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Raul Bushman, more commonly known simply as Bushman, is the secondary antagonist of the Moon Knight comic series. He is the titular character's arch-enemy, and is directly responsible for turning Marc Spector into Moon Knight.



Raul Bushman was born in the small African nation of Burunda to a group of humble farmers, but at a young age him and his family were driven from their land by European entrepreneurs. Resentful at the indignity him and his family went through, he turned to violence and became a mercenary and terrorist-for-hire. To strike fear into others, he gave himself a Death's Head tattoo and outfitted his jaw with sharpened steel teeth.

Birth of Moon Knight[]

While leading a mercenary group to eliminate rebel camps in Sudan, Bushman discovers that an archaeologist named Dr. Peter Alraune, and his daughter Marlene Alraune, had discovered an ancient tomb filled with riches. Intending to steal the gold for himself, he finds and kills Dr. Alraune, but fails to kill his daughter due to the intervention of one of his own men, Marc Spector. Furious, Bushman mortally wounds Spector, leaves him to die, and kills almost everyone else at the archaeological sight.

Dying on the Egyptian border, Spector was approached by the Egyptian god of the Moon, Khonshu, who agrees to save him if he becomes his Earthly avatar and subordinate. Spector agrees, becoming Moon Knight, and subsequently defeats Bushman.

President of Burunda[]

Bushman later resurfaces in Burunda, having overthrown the government of his home country and established himself as its new president. Becoming a dictator, any opposition to his rule led to the destruction of whole villages and the executions of innocent civilians.

Exploiting his status as a foreign ruler, Bushman began to antagonize Moon Knight as New York's Burundan consulate. He had his men capture Marlene Alraune and transport her to Burunda, and subsequently held her for ransom. Moon Knight once more defeated him, rescued Marlene, and returned to the United States.

Bushman later attempted to revive Burunda's economy by growing cocaine fields, but a rival African drug cartel began to combat Bushman's army by hiring their own mercenary by the name of Arsenal. Arsenal approached Moon Knight and attempted to recruit him into joining the fight, but once Moon Knight discovered his true motives he severed ties and helped Burundan rebels to overthrow Bushman, afterwards installing Arsenal as a puppet dictator.


Bushman was later located by rogue-CIA agent Richard Blaine, who hired him to disrupt peace talks between the USA and Russia. Blaine arranged for Moon Knight to be there during the peace talks, which would allow Bushman to finally kill him as well. Blaine was approached by Seth, the Egyptian god of death, who ordered Blaine to plant a statue in his likeness at the peace talk, as he intended to manipulate the leaders of the UN into beginning World War III.

Bushman planted Seth's statue, but Khonshu guided Moon Knight into destroying it and stopping the plot. The ensuing fight led to Bushman shattering one of Moon Knight's legs, and ended on a rooftop where Moon Knight used on of his crescent daggers to carve off Bushman's face, finally killing him. For Marc's next few missions after this, Khonshu began speaking to him in the form of Bushman's faceless body, as to constantly remind him of his "greatest work".


Bushman was revived by super-criminal The Hood, for the specific reason of combating Moon Knight after he returned to New York. While investigating a warehouse, Moon Knight was ambushed and shot by Bushman. The ensuing fight ended with Bushman being impaled by a machine gun. As Moon Knight readied to carve Bushman's face off once more, he pleaded for mercy and Moon Knight reluctantly spared him. Bushman survived his other injuries and was detained with the Ravencroft Institute, but later escaped alongside fellow inmate Crossfire and began to traffic arms and drugs.

Alliance With Sun King[]

Bushman was eventually approached by the Sun King, who sought assistance in killing Moon Knight. Bushman was initially dismissive of Sun King's pleas, but was convinced after Sun King revealed his pyrokinetic powers. The criminals forced Marc Spector's ex-girlfriend, Marlene Alraune, to lead Marc to her house. After the ensuing battle the villains escaped with Marlene, and Bushman used her as leverage against Moon Knight so he would be forced to travel with him to Sun King's headquarters on Isla Ra. During the sail, Bushman taunted the restrained Spector about Marlene, who proceeded to break free and used one of his Crescent Darts to amputate two of Bushman's fingers. After Sun King was defeated, Bushman fled back to the mainland.

Bushman was last working alongside Baron Helmut Zemo and Taskmaster, before once again being imprisoned at the Ravencroft Institute. He soon escaped alongside most of the other inmates, and his current whereabouts are unknown.

Powers and Abilities[]

Bushman has no true powers, but is a highly skilled mercenary who has fought his his whole life. As such, he has a peak physical human form and is an expert hand-to-hand combatant. He is also a master marksman and swordsman, and carries a variety of firearms and blades on him during most occasions.

He has an extensive knowledge of military tactics and guerilla warfare, which he uses to further his own ends.

Other Media[]

Moon Knight Pinball[]

Bushman was featured in the Moon Knight pinball game, where he served as one of the bosses alongside Black Spectre, Morpheus, and Midnight.

Marvel Cinematic Universe[]

Main article: Raoul Bushman (Marvel Cinematic Universe)



  • After being defeated and mutilated by Moon Knight so many times, Bushman has developed an eating disorder in an attempt to cope with feeling helpless against his nemesis. This has resulted in Bushman becoming overweight.


          Moon Knight Vol 9 Logo Villains

Achilles Fairchild | Agony | Amatsu-Mikaboshi | Amutef | Anubis the Jackal | Arsenal | Arthur Harrow | Black Spectre | Robert Plesko | BlueBeard | Bogeyman | Bora | Coachwhip | Collective | Committee | Conquer-Lord | Count Nefaria | Crossfire | Cubist | D'Spayre | Deadpool | Deadzone | Deathbringer | Dog Trainer | Elisa Warsame | Dr. Emmet | Grand Mal | The Hellbent | Tutor | Hunter's Moon | Jester | Jigsaw | Khonshu | Killer Shrike | Living Monolith | Lupinar | Lynn Church | Madame Masque | Master Sniper | Midnight | Midnight Man | Morpheus | Moonstone | Morning Star | Nemean | Nightmare | Night Shift | Penance | Profile | Princess Nepthys | Rampage | Raul Bushman | Raptor | Ringer | Scarecrow | Secret Empire | Serial Rapist | Shadow Knight | Skein | Slasher | Slayers Elite | Société des Sadiques (Ernst) | Snapdragon | Stained Glass Scarlet | Sun King | Sunstroke | Taskmaster | Truth | Vampires | Vermin | Wax-Man | White Angel of Death | White Dragon | Xenos | Zapata Brothers | Zodiac | Zohar

Disciples of Ammit (Arthur Harrow & Ammit) | Khonshu | Anton Mogart | Wendy Spector | Raoul Bushman