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Villains Wiki

The terrorists responsible were a shape-shifting alien-born species known as Skrulls. That is why tonight I'm presenting to Congress, for immediate emergency authorization, a bill that designates all off-world born species enemy combatants.
~ Ritson revealing to the world of the Skrulls and his declaration of the Anti-Alien Act.
We know who you are. We know how to find you. And we will kill every last one of you.
~ Ritson's infamous message to all aliens living on Earth and descent into villainy.

President James Ritson is a major antagonist in the 2023 Marvel Cinematic Universe miniseries Secret Invasion. He is the current president of the United States of America who harbors a strong hatred of aliens/extra terrestrials, after he was nearly assassinated during the Skrulls' secret invasion, which was instigated by the rogue Skrull Gravik, the leader of the Skrull Resistance.

As a result of Gravik's crimes and the attempt the Skull Resistance had on his life, Ritson became strongly delusional over the belief that all aliens are enemies/a threat and this led him to establish a controversial bill known as the Anti-Alien Act, which widely installed fear, hatred, and paranoia throughout the US over any species who are from different planets.

He was portrayed by Dermot Mulroney, who also played Dr. David Henry in The Memory Keeper's Daughter, Wayne Bailey in Scream VI and voiced Jessie in American Dad!


Secret Invasion[]

Following a terrorist attack on Moscow, which was alleged to be perpetuated by the US, President Ritson and his convoy travelled to England to engage in peace talks with Russia. However, the president's location was made known to Gravik by Raava, who assumed the form of James Rhodes/War Machine. Armed with this information, the Skrull Resistance hijacked two attack choppers and used them to launch an attempted assassination on Ritson but failed, as they only succeeded in knocking him unconscious.

Anti-Alien Act[]

After fully recovering and because of his discovery that "James Rhodes" is a Skrull and an imposter, thanks to Nick Fury and Sonya Falsworth, President Ritson developed a strong prejudice against all alien kind, even though some Skrulls helped Nick Fury in saving the president from Gravik and the Skrull Resistance.

Because of their invasion and the attempt they had on his life, anti-alien sentiment began to increase worldwide, as Ritson had revealed to the public on national television of the Skrulls and of their secret invasion. He then announced the establishment of the Anti-Alien Act, a US congress bill, that declares all extra-terrestrials to be hostile entities and that any living on Earth will be hunted down and exterminated. In addition, any extra-terrestrial born on other planets will be immediately arrested by the government if they set foot on American soil.


Ritson's bill would have a strong negative impact on all alien kind including the Skrulls and the Skrull Council, as not, even one, is now safe. Because of Gravik's radical invasion, fear, hatred, and paranoia rapidly loomed over the US. Inspired by the president's hateful speech, Anti-Alien extremists, hit squads, and vigilantes began murdering anyone they suspect of being Skrull imposters, as they are now fully aware of the Skrulls' shapeshifting ability. While their efforts resulted in the deaths of numerous Skrulls it also resulted in the deaths of several humans. When Nick Fury learned of the Anti-Alien Act, his relationship with Ritson became strained, as Fury sees the bill as a declaration of war on the Skrulls and alien refugees on Earth. Because of this along with Ritson's refusal to end the conflict, Fury left Earth to help form diplomatic resolutions between the Skrulls and the Krees.

He's presumebly lose the election to General Ross, who become the next president of United State of America. Considering humanity accept Asgardians to take refuge in Norway, and even have aliens integrate into American Laws system as show in She-Hulk show, he might not even got a chance to run in elections but get impeach altogether due to his excessive cruelty toward Skrull refugees.


Give me a break. There is only one way this ends, the old Nick Fury would’ve known that. If you truly care about the Skrulls, get them off my planet.
~ Ritson severing all ties with Nick Fury.


