“ | There's nothing quite as thrilling as bringing a conceited Inferior Chojin to the depths of despair before purging them from this world... | „ |
~ Psychoman after killing Planetman |
“ | You could say this situation is like an infant that's just begun to walk playing with a sharp deadly sword! Scary isn't it? | „ |
~ Psychoman comparing the Justice Chojin and Devil Chojin to children |
Psychoman is a major antagonist in the Perfect Origin Arc of the manga series Kinnikuman.
He is first introduced as Grim Reaper, a member of the Perfect Large Numbers.
“ | Ho ho ho! The sight of inferior humans scurrying like mice truly is amusing! | „ |
~ Psychoman after destroying Sagrada Familia and sending the ruble hurtling toward nearby humans |
Unlike most Perfect Chojin, Psychoman seems to enjoy causing intense fear and even possibly murdering innocent people, using his vast power and authority to do so.
Psychoman sees himself as a sophisticated intellectual, being above the brutish Chojin that surround him, including his allies in the Perfect Origin. He values his intellect so highly that he requires the validation of those he considers to be on his level or above him such as the Perfect Origin and The Man himself.
While he is very standoffish and rude to most of the people around him, barring The Man and Silverman, when it comes down to choosing to sacrifice one member of the Perfect Origin, he would end up choosing himself, not being able to bare the thought of sacrificing anyone else, even those that he hates.
Perfect Origin[]
Psychoman views most of the Perfect Origin as brutes who are completely different from Psychoman's own sophisticated nature, the only exceptions being The Man and Silverman. Despite how much he views them as brutes, Psychoman cares a lot about the validation of the Perfect Origin, valuing their respect of him.
When a member of the Perfect Origin is killed, Psychoman will often mock them for daring to lose to an "Inferior Chojin" and instantly stops caring about them or his memories of them because of the Perfect Chojin's strive to be as perfect as possible.
When it came down to choosing one member of the Perfect Origin to redirect the Dial's erasure energy toward, Psychoman would end up choosing himself, not bearing the thought of sacrificing anyone else to the Dial.
The Man[]
“ | So even if every other Origin betrays us. Enma will always have me by his side, as long as I draw breath! That is my duty as the "Perfect Tenth"... The final Origin! | „ |
~ Psychoman stating his intent to serve The Man |
Being the one who saved him millions of years ago, Psychoman respects The Man more than any member of the Perfect Origin, even going as far as to continue referring to him using his fake identity as Chojin Enma even though everyone knows who he is.
Psychoman does everything in his power to please The Man to the point that he was trusted with watching over the second corp of the Perfect Large Numbers, a task that he shares with The Man himself.
The only time Psychoman ever disobeyed an order from The Man is when Psychoman altered the Dial so that the Perfect Origin wouldn't die, only Psychoman would, wanting to protect the Perfect Origin from all being wiped out with one action and protecting The Man with his very life.
“ | If you'd allow me, I'd like to officially tell you what I've always thought of you the whole time we've been together. You're a genius! No one could compete with you in getting in my way! | „ |
~ Psychoman saying what he thinks of Justiceman after he betrays the Perfect Origin |
Unlike most of the Perfect Origin, Ganman included, Psychoman has an intense hatred of Justiceman since he was the one who directly caused the death of Silverman, who Psychoman was very close to, by making him and Goldman fight to the death.
Despite all of his hatred for Justiceman, when Psychoman had to choose a member of the Perfect Origin to be erased when the Dial was used, he couldn't bring himself to pick Justiceman and instead decided to let himself be erased, revealing that Psychoman does care about Justiceman or at least respects him to some extent.
“ |
Psychoman: So keep yourself and your one eye out of my sight and business! Ganman: Oooh you're gonna get it! You think you can just say whatever you want... Psychoman: I'm only joking! It's just so to tease you! Was I that convincing? Ganman: Shababah! Well lemme tell ya this! That sure didn't sound like a joke to me! |
„ |
~ Psychoman teasing Ganman |
Out of all the members of the Perfect Origin, Ganman is the person that Psychoman disrespects the most, viewing him as nothing more than a big dumb brute who will explode with anger when provoked, making him very fun to tease.
