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It seems like I have underestimated them. Things are about to get a lot crazier.
~ The Scientist, about the player, at the end of Chapter 1.

The Scientist, otherwise known as Red, is the main antagonist of Rainbow Friends.

He is the mysterious guide to the player in Chapter 1, and its overarching antagonist, and becomes the main antagonist in Chapter 2. The Scientist is most likely the creator of the Rainbow Friends.


Scientist is a humanoid with large, wide eyes and a round head. Unlike the other Rainbow Friends, his body is similar to that of a Robloxian. He is seen wearing a lab coat over a black business suit, a red undershirt, black neck tie, and black gloves. It is unknown whether he is a monster or a disguised human.


The Scientist is a psychopath and a sociopath, cruel, manipulative, violent, smart, and sadistic as he shows no empathy towards the player. He is by far the most intelligent of the Rainbow Friends and the only one who actually speaks. He is a skilled manipulator and liar; after he guides the player to restore power to the facility on Night 4, he tells them to stay in the facility for a goodbye party for one more night instead of letting them go immediately, which put them in more danger.



Not much is known about Scientist's past, although it could be possible that he may had worked in the facility as a scientist. He may had also been responsible for the creation of the Rainbow Friends. It is theorized that Scientist was Trenton & that Oswald D. Davis turned Trenton into the Scientist that theory turned out to be debunked and confirmed not to be true as shown in Rainbow Friends Chapter 2, that there was a technician that shows a lot more resemblance to Trenton instead of the Scientist.

Chapter 1: Hemlock Woods[]

Night 1[]

On July 1st, 2007, the player is riding a bus on a field trip to Odd World. A close up shot of the Odd World sign shows a hand switching arrow on the sign to the right. The bus heads towards the more rough path into a bio-hazardous zone, and crashes. The players are knocked unconscious before being dragged away by the Scientist.

The players wake up in a facility as they are greeted by the Scientist, through a speaker. The Scientist introduces himself to the players as he tells them that his block pile fell over, and that he wants the player to collect all blocks and bring them to the pedestal in the theater. By the time the players awake, the Scientist has already released the first Rainbow Friend, Blue, who would chase the players if he sees them. After the player collects all 24 blocks, the Scientist praises them for their work and lets them rest, ending the night.

While the players are resting, the Scientist releases Green.

Night 2[]

Before the Scientist says what to do, he tells the player that Green is awake. However, he says that Green is blind and that he wouldn't chase them. The Scientist tasks the players to collect 15 food packs in order to feed the Friends. Once the players collect the 15 food packs, Orange enters the facility, reaching his hand reaching for the food. The Scientist then remarks about that Orange must've smelled the food, and the night ends.

Night 3[]

The Scientist tells the players that they collect 14 fuses and insert them on a machine in the main stage. After they succeed, he would tell them why they're really here. After telling them the main objective, the Scientist questions on why the vents started leaking, indicating that Purple entered the facility. After the players place all the fuses in the machine, the machine is turned on by the Scientist. However, the machine malfunctions and fries the power to the facility. The Scientist then panics and asks if the machine is okay, as the night ends.

Night 4[]

The Scientist tells the players to grab a flashlight and find 9 batteries to put into a generator on the main stage. He then remarks that maybe he will let them go after the power is restored. After the players powers up the generator, the power is restoredand the Scientist thanks the player for doing so. He then states that before the players leave, he would like to throw a goodbye party for them. After that, the night ends.

Night 5[]

The Scientist tells the players to grab a ticket and a party hat for the goodbye party and the players are taken to a party room with Blue sleeping in the center of a stage. A balloon falls onto a party hat and pops, waking him, but he goes back to the stage and falls back asleep. The Scientist announces that it's time for some goodbye cake, and the entrance to the party room is open. After another balloon pops onto a fork next to the cake, this leads Blue to a frenzy, as he begins to chase the players. After the players escape from Blue through a vent, the gate closes on him and he is taken back inside, as the finale ends.

A post-credits scene plays, with the Scientist standing in front of the vent, revealed to be a Rainbow Friend as well. The Scientist remarks to himself on how he underestimated the players, and says his most famous line, "It seems like I have underestimated them. Things are about to get a lot crazier."

Chapter 2: Odd World[]

Hour 1[]

July 5th, 2007. Hiding in a garage inside Odd World, the Scientist is seen with a button. After pressing it, a door opens, revealing Blue and Green, who escape from said door and wander around Odd World. The Scientist says that this is going to be fun, and plans to get the others out. The players are then tasked to find 25 light-bulbs scattered around Odd World. After the player gathers them all, they turn on an SOS light.