           Marvel Cinematic Universe Logo Villains

Ten Rings
Mandarin | Raza Hamidmi Al-Wazar | Abu Bakaar | Ahmed | Omar | Ten Rings Agent | Jackson Norriss | HYDRA Buyer | Death Dealer | Razor Fist | Gao Lei

Strategic Operations Command Center
Red Hulk | Abomination

Hammer Industries
Justin Hammer | Jack | Hammer Drones

Frost Giants
Loki Laufeyson | Laufey | Grundroth | Hailstrum | Raze | Jotunheim Beast

Leaders: Hive | Red Skull | Arnim Zola | Daniel Whitehall | Baron Strucker | Grant Ward | Gideon Malick
Centipede Group: John Garrett | Ian Quinn | Raina | Edison Po | Deathlok | Debbie | Vanchat | Scorch | Kaminsky
STRIKE: Alexander Pierce | Crossbones | Jack Rollins
Winter Soldiers: Vasily Karpov | Winter Soldier | Josef | Wilfred Nagel
Others: Aida | General Hale | Wilfred Malick | Heinz Kruger | HYDRA Lieutenant | Velt | Jasper Sitwell | Russo | Senator Stern | List | Scarlet Witch | Quicksilver | Mitchell Carson | HYDRA Buyer | Sunil Bakshi | Absorbing Man | Agent 33 | Blizzard | Kebo | Werner von Strucker | Giyera | Lucio | Alisha Whitley | Primitives | Hero Mercs | Dr. Leopold Fitz | Alistair Fitz | Ruby Hale | Qovas | Senator Atwood | HYDRA's Champion

Adolf Hitler | Roeder | Hutter | Schneider

Black Order
Thanos | Ebony Maw | Cull Obsidian | Proxima Midnight | Corvus Glaive | Nebula | The Other
Chitauri: Leviathans | Chitauri Gorillas
Others: Outriders | Sakaaran Mercenaries

Aldrich Killian | Eric Savin | Trevor Slattery | Ellen Brandt | Sweat Shop Agent | Ponytail Express | Maya Hansen | Vice President Rodriguez | Extremis Soldiers

Dark Elves
Malekith the Accursed | Kurse

Duhg | Kronan Marauder

Kree Empire
Leaders: Supreme Intelligence | Ronan the Accuser | Dar-Benn
Starforce: Yon-Rogg | Minn-Erva | Korath the Pursuer | Att-lass | Bron-Char
Kree Watch: Kasius | Sinara | Faulnak | Vicar | Tye
Others: Vin-Tak | Soh-Larr | Papp-Tonn | Ty-Rone | Sakaaran Mercenaries | Exolon Monks

Yondu Udonta | Kraglin Obfonteri | Horuz | Vorker | Tullk | Oblo | Taserface | Gef | Retch | Halfnut | Brahl | Narblik | Huhtar

Inhuman Afterlife
Jiaying | Gordon | Calvin Zabo | Raina | Alisha Whitley

Red Room
General Dreykov | Taskmaster | Madame B | Dottie Underwood | Black Widows

Kingpin's Criminal Empire
Leaders: Kingpin
Tracksuit Mafia: Echo | William Lopez | Clown | Ivan Banionis | Tomas | Enrique | Dmitri
Black Knife Cartel: Zane | Walker | Carter
Others: James Wesley | Leland Owlsley | Christian Blake | Carl Hoffman | John Healy | Bullseye | Vanessa Fisk | Tammy Hattley | Felix Manning | Eleanor Bishop

The Hand
Madame Gao | Nobu Yoshioka | Bakuto | Alexandra Reid | Elektra Natchios | Murakami | Sowande

Karl Malus | Miklos Kozlov | Leslie Hansen

Stokes Crime Family
Cottonmouth | Black Mariah | Shades

Joseph Manfredi

Felix Blake | Holden Radcliffe | Superior | Tucker Shockley | Ellen Nadeer | Victor Ramon | Hellfire

Kaecilius | Lucian Aster

Leaders: High Evolutionary | Theel | Vim
Hell Spawn: Behemoth and War Pig | Octo-Hyena
Soldiers: Controller | Karja | Kwol | Bletelsnort | Carrot Head | Phlektik | Orgosentries
Sovereign: Ayesha | Sovereign Admiral | Zylak | Sovereign Chambermaid | Adam Warlock