After Ganman dies, the first thing Psychoman said in reaction to this was that the only good trait that Ganman had was his fighting skill and that if he lost then he got what he deserved before commenting that he'll miss making fun of Ganman.
Despite all of his apparent hatred for Ganman, when Psychoman had to choose a member of the Perfect Origin to be erased when the Dial was used, he couldn't bring himself to pick Ganman and instead decided to let himself be erased, revealing that Psychoman does care greatly for Ganman.
Psychoman's opinion of Thingman is similar to his feelings of Ganman, he views them both as big dumb brutes who are fun to tease and make fun of for his entertainment, a factor that is amplified because the two are best friends.
Perfect Large Numbers[]
“ | It's thanks to you incompetents that we Perfect Origins always have to watch over the world ourselves. | „ |
~ Psychoman as he destroys the Perfect Large Numbers being held hostage |
When Planetman absorbs the souls of the fallen members of the Perfect Large Numbers to use as hostages against Psychoman, he becomes enraged that Perfect Chojin could be used so easily and intentionally went out of his way to kill all of them again.
Out of all the members of the Perfect Large Numbers, Psychoman views Nemesis as the only one who is competent since he was the only one still alive and managed to defeat both Robin Mask and Ramenman.
When Nemesis asked for an explanation about why he disguised himself as a member of the Perfect Large Numbers, Psychoman promised that he would explain his motive, implying that Psychoman would trust him with the secret and potentially have Nemesis be the leader of the Perfect Larger Numbers without having a member of the Perfect Origin to look over them.
Neptune King[]
“ | But in his youth, he was quite the capable Perfect Chojin. That's why I thought I'd personally show him a few of the ropes behind this power those many ages ago, But that was a mistake, as he got quite the swollen ego as a result. An ego swollen to such an unbearable point that I had to deprive him of his Large Numbers membership. | „ |
~ Psychoman explaining his past with Neptune King |
Psychoman was the former master of Neptune King, being the one to teach him how to use Magnet Power and some of the more advanced techniques that came with it such as the Thunder Sabres. Since Neptune King was the only student Psychoman ever had, he likely had an extremely high opinion of him and his potential.
“ | That's all Neptune King was. The worse apprentice ever! | „ |
~ Psychoman insulting Neptune King |
Psychoman did this because he personally saw Neptune King as a Perfect Chojin who could rise through the ranks due to his brutal, survivalist mentality, however, Neptune King's ego was too much for Psychoman so Neptune King was never promoted to being a member of the Perfect Large Numbers.
After Neptune King tried to take over the Earth and was defeated by Kinnikuman and Terryman, Psychoman lost all respect for Neptune King for being beaten by a pair of "Inferior Chojin" and would openly mock him to those who killed him and even going as far as to apologise for the mess that Neptune King made.
“ | I just can't see eye to eye with the rest of the barbaric, unsophisticated Origin. Having someone as amazing as you around made my pain a bit more bearable. | „ |
~ Psychoman to Silverman when they reunite after millions of years |
Out of every member of the Perfect Origin, Psychoman is the closest to Silverman. The two see each other as intellectuals, being the smartest members of the Perfect Origin with them deeply respecting each other.
Psychoman views Silverman so highly that he sees the Burning Inner Strength that the Kinnikuman and the Justice Chojin developed as being because of Silverman's genes and his leadership that was passed down the generations for millions of years.
“ | I still think... Magnet Power's worth using... It can make the world a better place... I just want everyone to see that... Especially you... | „ |
~ Psychoman admitting his thoughts on Magnet Power to Silverman as he dies |
When Psychoman discovered and developed Magnet Power, the first person he wanted to be validated by was Silverman, however, when he rejected Magnet Power and even wanted it to be sealed away, Psychoman slaved away to learn how to perfect his usage of it so he could impress Silverman.
