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Poseidon is a major antagonist in the Saint Seiya franchise. He serves as the overarching antagonist in the Asgard arc and one of the two main antagonist (alongside kanon) of the Poseidon arc in Saint Seiya. He is one of the twelve Olympians Gods, and after the split of the Earth, he dominated the Kaikai, while Atena dominated the Sekai (mainland), Zeus dominated Tenkai (Olympus) and Hades dominated the Meikai (Hell) and the Elysian (Paradise). Sent a flood to Sekai, and, had allowed only Noah and his family to survive the tragedy. Like other Olympians gods, Poseidon hates Atena and the way she governs the earth, leaving human sin and tolerating their faults.



Poseidon did not respect the frontier of the Empires of the Earth, therefore, he created armors for his seven generals, the scales. Thus, Poseidon almost defeated Atena, but she give armors for your saints too (the Cloths). Atlântida, where Poseidon ruled, sink in the sea, and the god was arrested in the North Pole.

After the first battle of Atena, other gods attacked the Sekai. Poseidon returns in a battle for the Attica Peninsula, being defeated again, and sealed in your temple, in the Kaikai. According Lost Canvas, Poseidon nearly Seraphina was awakened in the body, the sister of one of the descendants of those responsible for saving his soul at the North Pole, the Blue Warriors.

Saint Seiya[]

Poseidon is released by Kanon, Saga's brother, after he was trapped in a nearby prison. Poseidon, Athena recognizes that returned to life to fight Hades, and therefore decides attack Sekai with another purifier flood (but, the sinful humanity does he choose to kill everyone, leaving no surviving), possessing the body of Julian Solo, and begging Kanon wake up on your 16th birthday. Kanon, however, deceived Poseidon, letting him sleep in Solo's body, which is now handled by himself.

In the anime, Julian Solo, to be a part of the sea god consciousness has Hilda with the Nibelung Ring, to weaken the army of Athena, but his plan fails. Poseidon finally awakened in Julian after being hit by the arrow of Pegasus Seiya, and this is again imprisoned. Julian is not found by the Saints in time to be saved by them, and so, one of the servants of Poseidon, sacrifices himself to save him, for the sake of Julian himself and not in respect to his god. Poseidon later appears in the Hades arc, as he temporarely takes control once again of Julian Solo, in order make five of the Gold Cloths reach the Elysium to help Seiya and the other Bronze Saints in their struggle against Thanatos.

Saint Seiya Omega[]

Poseidon returns in Julian's body to challenge Kouga and the other saints of the new generation.

Saint Seiya: Soul Of Gold[]

Poseidon appears in the last episode, where he gets awakened from the cosmo of the twelve Gold Saints and offers them to give their Cloths to the Elysium to help the Bronze Saints.


:Category:Saint Seiya Villains Villains

Sanctuary Saga
Black Saints (Black Phoenix | Black Swan | Black Pegasus | Black Andromeda | Black Dragon | Phoenix Ikki)
Unranked Saints (Guilty | Docrates | Crystal Saint | Fire Saint | Spartan | Jango | Leda & Spica | Alexei)
Caraib Ghost Saints (Dolphin | Jellifish | Sea Snake | Geist)
Silver Saints (Lizard Misty | Whale Moses | Hound Asterion | Centaurus Babel | Perseus Algol | Crow Jamian | Auriga Capella | Cerberus Dante | Tarantula Arachne | Ophiuchus Shaina | Heracles Algethi | Musca Dio | Canis Major Sirius | Sagitta Ptolemy | Peacock Shiva | Lotus Agora)
Gold Saints (Taurus Aldebaran | Virgo Shaka | Cancer Death Mask | Leo Aiolia | Scorpio Milo | Capricorn Shura | Aquarius Camus | Pisces Aphrodite | Gemini Saga (Pope Ares))
Other: Cassios | Soilders | Gigas | Ōko | Jaki | Phaeton

Poseidon Saga
God Warriors of Asgard (Phecda Gamma Thor | Alioth Epsilon Fenrir | Merak Beta Hagen | Benetnasch Eta Mime |Megrez Delta Alberich | Mizar Zeta Syd | Alcor Zeta Bud | Dubhe Alpha Siegfried) | Polaris Hilda
Mariners (Mermaid Thetis | Sea Horse Baian | Scylla Io | Chrysaor Krishna | Lyumnades Casa | Kraken Isaac | Siren Sorrento | Sea Dragon Kanon)
Poseidon (Julian Solo)

Hades Saga
Judges of Hell (Wyvern Rhadamanthys | Garuda Aiacos | Griffon Minos)
Guardians (Balrog Rune | Sphinx Pharaoh | Golem Rock | Lycaon Phlegyas | Deadly Beetle Stand | Harpy Valentine)
Specters (Deep Niobe | Frog Zelos | Cyclops Gigant | Papillon Myu | Worm Raimi | Acheron Charon | Troll Ivan | Minotauros Gordon | Basilisk Sylphid | Alraune Queen)
Markino | Cerberus | Lyra Orphée | Pandora Einstein | Thanatos | Hypnos

Soul of Gold
Balder | Surt | Fafner | Utgard | Andreas | Loki

Next Dimension
XVIII Century Saints (Suikyo | Pisces Cardinale | Cancer Deathtoll | Vermeer) | Mi Yan
Artemis | Odysseus | Satellites (Calisto | Scoumoune | Toma)

Martians (Hornet Sonia | Leo Mycenae | Medea (Saint Seiya) | Mars) | Aquarius Cloth | Ichi | Abzu
XXI Century Saints (Caelum Michelangelo | Cancer Schiller | Cerberus Dorer | Camelopardalis Bartschius | Pisces Amor | Crow Johann | Paradox | Hound Miguel | Musca Fly | Perseus Mirfak | Tokisada | Virgo Fudou | Capricorn Ionia | Taurus Harbinger | Whale Menkar)
Pallasites (Aegaeon | Aegir | Methone & Ymir | Hati | Halimede | Dione | Loge | Gallia | Europe | Miller | Tarvos | Thebe | Titan | Hyperion | Eden | Rhea | Pallas | Saturn)

Eris (Saint Seiya) | Ghost Five
God Warriors of Drbal
Corona Saints | Abel (Saint Seiya) | Apollo (Saint Seiya)
Fallen Angels (Lucifer )
Shadow Saint