Arishem the Judge | Eson the Searcher | Ego the Living Planet | Tiamut the Communicator

Department of Damage Control
Anne Marie Hoag | P. Cleary | Sadie Deever

Bestman Salvage
Vulture | Tinkerer | Jackson Brice | Shocker | Randy Vale

Berserker Army
Hela Odinsdottir | The Executioner | Fenris Wolf

Sakaaran Guards
The Grandmaster | Topaz | Sakaaran Mercenaries

Fire Demons
Surtur | Fire Dragon

Cerberus Squad
Agent Orange | Blacksmith | Jigsaw | Morty Bennett | Carson Wolf | The Punisher

The Pride
Magistrate | Leslie Dean | Tina Minoru | Robert Minoru | Geoffrey Wilder | Catherine Wilder | Victor Stein | Janet Stein | Dale Yorkes | Stacey Yorkes

Sambisan Militants
Sambisan Captain

Skrull Resistance
Talos | Norex | Gravik | Pagon | Brogan | Raava | Zirksu | Nuro | Kreega

Mysterio's Crew
Mysterio | William Ginter Riva | Victoria Snow | Gutes Guterman | Janice Lincoln | Doug | Shanice
Elementals: Molten Man | Hydro-Man | Sandman | Elemental Fusion

Roxxon Corporation
Peter Scarborough | Terrors

Sarge's Squad
Sarge | Snowflake | Jaco | Pax

Chronicom Hunters
Sibyl | Atarah | Malachi | Luke | Baal-Gad | Abel | Isaiah

Sonny Burch's Gang
Sonny Burch | Uzman | Anitolov | Knox | Stoltz

The Coven
Morgan le Fay | Cassandra | Bronwyn

Batroc the Leaper | Ferdinand Lopez | Gerald Durand | Louie

Flag Smashers
Flag-Smasher | Dovich | Gigi | DeeDee | Lennox | Nico | Matias | Diego

Time Variance Authority
He Who Remains | Ravonna Renslayer | Miss Minutes | General Dox | Hunter D-90 | Hunter X-05 | Minuteman 90018371 | Paradox

Soul Eaters

Ikaris | Sprite

Kro | Enkidu

Disciples of Ammit
Arthur Harrow | Ammit

Clan Destine
Najma | Fariha | Aadam | Saleem

Leaders: Todd Phelps
Wrecking Crew: Bulldozer | Piledriver | Thunderball | Wrecker
Others: Ulysses Klaue | Josh Miller

Monster Hunting Cabal
Ulysses Bloodstone | Verussa Bloodstone | Joshua Jovan | Azarel | Liorn | Barasso

Talokanil Armed Forces
Namor | Attuma | Namora

Kang's Empire
Kang the Conqueror | Lord Krylar | Quantumnauts

Council of Kangs
Immortus | Rama-Tut | Scarlet Centurion | Mister Gryphon

Cassandra Nova's Crew
Cassandra Nova | Pyro | Sabretooth | Toad | Lady Deathstrike | Azazel | Callisto | Juggernaut | Psylocke | Blob | The Russian | Bullseye | Quill | Arclight

Salem Seven
Vertigo | Coyote | Crow | Fox | Owl | Rat | Snake

The Eminence | Executioner | Incarnate

Sidewinder | Copperhead | Rachel Leighton

Mind Control Victims
Enthrallers: The Leader

Iron Man | Captain America | Hawkeye | Falcon | Doctor Strange | Wong | Happy Hogan | Sharon Carter | Scarlet Witch

Green Goblin | Doctor Octopus and his tentacles | Sandman

Lizard | Electro

Infinity Ultron | Arnim Zola

Deadpool | Dopinder

Deadpool Corps
Ladypool | Kidpool | Babypool | Headpool | Zenpool | Cowboypool | Deadpool 2099 | Veapon 卐 | The Fool | Welshpool | Scottishpool | Piratepool | Canadapool | Richpool | Kingpool | Haroldpool | Shortpool | Frenchpool

Loki's variants
Loki Laufeyson (Variant L1130) | Loki Laufeyson (What If...?) | Sylvie Laufeydottir | Boastful Loki | President Loki | Glamshades Loki | Pokey Loki | Bicycle Loki

Doctor Strange's variants
Strange Supreme | Sinister Strange

Ego's variants
Ego the Living Planet (T'Challa Star-Lord) | Ego (What If... Peter Quill Attacked Earth's Mightiest Heroes?)