“ | Things truly have changed, haven't they... Time truly is a cruel mistress... You were the only Origin that understood me... I trusted you... I believed in you... And yet I hear those horrible words from your mouth... So this is how it is... It couldn't have been anyone else... I had to lose Silverman... | „ |
~ Psychoman after hearing Silverman turn against The Man and Perfect Origin |
When Silverman openly stated his opposition of The Man and Perfect Origin, Psychoman was heartbroken, the only person he could see eye to eye with betraying him, after millions of years of waiting for his return. Unlike when Akuma Shogun and Justiceman betrayed the Origin, he was saddened rather than enraged.
Despite his sadness, Psychoman chose to fight Silverman, both because he wanted a chance to fight against Silverman again but also because he wanted to prove that Silverman was wrong for abandoning the Perfect Origin.
Even though Psychoman cares for Silverman deeply, he doesn't think of him as a friend, only someone who he shares an immense amount of respect for. When Silverman calls Psychoman his friend, Psychoman physically doesn't understand why he would call him that before pointing out how naive it is to believe in the concept of friendship.
“ | When I saw that you truly were setting up for that move, I was completely ready to die. I wouldn't have minded dying by your hands... | „ |
~ Psychoman after being defeated by Silverman |
When Silverman decided to use his strongest most lethal move on Psychoman, Psychoman was ready to be killed by Silverman, the man he respected the most, however, Silverman made it so Psychoman would survive the technique.
Akuma Shogun[]
“ | Are you watching Goldman? Your fallen student will serve to show you what awaits for you at the end of your absolutely mad scheme, you traitor, Goldman! | „ |
~ Psychoman as he's about to kill Planetman |
Because Akuma Shogun was the first of the Perfect Origin to betray the group to leave and help the "Inferior Chojin" of the surface world, Psychoman holds him almost entirely responsible for all of the chaos that has occurred. As such, Psychoman wants to personally prove Akuma Shogun wrong, similar to how he wishes to prove Silverman wrong, however, unlike with Silverman, he does this by murdering Akuma Shogun's followers to show him how weak they are.
Devil Chojin[]
“ |
Planetman: But if you ask me, there's only one thing I should be stealing... Your life! Psychoman: Nyaga Nyaga! You've got me in stitches! Did Goldman give out comedian classes when he left for the surface? |
„ |
~ Psychoman mocking Planetman about the idea that he could beat him |
Psychoman views the Devil Chojin as Inferior Chojin but as an extension of Akuma Shogun, the traitor who turned his back on the Perfect Origin. He sees them all as inferior beings and even calls them that directly to their face, even if they managed to kill a member of the Perfect Origin.
Since Buffaloman is a member of the Devil Chojin, he has an intense hatred of him, wanting to kill him when given the chance.
Psychoman knows of Buffaloman's betrayal of the Justice Chojin and wishes to torment him with it, making Buffaloman stab Psychoman through the chest for disappearing, making it appear that Buffaloman had killed him. The only reason he did this was so Buffaloman would be seen as a cold-hearted murder to his former allies so they would never let him rejoin the Justice Chojin faction.
Justice Chojin[]
“ |
Buffaloman: Just now he didn't call you Inferior Chojin. He said "Justice Chojin" instead... Psychoman: Nyaga Nyaga! Observant as ever. I did indeed call them that. They might still be inferior, but they're quite different from the waste of Goldman's ilk. |
„ |
~ Psychoman confirming that he views Justice Chojin more favorably than Devil Chojin |
While Psychoman does view Justice Chojin as vastly inferior beings who are using dangerous powers beyond their control which can damage the world and views murdering them as a mercy kill with him even trying to convince them that they're wrong and should just fall in line before he has to hurt them or they hurt themselves. He has a higher view of them than he does for Devil Chojin because the Justice Chojin faction was created by Silverman who Psychoman views highly.
