Ramon is an alien from Planet Stone serving as a member of the Warp Monarch and an antagonist in episode 30 of Chouseishin Gransazer.
He is played by Hiroshi Izawa.
Ramon was sent to Earth by the Warp Monarch to retrieve the Mad Stone, a powerful weapon the Stone Aliens had left on Earth ages ago, and use it to destroy humankind. However, Jado, another Stone Alien who believed the weapon to be too dangerous, also traveled to Earth in order to stop the Mad Stone from being used.
To get closer to the Mad Stone, Ramon killed astrophysicist Kojiro Kanuma and took possession of his body. However, he was outed by Ryoko Amemiya and Jado. Ryouko then assumed her Gransazer form and fought and defeated Ramon with help from Sazers Tarious and Remls.