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Raga Bol is an anthropomorphic rat and the main antagonist of the Redwall series book Loamhedge. He is the brutal leader of a group of searats who had been slaying creatures they came across while trying to escape a badger whose wrath he felt in a sense of paranoia before coming across Redwall Abbey, a place that he seeks to conquer and take for himself.


Raga Bol was the captain of a crew of murderous searats who took to land after their ship wrecked on the northeast coast of Mossflower. They ravaged the coast, and attacked an old badger and his young companion. Bol slew the old badger, and wounded the younger one with a slash across the head. However, Raga Bol was injured on his left front paw by the badger, and it had to be amputated, where in its place he wielded a deadly hook while seeking to slay the badger that inflicted the wound, having two runners, Glimbo and Blowfly, go to retrieve his head. However, due to the badger having been rescued by a group of otters that had buried the other slain badger, they wind up coming back empty handed, though they let him know that the old badger was buried there. Frustrated, Raga Bol told them to avoid speaking to anyone about this under the threat of killing them before angrily dismissing them. When Blowfly whispered that he reckons the giant badger is alive, Raga Bol shot his hook out onto Blowfly's broad belt and threatened him even further before letting him go and setting up camp and four guards around him so he can sleep well. However, he found himself unable to as his dreams were troubled by visions of the badger coming after him with vengeance.

The searats then went south, but all the while Bol became paranoid, thinking the the badger he wounded was still following him. In truth, the badger, whose name was Lonna Bowstripe, had survived with help from some sea otters, and was indeed following the searats. Along the way, they slew a vole settlement while burning their dwellings and stole their food. As Raga made plans to go further west after having decided to camp at that spot, he envisioned the badger and out of paranoia ordered the crew to break camp and move out while muttering to himself towards the vision of Lonna. He would sometimes have nightmares of the badger as well and freak out about it while awakening as his crew realizes he's been acting very strange. Along the march, Raga Bol would occasionally threaten his crew, like when he threatened Glimbo's life to discover what the crew had been saying about him under suspicion and when he reveals that they're complaining about the marching giving them sore paws, Raga threatens to chop off the paws while chopping off Glimbo's whiskers before telling him in a voice that almost had a sob in it that he hadn't been sleeping at nights and to post extra guards around him when it gets dark.

After massacring a small colony of woodland mice and plundering their shattered swellings, Raga Bol privately converses with Wirga, his seer, on a hilltop about the badger he fears pursuing him. During the conversation, Wirga suggests a plan to him involving her three sons using six long thorns, each one tipped with crimson dye and plumed with the short feathers of some exotic bird, as darts to poison Lonna and slay him. Accepting this plan, Raga Bol has a searat named Jibsnout bring Wirga's three sons up there to him to assign them the task with the searat. When they go to complete the task, however, Lonna, with the help of a squirrel named Figalok, slew the searats while leaving Jibsnout alive to send a message to Raga Bol. Meanwhile, Raga Bol encounters Flinky and Crinktail, who were brought to him by Glimbo, and intimidates and interrogates them on information. Stealing their fruits, when he thinks that's all they've brought to him, he initially orders for them to be roasted above fire before Flinky reveals the location of Redwall Abbey and all the loot and treasure that is in the place. Deciding to have them be let go, Raga Bol gets them drunk to get them to tell him truthfully all about the place, though Flinky still managed to fib up a good portion of the story before Raga Bol prepares his crew to march.

Just then, Jibsnout arrived and relayed what had happened to him and the other searats and the message Lonna sent Raga Bol, leading to him getting slain by the searat with a single thrust of his stiletto and his body being shoved into the bushes. Raga Bol soon came upon Redwall Abbey, where the small band of vermin Flinky and Crinktail were part of, lead by a runty fox named Badredd, were trying to invade it. After humiliating Badredd, Bol took over the band as well as their position, which was within the Abbey walls, and started a war on the Redwallers. In the meantime, he had made Badredd his slave to cook food for him while having him be whipped by his own crew. Having spent some time at the abbey, Raga Bol was able to sleep dreamlessly without any nightmares regarding Lonna and felt a sense of power, planning to make himself ruler and/or lord of the abbey. Having eaten a well-grilled fish that he had breakfasted on, he expresses satisfaction over it before mockingly having Badredd clean up the place and Blowfly stay there and whip him if he slacks. Rallying up his crew, he makes an attempt to parley with the creatures within the abbey, hitting a searat for threatening them and putting on a polite facade himself while getting them to get the abbot to speak to him. When the abbot, Carrul, shows up, Raga Bol explains that he merely wants their trinkets to which Abbot Carrul responds by threatening to drive him away with knives or pepper bombs, leading to Raga Bol ordering his crew to attack the abbey and try to break the door down.

