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Razik is the main antagonist of the Star Trek:Voyager episode "Initiations".
He was portrayed by Patrick Kilpatrick, who also played John Wesley in Free Willy 3: The Rescue, Vincent Perotta in Criminal Minds and Robert Carlson in Babylon 5.
Razik was the first maje of the Kazon-Ogla sect. He had earned his Ogla name, Jal Razik, by destroying a Kazon-Nistrim freighter. He and his aide Haliz witnessed the presence of a Federation shuttlecraft in Ogla territory and Razik decided to send the Kazon boy Kar to destroy it, in order to earn his name. Chakotay, on board the shuttle, destroyed Kar's ship in self-defence and then beamed the boy to safety.
The Ogla captured Chakotay's shuttle and Razik confronted Chakotay and Kar, expressing disappointment that Kar had not managed to either kill or be killed. Chakotay tried to convince him that the Federation and the Kazon were not at war but Razik's history with the Trabe had taught him that anyone who wore a uniform was the enemy. He brought a group of Kazon boys to meet Chakotay and asked who would kill him, being pleased when all of them reached for the offered weapon. He handed Chakotay a gun and told him to kill Kar but Chakotay instead took Razik hostage. He and Kar fled in the shuttle which the Kazon destroyed, although not before they had beamed to a moon that the Ogla used for a training ground.
Razik challenged Voyager under Paris' command, telling them to leave the area and that Chakotay was dead. Razik had detected a search party on the surface and threatened to self-destruct the weapons there and kill them. Paris refused to leave anyone behind and Neelix called Razik's bluff, knowing he wouldn't want to either give away the training base's location to other Kazon or leave valuable weapons.
Razik and his crew headed to the surface and met up with Janeway's search party, suggesting they look for Chakotay and Kar together. The Starfleet crew's tricorders allowed them to pinpoint the pair quickly. Tuvok believed to have found the best route and Razik didn't correct him, allowing the Voyager away team to walk into a forcefield trap so the Kazon could reach Chakotay and Kar first. They found Kar holding a gun on Chakotay, saying he was going to kill his enemy to earn his Ogla name...but had realised Chakotay wasn't his enemy. Kar turned to Razik and immediately shot him dead.
In the show's pilot, the Kazon-Ogla were led by Jabin. It is unclear whether Razik had replaced him or whether they both held the title of maje simultaneously.