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You want to take a swing at the Captain, eh? Why not. I could use a warm-up. Show us some of your magic tricks, genie!
~ The Pirate Master about to fight Shantae.
GARRRGH! Curse that Risky Boots! I will wipe you and EVERY LAST GENIE FROM EXISTENCE!
~ The Pirate Master swearing revenge on Risky and Shantae.

The Pirate Master is the overarching antagonist of the Shantae series, serving as the main antagonist of the 2014 indie game Shantae and the Pirate's Curse. He is an undead pirate captain and Risky Boots' former mentor.



When he was alive, the Pirate Master was a feared captain, and was Risky Boots' former mentor. At some point, he attacked Sequin Land in his attempt to destroy every single genie there, but the genies combined their power to defeat the Pirate Master and sealed him away in a grave on an isolated island. After his defeat, Risky Boots inherited his crew, gear, and to rub salt in the wounds, she took his face to turn it into her bustier and belt.

Shantae and the Pirate's Curse[]

Following the events of Shantae: Risky's Revenge, the magic that was stolen from the young half-genie, Shantae, then corrupted and used to create her evil counterpart, Nega-Shantae by Risky Boots herself had spread all over Sequin Land upon her destruction. Sensing this from his grave, the Pirate Master began using the dark magic to enact his "Pirate's Curse" over Sequin Land. He begun turning Risky Boots' Tinkerbats into vicious Cacklebats, and continued to gather dark energy from the Dens of Evil from surrounding islands in order to revive himself. He also somehow caused Risky to lose her gear, sealing each item away into each Den.

With no other alternative, Shantae and Risky Boots join forces to defeat their common foe. Sailing on Risky's ship, they travel across the islands in order to hunt down the Cacklebats, collect their magic (using the very same lamp that Risky used to steal Shantae's magic in the first place) and seal away every Den of Evil that they find. Afterwards, they then travel to the island where the Pirate Master is sealed on and destroy his grave in an attempt to prevent his revival, but were unsuccessful. Freed from his prison, the vengeful captain captured his former mate and then fled to the Sequin Land Palace, with Shantae pursuing them.

Shantae fought the undead captain and appeared to have won, but the evil pirate stole back his gear and transforms into a giant, powerful being. With Shantae trying to defeat him and fails, the Pirate Master demands that she either gives him the Dark Magic, or else Risky will die.

Shantae begrudgingly agrees to his deal and release the Dark Magic, but it turns into Light Magic at that moment. Reabsorbing the magic herself, Shantae regains her genie powers and was able to weaken the Master Pirate, which allowed Risky Boots to fire Ammo Baron's cannon on him, destroying the villain for good.



  • The curse that he unleashed along with the Dens of Evil to gathered dark magic from may have corrupted and bent to his will any entities exposed to it, explaining why many of the game's enemies are extremely hostile to Shantae. This includes the Mermaids on Saliva Island, the Mud Bog Creatures from Mud Bog Island, the Zombies on Spiderweb Island, and Risky's Tinkerbats which were on all of the Islands and were turned into Cacklebats by the dark magic just to note a few examples.

External Link[]



Risky Boots | Tinkerbats | Pirate Master

The Barons of Sequin Land
Squid Baron | Hypno Baron | Ammo Baron | Techno Baron | Armor Baron

The Seven Sirens
Empress Siren | Water Lily Siren | Coral Siren | Tubeworm Siren | Angler Fish Siren | Octo Siren

Nega-Shantae | Twitch and Vinegar | Holly Lingerbean
