eggberts, The Littles) | Schoolgirl Alfie
Alfred Christ | Emily Youcis | Phat Dawg | Pimp Alfred | Whale | Wolf Haley

The Alfred Alfer Movie era (2012 - 2016)
Alfred Alfer (Alfred Christ, Pimp Alfred) | Cyberterrorists (Barrack Obama & Hillary Clinton) | Dictator Pickles (Burritobell Workers) | Emily Youcis | Labby | Laverenti Beria | Lucifer, King of the Graveyard | MC Bushpig | Playhouse Friends (Lil Tristy Doll, The Eggberts, The Littles) | Right-Wing Internet (Donald Trump) | Schoolgirl Alfie | Where The Dead Go To Drink (Dead Girl Strippers) | Wolf Haley