Psychoman thought that Silverman created the Justice Chojin so that they can suppress the Devil Chojin for the Perfect Origin without them needing to step in, however, Silverman would prove him wrong.
However, Psychoman does not trust the Justice Chojin with the reality-defying strength of Burning Inner Strength because he thinks they can't handle it and it will eventually destroy the world and each with Psychoman even goes as far as comparing the Justice Chojin wielding Burning Inner Strength to infants running around with deadly swords.
Brocken Jr.[]
“ | I truly am sorry about calling you a rookie. Someone who could cut through my sabres doesn't deserve such treatment! | „ |
~ Psychoman apologising to Brocken Jr. for underestimating him |
Psychoman's initial judgement of Brocken Jr. is that he is a rookie amongst the Justice Chojin, the bottom of the barrel, however, after Brocken Jr. managed to chop through a Thunder Sabre with his bare hands and even match Psychoman's grip strength, he sees that Brocken Jr. is a veteran fighter.
However, he still views Brocken Jr. as inferior to all Perfect Chojin and easily beats him in their fight, even going as far as to break his fingers and was going to use his special finisher which would have killed him if Silverman didn't step in when he did.
In the past, Psychoman was one of the few Chojin protected from the genocide of all Chojin by The Man who would make Thingman and the other Chojins protected by him immortal and be trained in the art of wrestling. These Chojins who The Man taught would go on to be called the Perfect Origin, the original Perfect Chojin.
However, once the Perfect Origin learned that many Chojin survived the extinction and would repopulate, The Man decided that the surviving Chojin should be left alone, to grow so that the Perfect Origin may see their evolution, however, quickly the strong would dominate the weak, killing anyone they wanted. This resulted in the Perfect Origin going to Earth to genocide any Chojin who was dominating others.
After this point, Psychoman agreed that all of the Perfect Origin should hide themselves away in the Chojin Graveyard and only accept truly strong Chojin to be their students.
At some point during this time, Psychoman would discover Magnet Power, a special power harnessed from the Earth that allows the user to control magnetism, and show it off to the Perfect Origin, wanting them all to use it to grow stronger than they were before, however, almost everyone in the Origin refused it, including Silverman but The Man sides with Psychoman and agrees to let Psychoman study the Magnet Power even further. His research into Magnet Power would eventually lead to the creation of the Forbidden Mortar, a device used in the Chojin Graveyard for deceased Chojin to generate power for the Perfect Chojin.
At some point, Psychoman would start to become the master of Neptune King, seeing him as a potential member of the Perfect Large Numbers and started training him, even giving Neptune King the privilege of learning about Magnet Power and how to use it, however, due to Neptune King's endless ego, Psychoman would hold him back from becoming a member of the Perfect Large Numbers.
Psychoman would go on to become The Man's most trusted agent within the Perfect Origin, with Psychoman making the fake identity of Grim Reaper, a standard Perfect Chojin who would guide the Perfect Large Numbers and help them on their missions while reporting directly to The Man.
Kinnikuman (2011)[]
Perfect Large Numbers Second Corp Arrival[]
Grim Reaper would first appear alongside the second wave of the Perfect Large Numbers, under the disguise of Grim Reaper. After the Perfect Large Numbers tried to kill Peek-a-Boo for being defeated but failed because Kinnikuman saved him, a second set of fights between the Perfect Large Numbers and the Justice Chojin and Devil Chojin would begin with Grim Reaper being set to fight against Buffaloman.
Grim Reaper VS Buffaloman[]
During their fight, due to Jak Chi cutting into the structure that they were fighting on, the upper level would collapse onto the ring where Buffaloman and Grim Reaper were fighting on, causing Springman and Turboman to fall into their ring. Both pairs of Perfect Chojin and Devil Chojin would agree to turn this into a tag team match.
