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Villain Overview

Oh young, unsuspecting clones, little do they know, that I control them. The greatest mind that the world has ever known! For what is more powerful, than a high school principal?!
~ Principal Scudworth
Unacceptable!? Did you see the pool? They flipped the bitch!
~ Scudworth talking about the riot, and his most famous quote.

Principal Cinnamon J. Scudworth is the main antagonist of MTV adult TV series Clone High. Principal Scudworth is the creator of the students in Clone High and serves as their school's principal.

He was voiced by the series' co-creator, Phil Lord, who also voiced Genghis Khan in the series.


Season 1[]

Scudworth was employed by The Secret Board of Shadowy Figures to clone famous historical figures. He works as the school's principal for his report to The Secret Board. He secretly plans to use the clone for his amusement park. In episode 1, he seeks in JFK's party disguised as a student. In multiple episodes. The Secret Board has their suppression on Scudworth scheme to use the clones for his amusement park and occasionally tries to kill him with multiple bots and weapons.  

In episode 2, he sponsors X-Stream Blu in efforts to get more money for his amusement park without The Secret Board knowing. Episode 3 he diagnoses Ghandi with A.D.D with leads him to be an outcast from his friends and plans to perform surgery on his mental illness.  

In episode 6, He revisits, the school rival principal, and it's reviled that he betted his firstborn son to him. He'll latter bet on his school basketball team to do the other team's laundry for a week. He coached the team and cheats. After realizing one of his players was a female he kicked out of his team after Lincoln speak out for Joan, He brought her back to the team.

In the final episode of the series, He plans to become a prom king to beat his high school rival, John Stamos. After winning the election John came for a visit, Scudworth stabs him in the eye with his crown nearly killing him. In his last effort to kidnap the clones and using them for his amusement park. The Secret Board makes plans to kill him but was interrupted by Stamos' conga line which leads them to a freeze causing them to be kidnaped by Scudworth.

Season 2/Reboot[]

Twenty years later, a new Board of Shadowy Figures was formed, and began Operation: Spread Eagle, where they would unfreeze the clones and train one of them to become the next world leader. It was revealed in the year 2007, Scudworth made a second generation of clones, and possibly forgot about the 1st generation clones. Scudworth then unthawed the 1st generation clones, and worked under the watchful eye of Superintendent Candide Sampson, who has replaced him as the main antagonist of the season.


Scudworth is described as middle aged scientist with thinning hair with a bald spot. He wears a blue shirt under his lab coat, and wearing a navy blue tie, with yellow rubber dish-gloves, black boots, and glasses with a pointy soul patch under his lips..


Scudworth is described as a deluded megalomaniac scientist, and insensitive to each other and emotionally detach from everyone else around him. He also appears to be an arrogant narcissist and very easily to be offended.

However, he is not without any redeeming qualities. He does care for his clones, as he thinks of them as his children.


This is Principal Scudworth with an important announcement. THE PXJT IS APON US!! Fail the PXJT and your life will be RUINED forever! But win or lose, remember, the most important thing in life is to use a number two pencil. NUMBER TWO. Good luck and good day.
~ Scudworth informing the clones about the PXJT and to use a number two pencil.
Is it prom season already? He beat me out for prom king in high school, and every year, he calls to run it in!
~ Scudworth discussing why he hates John Stamos.
STAMOS!! Oh, there goes my whole day! MOTHERFU-
~ Scudworth getting angry about John Stamos.
STAMOS!! Damn him and his jet black hair and winning smile! Oh I’m a failure! A failure! I’m so disorganized. I never call anyone back. You should see my car! It’s a MESS! I’m a MESS! I go to the submarine sandwich restaurant, and I leave my submarine sandwich restaurant value card at home every time! Oh, I want a free sandwich. STAMOS!!!
~ Scudworth ranting about his hatred of John Stamos.
STAMOS!! (crying) WHY NOT ME!?! I work so hard! No-NOBODY KNOWS… in here. I have so much love to give.
~ Scudworth crying and turning into a mess.


  • He was named after the Scud Missile, a series of warheads used by Saddam Hussein, in Operation Desert Storm.


           Clone High Logo Villains

Clone High High School
Principal Scudworth | Mr. Butlertron | Candide Sampson | Mrs. Grumbles | Professor Hirsute
Cleopatra | JFK | Topher Bus | Van Gogh | Ivan the Terrible | Jackée the Ripper | Lizzie Borden | Vlad the Impailer | Lady Godiva | Benito Mussolini | Joseph Stalin | Muammar Gaddafi | Baby Patrick Swayze

The Secret Board of Shadowy Figures
Shadowy Figure | E Cybo-Pooch | Scan Grade The Magnificent

GESH High School
Colonel Principal | Geshy

Celebrities & Others
X-Stream Blu | Skunky-Poo | Krabby Kakes | The Pusher | Daniel Feldspar | Prisoners | Snowflake Jake | Mandy Moore | Greeting Card Industry | Heebie Jeebie | Lucy Fur | Biscuit | Desert Cannibals | Presley Nestle | Leslie Nestle | Purity | Bloody Mary | Sandra Sandria | Mrs. C | Mr. Scudworth | Mrs. Scudworth
