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What principles!? Did you understand even a single word of what I told you? I know what I want, and I take it. I take advantage of whatever I can, and discard that which I cannot. There is no room for sentiment or guilt.
~ President Shinra

President Shinra is the main antagonist of the 2020 action role-playing game Final Fantasy VII Remake. Serving as the President of Shinra Inc., he rules Midgar and influences Gaia with an iron fist, polluting the environment and oppressing its inhabitants in countless ways.

Unlike his original counterpart, Shinra takes a more direct and villainous role in the remake, serving as a more imposing threat to Avalanche rather than appearing as a minor character.

In Final Fantasy VII Remake, he was voiced by the late Genzō Wakayama in Japanese and James Horan in English (who also voiced Scar in Kingdom Hearts 2 and Skull Face).


President Shinra is a light-haired man with pale skin and dresses in black clothes, as he is depicted a president.


Shinra plays more of a directly villainous role in this retelling, in which he is the secondary antagonist. Here, he is noticeably more of a direct threat to Avalanche, denouncing them as Wutai-funded terrorists in the effort to further ensure the loyalty of Midgar's citizen to Shinra, Inc. The President later personally orders the targeted assassination of Cloud's party via airstrike during Avalanche's bombing of Mako Reactor 5.

After ordering an overseeing the destruction of Sector 7 out of spiteful revenge, President Shinra discusses his plan of reshaping Midgar with his board of directors via the aid of the captured Aerith, the last of the Cetra. Shinra gives permission to Professor Hojo to do what he pleases with the Cetra, as long as he is able to provide results.

Much like in the original game, Cloud and his party are brought before the president after they attempt to rescue Aerith. However, in the remake, Shinra manages to avoid Sephiroth's initial attack, instead managing to escape only to end up in the custody of Avalanche. Barret manhandles Shinra, determined in making him confess the wrongdoings of Shinra, Inc and disprove the Wutai-Avalanche alliance.

Shinra refuses and instead manages to hold Barret at gunpoint, where he callously voices his disregard for morality as well as expressing his lack of remorse, scoffing that his hostage's determination to "save the planet" from Shinra is weak if he is only asking him to clear Avalanche's name over stopping all mako production. President Shinra is killed when Sephiroth stabs him from behind.

Powers and Abilities[]

President Shinra's personal weapon of choice is a handgun. While he may not have the physical or magical proficiency, he is backed up with vast wealth, technology, and political influence.



  • Unlike in the original game, he is killed onscreen. In both versions, he is killed by Sephiroth via stabbing.
  • He is 67 years old.

External Links[]


           Final Fantasy logo Villains

Final Fantasy
Garland | Fiends of Chaos | Chaos | Astos

Final Fantasy II
Palamecian Empire
Emperor Mateus | Leon | Borghen

Final Fantasy III
Xande | Djinn | Gigameth | Goldor | Gutsco | Hein | Cloud of Darkness

Final Fantasy IV
Baron Empire
Golbez | Kain Highwind | Baigan | Dr. Lugae | Red Wings | Elemental Archfiends: Scarmiglione | Cagnazzo | Barbariccia | Rubicante

Zemus | Maenad | The Creator

Final Fantasy V
Exdeath | Gilgamesh | Enkidu | Demons of the Rift | Void | Enuo | Shinryu

Final Fantasy VI
Gestahlian Empire
Emperor Gestahl | Kefka Palazzo | Typhon | Ultros

Cult of Kefka
Kefka Palazzo | Magic Master

Warring Triad | Siegfried | Vargas

Final Fantasy VII
Shinra Inc.
President Shinra | Rufus Shinra | Heidegger | Palmer | Professor Hojo | Scarlet
Azul | Genesis Rhapsodos | Nero | Rosso | Sephiroth | Weiss
Elena | Reno | Rude | Tseng

Kadaj | Loz | Yazoo

Don Corneo | Dyne | Fuhito | Jenova | Omega Weiss | Professor Hollander | Zirconiade

Final Fantasy VIII
Adel | Fujin | Griever | NORG | President Vinzer Deling | Raijin | Seifer Almasy | Ultimecia

Final Fantasy IX
Alexandrian Empire
Queen Brahne | Thorn and Zorn | Meltigemini | Kuja