Grim Reaper & Turboman VS Buffaloman & Springman[]
In the end, Grim Reaper would be defeated by Buffaloman. Grim Reaper would stand back up and allow Buffaloman to kill him, openly encouraging him to do so with the sole intention to make a wedge between Buffaloman and the Justice Chojin, making it so Buffaloman would remain a Devil Chojin until he dies. Buffaloman would choose to end Grim Reaper's life, charging at him and impaling him with his longhorn, stabbing him through the chest. What Buffaloman or anyone watching didn't know was that Grim Reaper used his intangibility to teleport away, making it look like he died before fleeing to the Sagrada Familia after sensing that a Devil Chojin had broken into his dimensional tear in his room that lead there.
Grim Reaper's Identity Revealed[]
After the Six Devil Knights and Akuma Shogun invade the Chojin Graveyard, Silverman would shine a light on where the Perfect Origin members were on Earth, Grim Reaper included, much to his disappointment that Silverman had seemingly betrayed him. Grim Reaper would be found by Buffaloman and the Justice Chojin which would cause Grim Reaper to reveal his true identity as Psychoman who was still alive with him explaining how he fled and that the Perfect Origin doesn't obey the "suicide after defeat" rule since the rule only exists out of "love" to make regular Perfect Chojin perfect and the Perfect Origin are already perfect. Buffaloman is disgusted that so many young potentially great Chojin are lost whist the Origins get a pass, but Psychoman informs him that their students acknowledged the consequences when they willingly joined the Perfect Chojin. He even goes on to say the Perfect Origins are not without burden as they do have a special suicide rule to follow, the elites must pay with their lives only if every Chojin in the Universe are killed. Psychoman then attacked the Sagrada Familia, trying to break it apart so he could find his lab inside of it, not minding the debris that he accidentally launched at the people down below.
Before he could find anything, Planetman appeared, having found the dimensional tear that Psychoman had travelled through in order to get to the Sagrada Familia from his room in the Chojin Graveyard. Planetman and Psychoman would fight each other.
Psychoman VS Planetman[]
Their match would start with Planetman running in and delivering a swift kick to Psychoman's stomach before biting into his Planet Ring and spitting out Ring Stones at Psychoman who quickly turned intangible to avoid getting hit while insulting Planetman for daring to spit at him. Psychoman would reappear and kick the Planet Ring out of Planetman's hands before punching him in the face and choking him with both hands. Planetman fights back by summoning a second ring from his body and using it to slash Psychoman across his torso before putting him into a Candian Backbreaker which Psychoman mocked him for using a simple technique.
While over his shoulder, suddenly a volcano would erupt from Planetman's shoulder and launch Psychoman high into the air with him landing head first onto the corner post of the ring, but this didn't harm him in the slightest. Psychoman would then quickly use his Dress Ignition before delivering a spinning kick to Planetman which cut his chest. Psychoman went to kick Planetman again but he dodged and countered with a double dropkick which he used to put Psychoman into a leg hold, Planetman's legs freezing Psychoman instantly.
Planetman leapt into the air to deliver a knee drop that would shatter the frozen Psychoman instantly, however, Psychoman managed to free both of his arms and blocked the attack. Buffaloman warned Planetman, reminding him of Psychoman's intense grip strength but it was too late and Psychoman had already twisted Planetman's leg around, making him leap off of him before Psychoman launched his frozen body at Planetman to repeatedly slash him. Psychoman would then break free of the ice, mocking Planetman for being beaten down by him while almost his entire body was frozen.
Psychoman grabs Planetman's head and tries to slam it to the ground, however, Planetman uses his special ability to turn the area around them into the vacuum of space, nullifying the attack before Planetman charges at Psychoman, tackling him with the force of his entire body before reverting the area back to what it was before so he could pin Psychoman against the ground. Planetman reverted the area back into space and tried the same tactic again, however, Psychoman used his Magnet Power to prevent him from being slammed again to the surprise of everyone watching.
