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Villains Wiki

Raventail and his vermin gang.

Raventail is an anthropomorphic ferret and an antagonist in the Redwall book Marlfox.


Raventail was a barbarian chieftain who lead a band of other ferrets that wandered Mossflower Woods, looking for victims. He wielded a scimitar and had a raven's feather braided into his tail, hence his name. Raventail and his gang first appeared when they attacked Dannflor and his friends as they travelled to Castle Marl. The ferrets captured Dippler and Burble, and proceeded to torture them by dunking them in a river. When they were about to have further "fun" by flaying the pair, Dann and ong came back and scattered them, and Dann beat Raventail black and blue, almost killing him.

Later, Raventail and his vermin came across the Marlfoxes who were attacking Redwall. They joined forces, and together, after several defeats, they eventually broke into the Abbey. But when the Skipper of otters and his clan came as reinforcments, the tide was turned. Raventail was killed by the blind Abbey badgermum, Cregga, when she reached through the Abbey door and dragged him inside to an unknown, but lethal fate.


           Redwall Villains

Blodge | Captain Warpclaw | Catseyes | Cluny the Scourge | Damug Warfang | Doomeye | Gabool the Wild | Greypatch | Groffgut | Gruntan Kurdly | Raga Bol | Ripfang | Saltar | Slipp | Strapp | Ullig | Vitch | Wilce

Weasels/Ferrets/Stoats/Pine Martens
Antigra | Badrang the Tyrant | Bullflay | Cap'n Tramun Clogg | Eefera | Emperor Ublaz Mad Eyes | Ferahgo the Assassin | Gruven Zann | King Agarnu | King Sarengo | Klitch | Malkariss | Prince Bladd | Princess Kurda | Raventail | Sawney Rath | Spurge and Agric | Swartt Sixclaw | Threeclaws | Vallug Bowbeast | Veil Sixclaw | Vilu Daskar

Ascrod | Badredd | Balefur | Codj | Farran the Poisoner | Gelltor | Karangool | Lantur | Mokkan | Plugg Firetail | Predak | Ruggan Bor | Silth | Silvamord | Slagar the Cruel | Urgan Nagru | Vannan | Vizka Longtooth | Vulpuz | Ziral

Lady Kaltag | Pitru | Riggu Felis | Tsarmina Greeneyes | Ungatt Trunn | Verdauga Greeneyes

Asmodeus Poisonteeth | Zassaliss, Harssacss, and Sesstra

General Ironbeak | Korvus Skurr | Mangiz

Other "Vermin" Species
Frilled Lizard Leader | Gulo the Savage | Kharanjul | Lask Frildur | Razzid Wearat

Non "Vermin" Species
Druwp | Fenno | Gawtrybe | King Glagweb | Wakka
