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The Pombero (Guarani: Pombéro), also known as Pomberito is a kind of fey or spirit from Guarani folklore. While it is a being whose tales are most often told in Paraguay, it is also quite known in northeastern Argentina, southern Brazil, southern Bolivia, and northern Uruguay.
The Pombero's primary role is to care for the natural world, watching over animals and plants. In the Iberá Wetlands region of Argentina, this role extends further into them being the owner of the sun, to which he is given the name "Cuarahú-Yara"/"Kuarahy Jara". In more urban areas, though, the Pombero is said to sleep in cafeterias and unused ovens. He is considered a neutral being, being tamed by nightly offerings such as honey or cane. In other versions, he is also satisfied with gifts of aguardiente or other alcoholic beverages, tobacco, marijuana, or other illegal items. Despite this, the relationship the Pombero has with humanity can be strained. Due to his role as a protector of nature, he has little patience for those who take more than they can give towards the natural world, often targeting hunters, fisherman, and loggers who offend them. Taking the form of any animal or plant he wishes, he argues with his targets until they absentmindedly wander into the forest, getting them lost in the process. Outside of this, the Pombero also has a lascivious streak towards human, being frequently blamed for causing unexpected pregnancies.