Psychoman would reveal his Magnet Power to the crowd and explain that he was the one who taught Neptune King how to use Magnet Power, he then turned to Planetman to mock him for not being able to control the Earth, the only planet in the solar system that he couldn't. Planetman used the last of his strength to use his Face Planet ability, absorbing the souls of all the deceased Perfect Large Numbers into his body, including Max Radial, Marlinman, Jak Chi, Polarman, Marvellous, Crushman, Turboman and Dalmatiman, all of who were confused at who they fought to be Grim Reaper standing before them who they just learned was a member of the Perfect Origin. Planetman intended to use the souls of Psychoman's allies as hostages, however, Psychoman started to intentionally attack each of the faces, destroying them one by one for the crime of being used as a hostage. When Polarman and Turboman noticed that Strong the Budo was missing, they figured out that he was The Man in disguise, but Psychoman killed them before they could unveil this secret, stabbing his hand through Planetman's body.
Instead of letting Planetman die due to his injuries, Psychoman would use his Psycho Cannon to suck in Planetman before launching him down to the ground at high speeds, instantly shattering his body into many pieces, killing him instantly.
Just as Buffaloman and Black Hole were ready to fight Psychoman, Ganman interrupted them and complains to Psychoman that both Buffaloman and Black Hole are where Psychoman is and not where Ganman is. Psychoman would then go on to rile up Ganman for his amusement before the two sense that Thingman has arrived on the surface and is fighting Sunshine.
After Justiceman defeated Ashuraman, Psychoman would communicate with him through the screens in his arena and insult him, stating that he wished that he had died to Ashuraman.
At the Unforivable Yggrasil[]
Once The Man made the Unforgivable Yggdrasil sprout up in Japan's National Stadium, Psychoman, along with Ganman and Justiceman would travel there to challenge the Justice Chojin and Devil Chojin, they would use the Unforgivable Yggdrasil as their arena, letting the Devil Chojin and Justice Chojin choose who they want to fight with Psychoman being chosen to fight against Brocken Jr..
Psychoman VS Brocken Jr.[]
Psychoman and Brocken Jr. would fight for a while, their fight going on after the other fights had finished. After Ganman lost, Psychoman would mock him for losing to an "Inferior Chojin" despite the fact that his strength and wrestling skills were only good things about him. When Justiceman willingly forfeited the match, Psychoman was thrilled, it allowed him the opportunity to vent about how he hated Justiceman, though he was still enraged by his betrayal, especially since Justiceman had Silverman killed by his betrayal and that Justiceman had betrayed the Perfect Origin while only Psychoman and The Man were the only members left.
Psychoman would continue monologing while beating up Brocken Jr. while stating that as long as he still sides with The Man, the Perfect Origin will stay alive because Psychoman holds the last dumbbell that the Dial needs to be used. Brocken Jr. would stand back up, saying that he wasn't finished yet. Psychoman would call Brocken Jr. an amateur before blocking and delivering counterattacks to Brocken Jr.
Psychoman would repeatedly jab at Brocken Jr. so he could crush him with his grip strength, however, Brocken Jr. kept dodging so Psychoman quickly punched Brocken Jr. launching him across the ring. Psychoman almost grabbed onto Brocken Jr. but he grabbed onto Psychoman's arms and held them back, surprising Psychoman with how strong Brocken Jr.'s grip was before having a dropkick delivered to Psychoman's face, Brocken Jr. would then repeatedly chop at Psychoman.
Just before one of Brocken Jr.'s chop could land, Psychoman quickly did a backflip and kick Brocken Jr. before throwing him at the ropes of the ring and was about to grab Brocken Jr.'s head to crush it but Brocken Jr. quickly grabbed Psychoman's face, surprising him and making him mad that his face was being touched by an "Inferior Chojin". Brocken Jr. would then lift Psychoman up and flip him upside-down and slam his head into the corner post of the ring.
This wouldn't phase Psychoman who would grab Brocken Jr. and spin him around, making Brocken Jr. let go instead of being knocked out by the intense spinning, Psychoman would then set his dress on fire and use it to burn Brocken Jr., however, he grabbed onto Psychoman's burning dress, using the opportunity to wrap his arms around Psychoman's arms and suplex him to the ground.
