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Villains Wiki

Prince Porky is the secondary antagonist of the video game, Angry Birds Epic whom he later became a support, yet playable character upon his redemption.



Prince Porky is first met by the player once his duties were to take eggs, he has kidnapped Chuck. Once Red rescues Chuck, Prince Porky will wait for them to test out their abilities, as he looses he will back away from them.

Hunt for eggs[]

Prince was fought in castle to guard the first egg, as he realized what threats Red and Chuck are, he calls Wizpig for help with magic, being increased since he becomes much more difficult to deal with, however his losses at hands of birds and will focus on protecting second egg and not letting his father down.

Prince Porky has ran away with balloon, although he ended up crashing in the send land near second castle that gets him unconscious, however after birds reach him he will wake up, panic, yet show them the key to mock them only to get it stolen by three brothers: Jake, Jay and Jim, only for him to attack them using his boat. His third boss fight is at his boat as birds are trying to rescue three brothers, Prince has practiced defending, fighting and dodging enemies attack, but it wasn't enough to stop them. His defeat will make him get back to second castle. Everything plays the same but he only gets stronger with the aid of Wizpig magic and his new martial arts training. After his second defeat he will leave third egg in hands of Wizpig.

Prince Porky eventually returns after third egg has been received back, he will aid the two remaining ninjas in Kidnapping red by using balloon, however as a result, the fellow friends come across Professor Pig at his lab and gather the materials to build an Airship to rescue Red as Prince himself flies in fourth castle and places two guards, his fifth boss fight is with the aid of Wizpig, despite their strength they were no match to heroes and were only left with one egg.


With only one egg, Prince with his partner reaches King Pig to discuss the whole situation, after Angry Birds gets close to gate Prince is seen at the top of wall with his father making decisions about protection. However angry birds find alternative way to reach King but Prince will notice them and play as second guard to the castle, due to his another loss he will went to castle. As Angry Birds faced the King Pig in his castle he will call for the aid of Prince and Wizpig, however they are defeated and this annoyed Wizpig to betray both King and Prince by stealing egg and crown. King mischievously cried in misery about it, yet Prince is furious because of this and he cursed at the traitor for his actions.

Prince Porky has appeared as an aid to Angry birds in request to defeat Demonic Wizpig, as he succeed destroying his former partner with birds he gets crown and returns it back to his father, leading King to redemption, at the end Prince alongside King and Angry birds watches beautiful view as the sun goes down.


Prince Porky appeared as a pig with orange bobbed haircut. He also wears a purple hat with a feather on top. He also uses a weapon with a pointy tip. He has three freckles in a triangular formation, so it can be presumed he is some sort of a counterpart to Ross.


Prince Porky is one of the loyal followers of King Pig (possibly due to being King's son) as he was willing to steal and guard the eggs for King, despite getting nothing from it. Prince himself could be considered somewhat Insecure when it comes to his skills, as he fears of being too weak for a fight against heroes, a main reason to why he asks Wizpig to help him increase his strength with magic.

External Links[]

Prince Porky on the Heroes Wiki


           AngryBirdsTitle Villains

Bad Piggies
King Pig | King Leonard Mudbeard | Corporal Pig | Foreman Pig | Chef Pig | Dr. Pig | El Porkador | Ross (Film) | Octopus Pig | Scarecrow Pigs | Goliath | Hambo | Cave Pig | Wizpig | Prince Porky | Fat Pig | Alien Pig | Hektor Porko | Captain Badburger | Porcula | Zombie Pigs | Intergalactic Explorer | Tinker Titan | Kraken Colossus | The Apocalyptic Hogriders

Eagle Guards
Zeta | Debbie | Glenn | Brad | Axel | Carl | Jerry | Kira | Hank

Star Wars Characters
Emperor Palpatine | Darth Vader | Grand Moff Tarkin | General Veers | Boba Fett | Battle Droids | Stormtroopers | Darth Maul | Tusken Raiders | Sebulba | Count Dooku | Jango Fett | General Grievous | Nute Gunray | Daultay Dofine | Jabba the Hutt | Zam Wesell | The Grand Inquisitor | Agent Kallus | Cikatro Vizago

Gale | King Fork-tongue | Crossbones | Shipwrecker | Eggbots | Unicron | Deceptihogs | Mayor Hogg | Neiderflyer | Lynette | Nigel | Marmosets (Mauro) | Gabi | Duo | "Ray" | The Sword Spirit