Grandmaster's variants
Grandmaster (Party Prince Thor) | Grandmaster (What If... Iron Man Crashed into the Grandmaster?)

Vision's variants
Vision (Zombie Timeline) | White Vision

Red Skull | The Collector | Yellowjacket | Prince Killmonger | Venom | Baron Mordo | Nova Corps (Irani Rael, Garthan Saal) | Yon-Rogg | Ronan the Accuser | Yondu Udonta | Justin Hammer | Hydra Agent | Rustam and Sergei | Topaz | Thanos | Red Room (Melina Vostokoff, Hydra Stomper, Black Widows) | Surtur | Spanish Armed Forces | Rodrigo Gonzolo | Queen Isabella I of Spain | Hela | Odin | Xu Wenwu | King Thor (1602) | Happy Hogan (1602) | Royal Yellowjackets | Apex | Gamma Beasts | Agatha Harkness | Arishem the Judge | Red Guardian | Winter Soldier | General Dreykov | Rook | Kaecilius | Power Broker | Mysterio | Iron Legion | The Original Hood | Hood | Sonny Burch

Others (Films/Disney+)
Phase 1
Iron Monger | Tough Guy Leader | Whiplash | Anton Vanko | The Destroyer | Georgi Luchkov
Phase 2
Herman | White Power Dave | The Collector | Garthan Saal | Moloka Dar | Monstrous Inmate | Ultron | Ultron Sentinels | Yellowjacket
Phase 3
Baron Zemo | Karl Mordo | Dormammu | Abilisk | Mac Gargan | Prowler | Erik Killmonger | W'Kabi | Linbani | Linda | Dave | N'Jobu | Ghost | Goliath | Elihas Starr | Akihiko
Phase 4
Agatha Harkness | Tyler Hayward | Evanora Harkness | Valentina Allegra de Fontaine | Power Broker | Alioth | Khonshu | Anton Mogart | Wendy Spector | Raoul Bushman | Ribbon Demon | Gargantos | Darkhold Castle Guards | Chthon | Gorr the God Butcher | Zeus | Black Berserkers | Habooska the Horrible | Hercules | Rapu | Iwua | Titania | Runa | Donny Blaze | Leapfrog | Leap Squad
Phase 5
Killer Snowbot | President Ritson | Vickie Tyson | Death | The Leader

Others (Pre-Disney+ TV)
Camilla Reyes | Franklin Hall | Lorelei | Blackout | Christian Ward | Jakob Nystrom | Lash | Katya Belyakov | Johann Fennhoff | Turk Barrett | Bill Fisk | Whitney Frost | Kilgrave | Will Simpson | Dorothy Walker | Audrey Eastman | Diamondback | Eli Morrow | Lucy Bauer | Harold Meachum | Jim Pierce | Maximus | Auran | Mordis | Lewis Wilson | Tony Gnucci | Lance | Paulie | Leo | Frank Dean | Darius Davis | Detective Flores | Graviton | Grill | Samuel Voss | Alisa Jones | Pryce Cheng | Detective Connors | Bushmaster | Steel Serpent | Typhoid Mary | Chen Wu | Joy Meachum | Ryhno | Ho | Rosalie Carbone | Topher | Anthony Wall/AWOL | Anderson Schultz | John Pilgrim | Eliza Schultz | Krista Dumont | Baker | D'Spayre | Mayhem | Lia Dewan | Izel | Shrike | Id Simmons | Hellcat | Foolkiller | Nathaniel Malick | Kora | Shepard | Durant | Kimball | Grady | Marduk Kurios | Kthara | Basar | Magoth | Raum