Psychoman would break free of Brocken Jr.'s move and use his Magnet Power in order to make a thunderstorm so Psychoman could throw bolts of lighting called Thunder Spears at Brocken Jr., however, Brocken Jr. chops through them with his bare hands and went to chop Psychoman but Brocken Jr. catches his hands, the two getting into a grip strength contest that would end when Psychoman broke all of Brocken Jr.'s fingers before using his Spear Dress to repeatedly slash Brocken Jr.'s body, leaving him near death but he still refused to give up.
Psychoman would grab Brocken Jr.'s chest and throw him high into the air, Brocken Jr. would try to fight back but Psychoman would break his hands even worse than they already were before sucking in Brocken Jr. into his Phantom Cannon, launching him at the ground with the intention to kill him. Brocken Jr. survived but he was barely alive and he couldn't stand up, yet he refused to give up. When Brocken Jr. spoke up, Psychoman would stomp on his head.
In front of the crowd, Psychoman announced that he was going to use his special finisher to kill Brocken Jr. but Psychoman also stated that he didn't want to kill any "Justice Chojin", Buffaloman noticed that he didn't call them "Inferior Chojin", this led to Psychoman telling everyone that the Justice Chojin were made by Silverman as a way to fight back against the Devil Chojin with Silverman being a double agent working for the Perfect Origin.
Kinnikuman rejected this idea, but Psychoman didn't care as he moved back to finishing off Brocken Jr. before being interrupted by a mysterious voice coming from the sky. Psychoman would look up and see the familiar visage of Silverman descend from the sky to meet him.
Silverman Appears[]
Psychoman was thrilled to see Silverman again. Silverman asked Psychoman to spare Brocken Jr.'s life, Psychoman agreed to do so, but not before lifting him up and slamming Brocken Jr. to the ground, knocking him out and making Psychoman the winner of their match. Psychoman would leave Brocken Jr.'s fate in Silverman's hands who would return him to the other Justice Chojin so he can receive medical attention.
Both Psychoman and Silverman would start talking, about Justiceman's betrayal and about the pain that Silverman caused Psychoman when he stayed on the surface world to raise the Justice Chojin faction. Psychoman thought that Silverman created the Justice Chojin faction just to suppress Akuma Shogun's Devil Chojin faction, an act which Psychoman complimented Silverman on before talking about how Silverman's genes caused the mutation of Burning Inner Strength to appear in the Kinniku Clan and eventually the rest of the Justice Chojin.
Psychoman would ask Silverman to explain how Burning Inner Strength is dangerous to the Justice Chojin, thinking that they would listen to Silverman over himself. Instead, Silverman would explain that the Justice Chojin aren't the pawns of the Perfect Origin and that he did betray the Perfect Origin, this would hurt Psychoman emotionally and he kept trying to convince Silverman that he was above the Justice Chojin and that he should return to the Chojin Graveyard with him, however, Silverman would refuse to do so.