The Redwallers, however, would fire slingstones and pepper bombs down uponb them with Raga's jaw being gashed in the process as he then orders them to retreat. Before marching back to the gatehouse, he declares that he'll burn them out. In a sour mood, as he views his searats, particularly those who had been struck by pepper bombs dousing their heads in the shadows, he took his spleen out on Flinky and the rest of Badredd's gang as they ineptly tried to catch another grayling. When Flinky tried to placate him, Raga merely yelled at them to get out of his sight. After Ferron suggests to him that they burn the beasts out then, Bol asked Wirga what she says about that to which she declares that if her sons were there, they could use their darts on any beast who showed at the windows. Reminding her that they aren't there, he asks if she's got a better way than burning them out with her responding by stating that they set a fire in full view of the windows and send a messenger to give them one last warning, which was the response Raga Bol desired as he gave orders for that to be carried out. In the meantime, Flinky tricks one of the guards into going to Raga Bol while he and the rest of his gang, including a cowed Badredd, escape the abbey. When the guard, Blowfly, approached to Raga Bol declaring that the stoat said he wanted to see him, Raga roared that he said no such thing and ordered him to go back to the gatehouse to see what they're up to.

Just then, Wirga and Chakka had arrived, reporting that they didn't give them a chance to speak and poured a big pile of rubble down on them. Bol asks them if the others lit the fire on the lawn yet to which Wirga affirms. Hurrying up from the pond, past the orchard and out onto the lawn at the front of the building where he could take in the full scene where the top few timbers of the Abbey's main door remained while the rest had disappeared under a heap of debris still pouring out the window and blocking the doorway, Bol ordered Glimbo to stop burning the wood as they'll need to pile up against the load of rubble. When Glimbo asks if he doesn't want a fire then, Bol furiously tells him that they've blocked the doorway and that the rubble blocking it won't burn as they'll need wood to pile up against the heap. Having come back, Blowfly reports to Bol that Badredd and his gang had escaped to which Raga Bol angrily orders him to get them back and Glimbo to go with him. Having Ferron and Rojin bar and shut the big wallgates, Raga Bol states his plans of attack, to have Wirga stay with a few of the crew, light a fire, and make lots of noise to trick the Redwallers while he and Ferron use the wood to make it over the rubble and get into the abbey, with the intent to murder some of the creatures. When Wirga asks what if Blowfly and Glimbo return with the prisoners or her three sons return with Jibsnout, Raga Bol tells her that they have paws and voices and could bang on the gates or call for her to open up to which Wirga notes that the four are gone overlong now and should have returned and he'd know then if the badger still lives, though Raga merely brushed this off apathetically and threatened to kill her if she mentions the badger again before ordering her to get out and give the orders to Ferron and the crew, planning to attack that night.

The plan, however, gets foiled by the crew having gotten broken glass in their feet and yelping due to the Redwallers, much to Raga's anger as he berates one of them and orders the crew to charge. The attack, though, would be foiled by the Redwallers firing more hotroot pepper bombs onto the climbers and a centre plank being heaved out from the wall, causing the searats to fall off. Afterwards, Raga Bol orders for the crew to be called off while he thinks of a way to get into Redwall Abbey. In the meantime, Flinky and the gang had successfully escaped while Lonna Bowstripe, who had followed Raga Bol there, started picking off Raga's rats one by one with his huge bow and arrows, starting off with Blowfly and Glimbo. Soon, Raga Bol began getting haunted with visions of the badger while still smarting from the previous night's shameful defeat and took out his temper on every crewrat in sight. He would sometimes go into the gatehouse in the armchair and try to banish thoughts on the badger and put more focus on plans to conquer the abbey to no avail. Lonna eventually got inside the Abbey, and engaged in several battles against the searat as he made plans to try to stop him while helping the Redwallers. In the final battle, the badger attacked Raga Bol unarmed. The searat was crushed by Lonna's powerful grip and used as a club to batter at his own crew. As if this wasn't enough, he was impaled on several of his own crew's spears, which finished him off for good. Lonna then took to killing every one of Bol's evil crew, down to the last rat.


           Redwall Villains

Blodge | Captain Warpclaw | Catseyes | Cluny the Scourge | Damug Warfang | Doomeye | Gabool the Wild | Greypatch | Groffgut | Gruntan Kurdly | Raga Bol | Ripfang | Saltar | Slipp | Strapp | Ullig | Vitch | Wilce

Weasels/Ferrets/Stoats/Pine Martens
Antigra | Badrang the Tyrant | Bullflay | Cap'n Tramun Clogg | Eefera | Emperor Ublaz Mad Eyes | Ferahgo the Assassin | Gruven Zann | King Agarnu | King Sarengo | Klitch | Malkariss | Prince Bladd | Princess Kurda | Raventail | Sawney Rath | Spurge and Agric | Swartt Sixclaw | Threeclaws | Vallug Bowbeast | Veil Sixclaw | Vilu Daskar

Ascrod | Badredd | Balefur | Codj | Farran the Poisoner | Gelltor | Karangool | Lantur | Mokkan | Plugg Firetail | Predak | Ruggan Bor | Silth | Silvamord | Slagar the Cruel | Urgan Nagru | Vannan | Vizka Longtooth | Vulpuz | Ziral

Lady Kaltag | Pitru | Riggu Felis | Tsarmina Greeneyes | Ungatt Trunn | Verdauga Greeneyes

Asmodeus Poisonteeth | Zassaliss, Harssacss, and Sesstra

General Ironbeak | Korvus Skurr | Mangiz

Other "Vermin" Species
Frilled Lizard Leader | Gulo the Savage | Kharanjul | Lask Frildur | Razzid Wearat

Non "Vermin" Species
Druwp | Fenno | Gawtrybe | King Glagweb | Wakka
