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You said I can build a confined universe here and rule over it all I want...and that still wouldn't turn me into a God. In fact, regardless of how powerful anyone can be...It's impossible to stop the inevitable flow of time. But even if it is, I will still try to become a God myself, If I can't become one...I will create one.
~ Reagan to Victoria.
Legends...are Legends...Because they do not go down easily.
~ Reagen to Engen.

Reagan Sinclair (레긴 싱클레어) is the secondary antagonist of the manhwa, Hero Killer. For centuries, he was a member of the Elders, the nine strongest Gift users in the world and the brutal ruler of Castle Gray where he ruled with an iron fist.

Known for his cruelty and insane ambitions, he conducted countless unethical experiments on his subjects all to create his version of a "God" for centuries while sleeping with dozens of women in his boredom, during which led to the birth of a daughter, Rachel Sinclair and other children.

Following the Smiling Man's invasion against him, Reagan had finally completed his centuries long plan, which he prepared to grow further and further by the villain's army and his subjects as fuel to perfected it. However, he was defeated by Engen and beheaded by his daughter, who mounted his head on top his castle keep.


Why, you ask? Because my defeat... is not a possibly in any scenario I am considering.
~ Reagen to Engen.

Reagan was one of the cruelest individuals in the series. His cruelty superseded that of any Elders as he was a deeply disturbing and delusional sociopathic man that was broken from centuries of isolation and loss. He had neither love nor respect for any of his retainers having seen them as mere test subjects and didn't show a single form of emotions for his children having no interest in them but carried out heavy punishments for minor infractions should they step out of line.

Powers and Abilities[]

Reagan was one of the strongest individuals in the series having been a member of the Elders for centuries. He was the original source of his Gift, Verdancy and possessed centuries of combat experience.

  • Genius Intellect: Arguably the most science-oriented of the Elders. Reagan was a Master of Sciences relating to selective breeding, genetic manipulation, and natural selection as he created dozens of horrific creatures from gruesome experimentation and granted his children an artificially granted his children and subjects a form of his Gift through Darwinism based "research" in trying to create his "God".
  • Decelerated Aging: The very ability that molded into a madman. Reagan possessed a naturally long lifespan akin to most Gift Users, however, he had an unnaturally long life even for one. He lived through countless decades, eras, and centuries and was one of the oldest Gift Users in the world.

Reagan possessed immense levels of EST that rivalled his follow Elders. He was a master in using others like his children through the power of his Gift and was already looking ahead to restart his plans should they ever be delayed. His primary weapons were created through his Gift, Underworld Verdancy, and he could create large and west wooden constructs that extended to the skies. One of his techniques, Netherworld Scepter embodied his olde friend Yushin's philosophy in how to kill a people.


Early life[]




            Hero Killer Logo Villains

Reagan SinclairMaster of the ClanEngen

The NamlessJohn Nash

Villains of Nera
The King of NeraAbyss DancerPuppeteerHoundMind Shocker

Jintae's Gang
Jintae Yang:

Gold-Blood Gang:
Office StaffRezo Gold-Blood

Others: Voltaire

Hero Clan
Saint LightMajestyDicerHeavy SmokerGraymanJadeStonefistBareknucklesCookie CutterMadam LiquorSting XMetal GiantPitbull

Black Hand
Agent Number SevenDalia MendozaNanzuSenshu

The Undead
