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Villains Wiki

Prince Imperial Lotor is one of two secondary antagonists (alongside Haggar) of the cartoon series Voltron: Defender of the Universe. He is the crown prince of the Drule Empire and the son of King Zarkon who seeks to replace his father.

He was voiced by A. J. Locascio.


Lotor has a slender and humanoid body with purple skin, long white hair, and yellow eyes. He dresses primarily in blue.


Lotor's motive for marrying Princess Fala was originally so he wouldn't have to fight battles to conquer her planet, but becomes obsessed with her. In fact, he has many daydreams about marrying her and making her his queen consort, and most of his plans since meeting her involve capturing her.


Lotor was born to King Zarkon. During the war between the Drule Empire and the Galaxy Alliance, Lotor conquered several planets allegedly for the empire, including Zaul, which he conquered as a boy.

Lotor first appears having returned from his conquest just in time when Yurak is about to be banished for his failures against the Voltron. Sincline requests for Yurak to be converted into a Robeast and fight Voltron, to which Zarkon agrees and sends Yurak and Lotor to the mission. Unfortunately for the King, Yurak is then killed in the battle. Afterwards, Lotor winds up becoming an archenemy for the Voltron Force and develops an obsession with Princess Allura over time. Due to Allura and Keith's bond, Lotor considers Keith his greatest archenemy. After repeatedly failing to capture Allura, he instead fixates on her identical cousin Princess Romelle.

Eventually, Zarkon is disposed by the Drule Empire and Lotor replaces him. Lotor has Zarkon arrested and forced to pilot a Robeast in his image to fight Golion. Although the Robeast is destroyed, Zarkon escapes in an escape pod. Ultimately, Planet Drule explodes, forcing the Empire to relocate its capital to Planet Doom. Using this opportunity, Zarkon lauches a second conquest, and his most notable target being Earth while he is in an alliance with King Largo.

At one point, Lotor tries to assassinate Zarkon but fails and is imprisoned. Lotor escapes and the two have a civil war, but reconcile when Zarkon is losing in his second conquest. The two plan to trap Voltron on an exploding planet, but this once again fails.

A few months later, Lotor, Zarkon and Viceroy Throk attempt to build the Fleet of Doom and fill the power vacuum left by Emperor Zeppo, but the Voltron Force once again intervene and stop them. However, Zeppo later reveals himself to have found a secret world named Deeva, and he and Throk plan to wait for an opportunity to take over the universe again. Whether or not they succeed is unknown.

Other Media[]

Voltron Force[]

In the 2011 show and related comic books, Lotor has succeeded his father, King Zarkon, and become the new king of Galra. Here, looks older and has a scar on his face.


See also[]

External Links[]


           Voltron logo Villains

Television Series
Voltron: Defender of the Universe
Drule Empire
Emperor Zeppo | King Zarkon | Prince Lotor | Viceroy Throk | Haggar | Yurak

Voltron: The Third Dimension
King Zarkon | Haggar | Prince Lotor | Igor | Queequeg and Lafitte

Voltron Force
King Lotor | Sky Marshall Wade | Maahox

Voltron: Legendary Defender
Galra Empire
Emperor Zarkon | Prince Lotor | Haggar | Sendak | Lotor's Generals (Acxa | Ezor | Zethrid | Narti) | Haxus | Throk | Branko

Dark Entities

Devil's Due Publishing
King Zarkon | Empress Jain IX

Dynamite Comics
King Zarkon | Haggar
