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“ | You know I could easily kill you from a distance. It would barely take a thought. But you've been such a thorn in my side for the last few years. Every chance she got; 'I don't really need you anymore. Perhaps Fathom will be better at this than you are. You're so expendable now that I have a replacement. What a pathetic creature you are, little brother, with your tiny teeth and oddly colored scales. Fathom is so much more presentable than you are.' So, no, I couldn't dispose of you from afar. That wouldn't be satisfying at all. I want to see your face as you die. | „ |
~ Prince Albatross to Fathom. |
Prince Albatross is a major antagonist in the Wings of Fire series, serving as the secondary antagonist of the Legends prequel Darkstalker and the overarching antagonist of The Lost Heir.
He was an elderly SeaWing prince who was born with the immense power of animus magic. Although he was respected and used his infinite power for great things during the majority of his life, he one day snapped and went on a rampage, slaughtering many of his own royal family, starting with his sister, the Queen.
Albatross is described to be "nearly a neck-length taller" than his sister Queen Lagoon, with long, majestic wings. His scales are a blue-grey but so pale that in places they looked almost white, while his eyes are described to be hooded and a blue so dark that they appeared almost black. In fact, he is compared to a seagull multiple times, in both in their coloring and shrewd expressions. Albatross also was described as having small teeth and a long, hooked snout.
Before Prince Albatross became murderous and turned insane, he was a pleasant dragon, jovial and polite. He was not truly happy and had a darker side to him, as Queen Lagoon had forced him to use his power to serve her. When Fathom's animus power was discovered, Albatross acted as a mentor, although it seems he did not want to originally, and was friendly and funny, making jokes, laughing, and bonding with his grandson until the night of the massacre. He refused to allow the younger animus to cast spells, suggesting some level of care or concern for Fathom's soul. He showed no hesitance or remorse when he massacred his family, indicating that he may have lost his soul to animus magic.
Albatross was hatched after his two sisters, Lagoon and Sapphire. Throughout his first few years, he was relentlessly teased by them about his odd coloring and strange swimming style. He was not discovered to be an animus dragon until one morning when he was playing with an empty clamshell on the beach of the Island Palace. His older sisters, Sapphire and Lagoon began teasing him, saying that he was weirdly different from other SeaWings and that he swam like a feeble old duck. Sapphire grabbed the clamshell that he was playing with, telling him that everything would be hers when she was queen, even "stupid beach trash like this." Albatross, burning with fury, told the shell he was holding to bite all of Sapphire's claws off.
It did so, maiming her horribly. She became unable to swim or fight, which meant she could never become queen. Due to this, Sapphire went mad, and was kept on a secret island palace. It is thought that Albatross never felt remorse for maiming Sapphire, though this remains unclear.
At some point, Albatross married, but his wife died and he refused to marry again, much to the chagrin of Queen Lagoon, who wanted as many dragons carrying the animus gene as possible.
Almost forty years after the Sapphire incident, Albatross was attending a Talons of Power ceremony (which tests young SeaWing dragonets for animus powers), although he seemed obviously reluctant to take on an apprentice and skeptical that any of the eight present SeaWing dragonets possessed any magical abilities. He then proceeded to roll eight coconuts down to the dragonets' talons on the beach below using his animus power, testing to see if they could enchant the coconut to strike him. Seven of the SeaWing dragonets failed, but when Prince Fathom, Albatross' grandson, attempted to do so it worked, striking his grandfather's chest hard enough to knock him backward. Albatross seemed overjoyed by another animus in the tribe. However, out of view of the other dragons, a seagull that had been present for the ceremony was silently strangled to death by a vine that curled out of the jungle, enchanted by animus magic.
A few days after the animus test, Albatross summoned Fathom for their first training session alone together, on the beach of the Island Palace. Albatross confessed that Queen Lagoon wanted him to show Fathom his most important project, and he took his apprentice to see it. After a bit of questioning from Fathom, Albatross quieted his apprentice and told him the story of Sapphire, with a warning that Fathom must always be careful with his magic. Shocked, Fathom agreed, and then asked his grandfather if they could practice actual magic. Albatross agreed, but as he and Fathom took to the sky, Indigo was revealed to be hiding nearby. When questioned, she retorted that she was only following Fathom to make sure he was safe. Fathom was excited to show her his powers when Albatross said that he was getting tired, and reminded Fathom that he was a wizened old dragon, and that he must have heard something about respecting his elders.
