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Villains Wiki
Villain Overview

Ubu: Uh... What are we doing at an Up Past 8 concert?
Ra's al Ghul: Why, Ubu, don't you remember? Tonight, my friends, our glorious work begins! Ra's al Ghul and the League of Shadows will take our place as the great purifiers of the world! For too long, humanity has infested this planet. Now the time has come to eradicate humanity and all its evils from the world. We shall start anew!
~ Ra's to his minions.

Ra's al Ghul is a minor character from the second generation of the DC Super Hero Girls franchise, who serves as the main antagonist of the two-part episode "League of Shadows". He is the leader of the eco-terrorist cult known as the League of Shadows and the frontman of the rock band of the same name, who wants to eliminate all evil in the world, starting with bad music.

He is voiced by Sendhil Ramamurthy, who also portrayed Bloodwork in The Flash and voiced Saundor in The Legend of Vox Machina; and given the singing voice by Jason C Miller.



Ra's al Ghul, literally translated from Arabic as Head of the Demon, is an international, immortal eco-terrorist. Believing that humanity is a blight on the planet, his extremist environmentalism has led him to seek the destruction of modern society. Born centuries ago, he has sustained his life through usage of restorative Lazarus Pits. These centuries of experience have made him an incredible tactical expert and physical combatant, allowing him to establish the League of Shadows. He then move to Metropolis and own the place called Lazarus Pit (named after the pit) and made a place for rockers.

Season 1[]

In the episode "League Of Shadows," Ra's tasks Ubu to bring Kara Danvers to him. When he did, he ends meeting her and Karen Beecher, which amazed Kara. he told Kara and Karen about him and his "Shadow Puppets" had spread to the entire world for a "Noble Cause" which questions Karen and said is for Rock and Roll. Ra's pleads to Kara that she can be the ultimate shadow puppet and said that he met someone "very cool" which Kara excited. He then gives Kara the "Demon's Fang", a red, glowing guitar pick and said to Kara to "enjoy the show" and walks off laughing quietly. Later, on stage, Ra's begins to play his song with his band called "We Really Mean It" which confuses Karen with the lyrics he says. When the music stops, Ra's begins to announce the song for Kara Danvers and sings the song called "When You're Mine", whose lyrics say the Demon's Fang will make the listener obey Ra's. When the song completely hypnotizes Kara, he proceeds to enact his plan.

He then attends the Up Past 8 Concert and reveals to Ubu and the League about his plan to wipeout humanity and all of its evil in the world and begin anew. He told his minions that their shadow puppet is ready and that tonight, they shall rid the planet of mankind's atrocities, and will start with the most obscene example of human weakness: "Bad music!", Which Shock Bumblebee. He then Reveals to his minions that he is prepared to use the Ultimate Weapon and that it can be controlled with "a stone from outer space." When stage lights turn on, Ra's begins to unleash the red kryptonite's power on Supergirl and commands her to destroy the Up Past 8. The Super Hero Girls interfere and notice that the boys on stage are Barry, Hal, and Garth, dressed in the white Up Past 8 clothes, while Karen ties up the three actual band members backstage in their undergarments. The boys sing "Let Me Save You With My Love" while Kara attacks them repeatedly, which angers Ra's and begins to attack them with full might. The Girls and the boys hug Supergirl while singing about her snapping out of Ra's influence. Supergirl ends up break free out of Ra's control which causes the crystal to break. He ends up retreating with his minions dancing to the beat of the song.


He is a wise, calm, and patient rocker who wants nothing more but to purify the world of humans to restore the natural environment to its natural glory.

Physical Appearance[]

He's bears a strong resembleace to Jafar from Disney's Aladdin, an adult tall man dressed in green robes and pants, always holding a gold staff with a red stone in it, he also has a golden sash tied to his waist. Golden pointed shoulder pads curved upward around his body, connected to a long, billowing dark green cloak with a black bottom, having wearing golden boots on the feet. He also wears a strange pale whitewish garment that is tied to his neck with a light green amulet on the top of it.

He has chartreuse-colored eyes and dark blue hair with lines of dark green colored on his hair. He also has three black beards on the top of his chin.

His color of magic is red.

Powers and Abilities:[]


  • Occultism/Dark Magic: Occultism is a term used to describe the ability of some characters that have obtained magical or hidden wisdom. Ra's is one of the most powerful dark magic users in the entire universe. His evil magic takes the form of a red color
    • Mind Control: Ra's was able to hypnotize Kara Danvers and control her for his purposes.
      • Hypnosis
    • Spell Casting


  • Genius Level Intelligence
    • Leadership
    • Skilled Musician
      • Singing
  • Manipulation


  • Hubris: Ra's is arrogant in himself due to his use of magic, never thinking of the consequences of his actions and his belief that he can get away with anything. However, he fails to realize that people can defeat him.
  • Hot Temper: Ra's loses his call whenever things don't go his way and his plans are ruined.


