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Villains Wiki

Queen Hedrian is the tyrannical leader of the Vader Clan and the main antagonist of Denshi Sentai Denziman. She later reappears as the secondary antagonist in Taiyou Sentai Sun Vulcan, being revived as a member of Machine Empire Black Magma.

Queen Hedrian hates beauty and wants to pollute the world, finding happiness in the suffering of humans. Despite this, she cares deeply about her servants.

She was portrayed by the late Machiko Soga, who previously played Doctor Kate in Kamen Rider Stronger and would later play Witch Bandora in Zyuranger (as well as her counterpart, Rita Repulsa (Season 1 and Japanese dub) in Mighty Morphin Power Rangers and Heavenly Arch Saint Magiel in Magiranger, as well as Queen Pandora in Jikuu Senshi Spielban.


Denshi Sentai Denziman[]

In the past, Queen Hedrian and the Vader Clan attacked Denzi Star and devastated the planet. While most of the planet's inhabitants were killed, a chunk of the planet carrying Denzi Dog IC split off and flew through space before landing on Earth.

The Vader Clan would eventually target Earth as the next planet in their interestellar conquest. Hedrian, along with her minions General Hedrer and Keller & Mirror, set about polluting the planet to conform to their ideals of beauty. In response, Denzi Dog IC sought out five descendants of the Denzi people to become the Denziman and fight against the Vader Clan.

The conflict between the Denzimen and Vader Clan would later receive a new player when Demon King Banriki showed up on Earth hoping to challenge the Denzimen. Banriki sought an audience with Queen Hedrian and decided to throw his lot in with the Vader Clan, which Hedrian reluctantly allowed, wary of his power. After Banriki's first fight against the Denzimen ended in a draw however, he would do little other than laze around in the Vader Castle drinking.

Banriki would eventually make another move, but not against the Denzimen. He and the Vader Monster Sakkaler staged a trap for Hedrian and her inner circle by using the latter's gas to knock them all out, allowing Banriki and the Dustlers he had swayed to his side to mount a coup for control of the Vader Clan. However, Hedrian was able to retake control of the Vader Clan using two new Vader Monsters, Kendamalar and Karakurilar. As punishment for his treachery, Hedrian had Banriki submerged in candle wax and turned into a human candle. Right before he was turned however, Banriki proclaimed he had not lost yet.

As it would turn out, Banriki had left a backup plan in the form of a special egg in the Vader Clan's monster-making machine. Upon noticing the egg, Hedrian called General Hedrer to destroy it, but before the general could the egg hatched into Banriki Monster. Banriki Monster promptly set free his master and enabled him to take control of the Vader Clan once more. Back in control, Banriki would send Dustlers in random, uncoordinated attacks against the Denzimen while lazing around and drinking, much to Hedrian's chagrin. Not wanting Banriki to have the glory of defeating the Denzimen, General Hedrer summoned the Sword of Vader and personally went to fight them himself. After General Hedrer died in battle against them, Hedrian grieved over the loss of her loyal right-hand man.

Fed up with Banriki, Hedrian decided to secretly aid the Denziman by telling them Banriki Monster's weak spot. After the Denzimen destroyed Banriki Monster's weak spot, Banriki figured out what Queen Hedrian had done and went to confront her but Mirror blinded Banriki and teleported him outside, where he was easily killed off by the Denzimen.

The Denzimen went to confront Hedrian in her throne room. Before they could do anything to attack her, Hedrian vanished shortly and set her base to self destruct.

Taiyo Sentai Sun Vulcan[]

Hedrian was found in a deep sleep at the North Pole by Machine Empire Black Magma. Fuhrer Hell Saturn had her remodeled into a cyborg to revive her so she could assist Black Magma. Hedrian at first refused to work under a mechahuman, but Hell Saturn revealed to her that he could shut down her new mechanical heart should she betray them.

Hedrian would soon begin accruing more influence for herself within Black Magma. She would frequently act on her own and pursue plans that only enriched herself, such as stealing jewelry and other valuables. She eventually summoned Amazon Killer, a Vader Clan field commander stationed in space, to Earth to assist in her plans. Amazon Killer took command of Black Magma's elite female spy corps, the Zero Girls, following the death of their leader 01.