“ | Nyaga Nyaga! Normally, It'd be Nemesis scolding me on defaulting on the rule like that. Moreover, our suicide rule is a training rule made out of the love to help bring normal Perfect Chojin closer to true "Perfection". While us Perfect Origins have already attained the pinnacle of perfection. We live on an entirely different plane beyond that rule. Which is why it does not apply to us! | „ |
~ Psychoman about why he didn't kill himself after losing to Buffaloman |
“ | You Inferior Chojin are all the same. You get a shred of some special power and you suddenly think you can do anything. Look at how much ruination that insolence has brought upon you. We took the liberty of keeping a close eye on your behavior... And we're here to save you from it. | „ |
~ Psychoman talking about how the Perfect Origin will stop the Chojin from using Burning Inner Strength for their own good |
“ | H-How dare an "Inferior Chojin" like you... Touch my beautiful face... | „ |
~ Psychoman's reaction to Brocken Jr. grabbing his face |
“ | Nyaga Nyaga... What a beautiful name for a move... However, when the sun sets, darkness falls. Do you know what that means? | „ |
~ Psychoman after being hit by Brocken Jr.'s Bremen Sunset move |
“ | Hmph. That's fine. You're still brilliant puppets. You've been fighting and dying this entire time all for our benefit, without knowing one inkling of our plans. | „ |
~ Psychoman telling the Justice Chojin that they are the pawns of the Perfect Origin |
“ | You... Do you even know what insanity you speak of? Are you actually saying we could ever leave the future of this world in the hands of these inferior worms!? | „ |
~ Psychoman after hearing Silverman's plan to allow the Justice Chojin to take care of their world |
Powers and Abilities[]
- Perfect Chojin Physiology: As a Chojin blessed by The Man himself, Psychoman has immense strength, speed and durability far above most other Chojin who already have the ability to perform superhuman feats. Additionally, due to being a Perfect Chojin, Psychoman doesn't age at all, staying at his peak physical age after millions of years. Other abilities that Chojin have that Psychoman likely has is the ability to grow to be as large as a building and the ability to fly without wings or thrusters, even in the vacuum of space.
- Immense Grip Strength: The strength of Psychoman's finger grip is far above most Chojin and is notable among the Perfect Origin. With his immense gripping strength, Psychoman is effortlessly able to rip the flesh off of a Chojin's body, crush the hands of a Chojin and even slice open ice with just a single finger.
- Magnet Power: Psychoman was the original founder of Magnet Power, the ability to channel the Earth's magnetic field through a person's body in order to shoot out a stream of magnetic electricity which can be used to repel Psychoman from whatever he's close to, make an opponent magnetic with a touch and throw them around almost like he has telekinesis.
- Thunder Sabre: Psychoman is able to use his Magnet Power to electrocute the clouds above him, forming a thunderstorm above the arena which shoots down bolts of electricity which Psychoman can use as weapons, typically as spears which he throws at his opponent, either stabbing them or pinning them to the ground.
- Phantom Cannon: Psychoman uses his dress to suck in his opponent before shooting them out of it at high speeds, making them crash into the ground or floor so hard that they shatter on impact. Psychoman can also use his Phantom Cannon with an ally to shoot them at an opponent to badly damage them.
- Spear Dress: Psychoman is able to turn the bottom of his dress into a sharpened spear which Psychoman uses to repeatedly stab and slash his opponent with.
- Skeleton Body: When Psychoman removes his dress, he turns completely intangible. This allows him to effortlessly dodge attacks by phasing through them or allowing Psychoman to leave a fight he has no interest in fighting by quickly phasing through the ground, making it look like he teleported.
- Ignition Dress: Psychoman is able to set his dress on fire, making it burning hot to the touch while making most opponents not able to touch him while Psychoman uses his dress to burn their bodies. With his Ignition Dress, Psychoman can shoot out fire or Magnet Power at his opponent.
- Earth Unit: After Turboman's death, Psychoman would rip open his body and absorb Turboman's Earth Unit into his own arm, gaining the ability to use it. With the Earth Unit, Psychoman is able to enhance the power of his opponent but not their durability, making the opponent tear apart their body with their own strength. Psychoman can also drain the power of an opponent, being able to drain up to 80 million Chojin Power, however, if he absorbs anymore then the Earth Unit will break and all of the power it absorbs will be returned.
- Psychoman shares his name with the Marvel villain Psycho-Man, given that Kinnikuman is a series about superheroes with them even directly referencing the Marvel superhero Spider-Man, this may have been an intentional reference.
- Psychoman has the most amount of fights during the Perfect Origin Arc, fighting in a tag team match with Turboman against Buffaloman and Springman, then fighting Planetman, Brocken Jr. and finally Silverman.
External Links[]
- Psychoman on the Kinnikuman Wiki