Ra's al Ghul: (Seeing Kara in one of the security cameras in the Lazarus Pit Club)...Bring her to me
~ Ra's ordering Ubu to bring Kara to the backstage.
Ra's al Ghul: Welcome, Kara Danvers. I am Ra's al Ghul
~ Ra's al Ghul presenting himselt to Kara Danvers and Karen Beecher in the backstage.
Ra's Al Ghul: Of course I know your name, Kara Danvers. I'm very much aware that you are a super fun. One of my most faithful Shadow puppets.
Kara: The faithfulliest!
Ra's Al Ghul: Indeed. I have tour the world with The League of Shadows many times over, as I have amassed an army of the most discerning Shadow puppets. True believers to my cause.
Karen: Um... cause?
Ra's Al Ghul: Oh, rock and roll, of course.
Kara: Yeah, Karen, rock and roll. Duh. I mean, best cause of all, am I right, Mr. al Ghul?
Ra's Al Ghul: I can tell that you, above all, could be my ultimate Shadow puppet. In fact, I've rarely met someone so cool.
Kara: (gasp) I'm cool?
Ra's Al Ghul: Because of your dedication, I wish to bestow upon you a gift.
Kara: (gasp) The Demon's Fang.
Ra's Al Ghul: My signature guitar pick. Enjoy the show. (laughs)
~ Ra's manipulating Kara to be part of his band, by giving to her a Demon's Fang as he goes to the Show Stage.
Welcome to my show
I'm happy that you're here
Basking in the glow of the League of Shadows
All I ask of you
Is possession of your soul
That will do just fine
When you're mine
Don't ask why
Every good Shadow Puppet will do what I say
It's your power that I covet
And you will obey
You're mine
Follow blind
Your weakness is my strength
And the Demon's Fang
Will guarantee fidelity
And you will obey
Now, you belong to me
You're under my control
You'll do all that I say
I will choose your role
Just let go
Every good Shadow Puppet will do what I say
It's your power that I covered
And you will obey
You're mine
Follow blind
Nothing can save you from my sinister dream
The shadows have awakened
You must obey me
~ Ra's al Ghul during the song "When You're Mine" while he's hypnotizing Kara with the Red Kryptonite to complete the phase 1 of his evil plan.
Ra's Al Ghul: Our Shadow Puppet is ready. Tonight, my acolytes, we shall rid the planet of mankind's atrocities, and we shall start with the most obscene example of human weakness. Bad music!
Bumbleebee: (Gasp)
Ra's Al Ghul: Prepare, my minions, to behold our newest, most powerful weapon. One that can be controlled with... a stone from outer space.
~ Ra's al Ghul putting his plan in action to destroy Up Past 8 as part of his plan to eradicate humanity.
Ra's al Ghul: And Now!...(Activates the Red Kryptonite), the cleansing begins.
~ Ra's last lines as he activates the Red Kryptonite to control Kara and destroy Up Past 8.


  • Originally, in the Part 2 of the Episode "League of Shadows" Ra's line "Cockroaches, Viruses. Or cockroaches...CARRYING viruses!" was cut from all Cartoon Network and Netflix releases. This was presumably done so due to the 2019 COVID-19 pandemic taking place shortly after the episode aired.
  • From all the villains from the DC Super Hero Girls Franchise, Ra's Al Ghul is the only villain to have his own villain song.
  • Despite there being no direct comparisons, this version of Ra's al Ghul bears a strong resemblace to Jafar from Disney's 1992 Animated film Aladdin.
    • Interestingly, they're both have similar in appearance and personality. In fact, although he's based on the original Ra's al Ghul from the DC Comics, this version of the television series acts more like Jafar rather than the original Ra's al Ghul.
  • Both his speaking voice and singing voice actors Sendhil Ramamurthy and Jason C. Miller each have roles in the DC universe. Ramamurthy portrayed Bloodwork in The Flash and Jason C. Miller voiced characters in Wonder Woman (2009), Batman: The Brave and the Bold (2010), Batman: The Dark Knight Returns, Part 2 (2013)
  • Ra's al Ghul was not apart of Supergirl's rogue gallery in the comics. like General Zod, Ra's is traditionally the enemy of another superhero, Batman in his case and Superman in Zod's case, primarily in the original comics, TV series and movies. Ironically both men are events of a Justice League never.
    • In modern comics, Zod became part of Supergirl's rogue gallery.
  • This is one of the few incarnations where Ra's is a rogue in another DC superhero's gallery other than Batman, the second being the one from Arrow, where in the Arrowverse, Ra's targeted Oliver Queen instead in Arrow and in DC Superhero Girls, Ra's targeted Kara.
  • Ra's al Ghul seems to have almost the same facial traits as Vlad Plasmius from the Nickelodeon TV Show Danny Phantom.


           DC Super Hero Girls logo Villains

Anti-Hall Monitor | Ares | Brainiac | Calculator | Captain Cold | Cheetah | Cheshire | Clayface | Dark Opal | Darkseid | Deadshot | Double Dare | Dragon King | Eclipso | Eris | Enchantress | Female Furies (Artemiz | Lashina | Mad Harriet | Speed Queen | Stompa)| Firefly | General Zod | Giganta | Golden Glider | Granny Goodness | Vice-Principal Gorilla Grodd | Killer Croc | Killer Moth | King Shark | Kryptomites | Lena Luthor | Lex Luthor | Lion-Mane | Mad Hatter | Magpie | Mayor Sackett | Plastique | Queen Bee | Rampage | Sinestro | Sinestro Corps | Siren | Solomon Grundy | Trigon | Vandal Savage |

Super Villain Girls (Catwoman, Poison Ivy, Star Sapphire, Livewire, Giganta, Harley Quinn) | Cheetah | General Zod | Lena Luthor | Lex Luthor | Non | Starro | Ursa | Dex-Starr | Bizarro Supergirl | Alternate Reality Babs | Deathstroke | Fuseli | Casey Krinski | Penguin | Hath-Seth | Solomon Grundy | Toyman (Jack Nimball)| Cythonna | Red Lantern Corps (Atrocitus) | Sinestro Corps (Sinestro) | Mr. Freeze | Maxwell Lord | Killer Moth | League of Assassins (Ra's al Ghul) | Bane | Joker | Gentleman Ghost | She-Bat | Riddler