Garland | Necron

Final Fantasy X
Seymour Guado | Yo Mika | Wen Kinoc | Lady Yunalesca

Leblanc Syndicate
Leblanc | Logos | Ormi

Jecht | Shuyin | Sin | Yu Yevon

Final Fantasy XI
Promathia | Shadow Lord | Shantotto

Final Fantasy XII
Archadian Empire
Vayne Solidor | Doctor Cid | Gabranth | Ba'Gamnan | Bergan | Ghis | Venat | Gerun

Judge of Wings | Feolthanos

Final Fantasy XIII
Barthandelus | Bhunivelze | Caius Ballad | Jihl Nabaat | Order of Salvation | Orphan | Yaag Rosch

Final Fantasy XIV
Garlean Empire
Varis Zos Galvus | Nael van Darnus | Gaius van Baelsar | Zenos yae Galvus | Livia Sas Junius | Nero Tol Scaeva | Regula Van Hydrus | Rhitahtyn Sas Arvina

The Paragons/Unsundered Ones
Lahabrea | Elidibus | Emet-Selch
Igeyorhm | Nabriales | Warriors of Darkness | Fandaniel | Meteion

Quickthinx Allthoughts

Ifrit | Titan | Garuda | Good King Moggle Mog XII | Leviathan | Odin | Bahamut | Belias | Queen Gunnhildr | Susano | Lakshmi | Shinryu | Tsukuyomi | Eureka | Anima | Warring Triad

Heavens' Ward | Lolorito | Nidhogg | Teledji Adeledji | True Brothers of the Faith | Archbishop Thordan VII | Vauthry

Final Fantasy XV
Empire of Nilfheim
Iedolas Aldercapt | Ardyn Izunia | Glauca | Ravus Nox Fleuret | Loqi Tummelt | Caligo Ulldor | Verstael Besithia

Bahamut | Ifrit | Somnus Lucis Caelum | The Eroder

Final Fantasy XVI
Holy Empire of Sanbreque
Anabella Rosfield | Sylvestre Lesage | Tiamat

Kingdom of Waloed
Barnabas Tharmr | Benedikta Harman | Sleipnir Harbard | Gerulf

Dhalmekian Republic
Hugo Kupka

Iron Kingdom


Ifrit | Garuda | Titan | Odin | Leviathan

Ultima | Typhon | Liquid Flame | Necrophobe | Behemoth | Sigma | Angra Mainyu | Omega

Final Fantasy: The 4 Heroes of Light
Servants of Chaos (Asmodeus | Beezlebub | Belphegor | Leviathan | Lucifer | Mammon

Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within
General Hein | Phantoms

Final Fantasy: Unlimited
Earl Tyrant | Fungus | Herba | Oshca | Pist Shaz XI | Solijashy

Final Fantasy Adventure
Dark Lord | Julius | Glaive Empire

Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles
Meteor Parasite | Raem

Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Echoes of Time

Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: My Life as a King
Dark Lord

Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Ring of Fates
Cu Caspel | Galdes

Final Fantasy Dimensions

Four Generals
Asmodai | Baugauven | Styx | Vata

Final Fantasy Mystic Quest
Dark King

Vile Four
Dualhead Hydra | Flamerus Rex | Ice Golem | Pazuzu

Skullrus Rex | Stone Golem | Twinhead Wyvern

Final Fantasy Tactics
The Lucavi
Belias | Cuchulainn | Dycedarg Beoulve | Marquis Elmdor | Vormav Tingel/Hashmal

Algus | Delita Hyral | Gafgarion | Gerrith Barrington | St. Ajora | Wiegraf Folles

Final Fantasy Tactics A2
Alys the Ensorceled | Duke Snakeheart | Maquis | The Night Dancer

Ewen | Illua

Klesta | Neukhia

Final Fantasy Tactics Advance
Llednar Twem | Queen Remedi

Final Fantasy Type-0
Cid Aulstyne | Gala | Gilgamesh Ashur | Nimbus | Qator Bashtar | Qun'mi Tru'e

World of Final Fantasy
Bahamutian Foundation
Brandelis | Segwarides | Pellinore

Final Fantasy VII Remake Trilogy
Shinra Inc.
President Shinra | Rufus Shinra
Glenn Lodbrok | Nero | Roche | Sephiroth | Weiss
Elena | Reno | Rude | Tseng

Don Corneo