Years later, Queen Lagoon threw a party to honor some SkyWing guests. Albatross was noticeably late to the party, but he appeared after Lagoon explained a fountain to the SkyWings, which had been enchanted by Albatross. After Lagoon threatened Albatross, he enchanted a knife to slit Queen Lagoon's throat, killing her. The knife then went for Sunset and Eagle, killing Sunset but severely wounding Eagle. After killing all of the SeaWings he could reach, including Fathom's parents and cousins, Albatross began to hunt for Fathom. He found him and Indigo hiding on a dock, hiding underneath a wooden boat, and threw the boat off of them. Indigo sprang at Albatross and attacked him. Fathom, knowing he would never let Indigo die, enchanted fishing spears to kill his grandfather. Albatross tried to counter his magic, but Indigo stopped him by seizing his snout and viciously biting his ear. The spears smashed into Albatross' side, killing him quickly and putting an end to his tragic reign.
- Queen Lagoon (sister)
- Princess Sapphire (sister)
- King Humpback (brother-in-law)
- Princess Manta (daughter)
- Prince Eel (son)
- Prince Reef (son-in-law)
- Princess/Queen Pearl (granddaughter)
- Prince Current (grandson)
- Prince Scallop (grandson)
- Prince Fathom (grandson)
- Princess Splash (niece)
- Prince Cowrie (great-grandson)
- Prince Ripple (great-grandson)
- Princess Clearpool (great-granddaughter)
- Queen Coral (descendant)
- Prince Shark (descendant)
- Princess Moray (descendant)
- Prince Fin (descendant)
- Princess Orca (descendant)
- Prince Cerulean (descendant)
- Princess Tsunami (descendant)
- Prince Turtle (descendant)
- Princess Anemone (descendant)
- Prince Octopus (descendant)
- Princess Auklet (descendant)
Prince Fathom[]
Fathom described Albatross as "a kind but distant figure" throughout his life, but Albatross seemed excited when he found out that Fathom was an animus. Like his mentor, Fathom said Albatross cared for his grandson and had been a good dragon before. However, when Albatross became insane, he claimed he was resentful towards Fathom for decreasing Albatross' importance as the SeaWing animus. During the Royal SeaWing Massacre, Albatross told Fathom he could have easily killed him from a distance but wanted to see him die.
Queen Lagoon[]
Albatross' older sister bullied him relentlessly when they were dragonets. Throughout his life, Queen Lagoon continued to take advantage of Albatross, taunting him by saying that he would never atone for mutilating his sister. She also lorded over the fact that she controlled him and could decide his fate at any time, which eventually led to her being the first of his victims.
“ | Some of you may have heard of animus magic. It is a rare kind of immense power, and a dragon is either born with it or he isn't. What we are doing today is a simple test to see if you have that power. Almost certainly you do not. Now, pick up your coconut and tell it to fly over here and hit me. | „ |
~ Prince Albatross to the dragonets, during the animus trial. |
“ | You use your power, if you have any. An animus dragon can enchant any object to do what he wants it to do. I can do it now without even speaking, but saying it out loud is the way to start. Simply whisper to your coconut that you want it to fly over here and hit me. | „ |
~ Prince Albatross to Indigo. |
“ | It's a new palace, grandson. Entirely grown by animus power. I call it the Summer Palace-- a place where royalty can escape to enjoy the warmest weather of the year. Here's what it will look like when it's finished. | „ |
~ Prince Albatross to Fathom about the Summer Palace. |
“ | That's the plan. I check on it regularly, making adjustments and adding features. It's been growing for more than seven years, so it shouldn't be much longer. | „ |
~ Prince Albatross about the Summer Palace. |
“ | I enchanted it to grow carefully and precisely, like a tree. Anything faster and wilder could have damaged the ecosystem of the whole island.Prince Albatross about the Summer Palace. | „ |
“ | The first lesson about being an animus is that you must always be careful. Remember this is powerful, powerful magic. It can go wrong very easily. It's so powerful that you can do almost anything, except bring a dragon back from the dead. | „ |
~ Prince Albatross on animus magic. |
“ | Grandson... hiding like a nervous hermit crab. Interesting choice. One I should have expected, though, from such a little dragonet with such a limited imagination. | „ |
~ Prince Albatross to a hiding Fathom. |
“ | No! Spears— | „ |
~ Prince Albatross' last words while trying to counter Fathom's enchantment. |
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HiveWings IceWings NightWings RainWings SandWings SeaWings SkyWings Humans |