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He was unjustly condemned to the stake for heresy, and the inquisitors bore witness to the flames engulfing his body amidst an atrocious communion of prayers and cries. Still, when it was over, and the flames had died, the merciful Miracle called them forth again, and from them, from the ashes and embers, the body of Quirce rose anew.
~ Deogracias, on Quirce.

Quirce is a supporting antagonist and boss in the indie game Blasphemous.


Once an ordinary man with strong beliefs, Quirce was accused for heresy and sentenced to death at the stake. Multiple inquisitors watched as Quirce cried in pain as he was burnt alive. Once the deed was done, all that remained of Quirce was a pile of ashes. However, Quirce reemerged from his ashes, just like a phoenix being reborn. The fire used to execute him was made from the flames of the Miracle, bringing Quirce back to life no matter how many times the inquisitors burned him again. Eventually, Quirce escaped, knowing what his penance was going to be.

In the game, Quirce ambushes the Penitent One in the Wall of the Holy Prohibitions. Before the Penitent One can grab the Key of the High Peaks, a sword bursts through the room below, sending the Penitent One into the room to confront Quince, having gone mad from his constant revivals. As expected for someone who returned from the flames, Quirce's attacks are all fire-based. He is able to use his sword to perform multiple attacks that use the element of fire, such as summoning pillars of fire whenever he slams his sword into the ground, or leaves a trail of fire when he throws his sword like a boomerang. Eventually, the sword gets stuck in the right wall, but this doesn't stop Quirce from fighting the Penitent One by rapidly charging at him and summoning pillars of fire wherever he lands. It is wise to use equipment that negates fire damage, such as the Piece of a Golden Mask or Quirce's Scorched Bead. While Quirce is fast, the Penitent One was faster and ultimately strikes down Quirce causing him to burst into flames and disappear. The sword in the wall explodes, leading to a room with Deogracias who explains the backstory of Quirce.



  • Quirce's theme is "Y Yo Fuego Te Daré", which is Spanish for "And I Will Give You Fire".
  • Defeating Quirce unlocks the "Ashes to Ashes" achievement.


           Blasphemous logo Villains

Amanecidas | Crisanta | Escribar | Esdras | Expósito | High Wills | Isidora | Laudes | Melquíades | Our Lady of the Charred Visage | Quirce | Sierpes | Ten Piedad | The Punished | Tres Angustias | Warden of the Silent Sorrow

Blasphemous II
Benedicta | Eviterno | Lesmes | Orospina | Odón
Afilaor | Incarnate Devotion | Radamés | Sinodo | Svspna