Hedrian's position within Black Magma became jeopardized when Amazon Killer's former partner Inazuma Ginga arrived on Earth and Hel Saturn sought to make him his new right-hand man. After Inazuma Ginga created a new Monger in Fighter Monger, Hedrian tricked Hell Saturn into tampering with it in order to provoke Inazuma Ginga. Out of anger, Inazuma Ginga challenged Hell Saturn to a duel that resulted in Hell Saturn being destroyed. The Zero Girls initially attempted to attack Inazuma Ginga to avenge Hell Saturn, but Hedrian and Amazon Killer talked them down. Not wanting Hell Saturn's killer to become the new leader of Black Magma, the Zero Girls supported Queen Hedrian to succeed Hell Saturn instead, allowing her to seize leadership of Black Magma. Upon her ascendancy to the throne of Black Magma, Hedrian gave a speech in which she declared that she shared Hell Saturn's goal of creating a world of mechahumans, as she herself was partly mechanical.

Soon after, Hedrian began to be haunted by dreams and visions of Hell Saturn, culminating in Hell Saturn appearing as a ghost before Black Magma's inner circle. Hell Saturn would later appear before Queen Hedrian to tell that the god of Black Magma had placed a curse on her mechanical heart that was causing it to rust. Queen Hedrian then kidnapped Misa, the daughter of Chief Arashiyama, and attempted to sacrifice her to win the Omnipotent God's favor, but succumbed to cardiac arrest before she could do so. After her demise Amazon Killer succeeded her as queen of Black Magma

When Sun Vulcan and Arashiyama confronted the Omnipotent God, Hedrian's spirit appeared standing next to it alongside Hell Saturn and Amazon Killer, the other two who had served as rulers of Black Magma. All three disappeared after Arashiyama struck and killed the Omnipotent God with the Vulcan Stick.


Denshi Sentai Denziman[]

Taiyo Sentai Sun Vulcan[]


  • Hedrian's actress Machiko Soga would later play Witch Bandora in Zyuranger and Heavenly Arch Saint Magiel in Magiranger.
  • Hedrian is the only Sentai villain to appear as a major character in two seasons.
  • Although Marvel Comics did not have as direct an influence on Denziman as they did on previous season Battle Fever J, they did have an influence in Queen Hedrian, with her color schemes and design based on Hela, a foe of the Marvel hero Thor.


           Logo-denjiman Villains

Vader Clan
Queen Hedrian | General Hedrer | Keller & Mirror | Demon King Banriki | Dustlers
Vader Monsters: Musasabilar | Shabonlar | Chikagerilar | Rupankamelar | Tsutakazular | Higekitakolar | Umitsular | Firumular | Denwalar | Hambular | Tayajigolar | Balar | Adobaloolar | Jukular | Panchirolar | Samelar | Deadbolar | Kaigalar | Gamalar | Hachidokular | Rosokular | Taimular | Kokelar | Hamigakilar | Angolar | Medamalar | Rekolar | Kilar | Nazolar | Sabimushilar | Chōchinlar | Mimilar | Datolar | Saxophonelar | Bidamalar | Dokugalar | Noranekolar | Kamakilar | Akumalar | Pikarilar | Jishinlar | Ninpolar | Desumasukular | Arazinlar | Onilar | Torikagolar | Botolar | Sakkalar | Kendamalar | Karakurilar | Banriki Monster


Machine Empire Black Magma
Führer Hell Saturn | Zero Girls | Queen Hedrian | Amazon Killer | Inazuma Ginga | Omnipotent God | Machinemen
Dark Q: Teacher Oomura
Monger Army: Grub Monger | Coela Monger | Naumann Monger | Bird Monger | Devil Monger | Machine Monger | Baseball Monger | Vision Monger | Scorpion Monger | Spider Monger | Fern Monger | Diamond Monger | Iron Monger | Armadillo Monger | Time Monger | Vaulting Box Monger | Gas Monger | Camera Monger | Toad Monger | Wrestler Monger | Sea Anemone Monger | Horseshoe Crab Monger | Giant Octopus Monger | Water Bug Monger | Fireworks Monger | Sea Snake Monger | Hungry Monger | Alien Monger | Crystal Monger | Rose Monger | Buffalo Monger | Thunder Monger | Flat Monger | Crab Monger | Curse Monger | Cockroach Monger | Satan Monger | Totem Pole Monger | Centipede Monger | Bat Monger | Teakettle Monger | Dragon Monger | Mechanic Monger | Flying Squirrel Monger | Boxer Monger | Deathtrap Monger | Fighter Monger | Mummy Monger | Lightning Monger