After all Lightbulbs have been collected, he comments about Yellow entering Odd World, asking how he was able to get over his stage fright.

Hour 2[]

When the players and the Technician attempt to barge into the garage that the Scientist is hiding in, miniature creatures called Lookies fly out in all directions, that knocks the Technician and the players unconscious. The Scientist captures the Technician and puts him on top of a droptower, and says that the players will have to collect the ten released Lookies and take them back to a pen within the Laser Tag Plaza so he lets him go. He then says that he set a timer by presumably putting explosives on the ride that are getting closer to the Technician.

Hour 3[]

If the players collect all the Lookies in time, the Scientist will congratulate them and let go of the Technician, who remarks that he is fine. However, if the players don't collect all the Lookies in time, the explosives will be set off, which are actually revealed to be fireworks and the Technician climbs down the ride. Meanwhile, a small blue Looky appears in front of the Scientist and stares at him, while the Scientist questions why it's doing that.

The Scientist also releases Cyan after the 3rd hour is completed, giving the players a bigger challenge. The Scientist also wonders about Cyan's interest in the bug.

Hour 5[]

After the Technician turns on the minecarts for the players to escape from Odd World, The Scientist goes and releases Cyan, Orange, Blue, and Yellow to try and kill the remaining players to prevent them from escaping. However, they fail to catch them, and Cyan attempts to chase the players down to where the exit is to the Surface. However, she gives up the chase after she loses the players to a dead-end.

It is later implied in the post-credits scene that The Scientist has gone looking for Blue, who is sleeping on his throne in his castle. The Scientist then tells him to wake up, saying that they're running late for something.


Chapter 1[]

Welcome... I need your help...
~ The Scientist, introducing himself and his first line in the game.

My blocks fell over...All you have to do is find them and put them back.
~ The Scientist, in Night 1.

Get some rest. You'll need it for tomorrow.
~ The Scientist, telling the player to prepare for Night 2.

Sounds like Green is awake. No need to worry about him, though, he's blind. How can he catch you if he can't see you?
~ The Scientist, about Green's entrance in Night 2.

That's a surprise. Orange left his cave. Maybe he smelled the food.
~ The Scientist, about Orange's entrance at the end of Night 2.

Tonight's the last night. After you fix my machine, i'll show you why you're really here.
~ Red, discussing the player's task in Night 3.

Hmm... Why did the vents start leaking?
~ The Scientist, commenting about Purple's entrance.

Looks like somebody forgot to feed Orange!
~ The Scientist, if the player didn't feed Orange.

Finally... Wait what's going on? That shouldn't be happening! *power goes out* What?! Is the machine okay?! It's too dark to see!
~ The Scientist, when the machine malfunctions.

Looks like you'll have to turn the power back on. Find a way to power up the backup generator.
~ The Scientist, in Night 4.

Who knows? Maybe i'll let you all leave afterwards.
~ The Scientist, foreshadowing the Finale.

Looks like we're back in business. Thanks for turning the power back on. As a reward, i'm going to let you all go. But first, i'm throwing you a goodbye party.
~ The Scientist, thanking the player for restoring the power.

Make sure you all redeem your party tickets.
~ Red, at the end of Night 4.

I'm so glad you could make it. Get ready for some delicious goodbye cake. Once everybody gets a slice of cake, i'll open the exit and you can all go home. Have fun in there...
~ The Scientist, in the Finale.

It seems I have underestimated them. Things are about to get a lot crazier.
~ The Scientist, revealing his underestimation about the player.

Chapter 2: Odd World[]

This is going to be fun. I'll go get the others...
~ Red, before unleashing Blue and Green into Odd World.

Look who decided to show up... I'm surprised he got over his stage fright.
~ The Scientist, commenting on Yellow's entrance at the end of Hour 1.

Alright everybody, let's try this again. Collect all of those Lookies you just released, and I'll let the old man live. Oh. And this time, there's a timer.
~ The Scientist at the end of Hour 2.

Cyan? I wonder why she's so interested in that bug.
~ The Scientist, commenting on Cyan's entrance at the end of Hour 4.

Where is Blue? We're going to be late.
~ The Scientist at the end of Hour 5.





  • Although many people refer to him as Red, however this is unconfirmed.
  • There are several theories about The Scientist's true identity:
    • One theory is that The Scientist is Oswald D. Davis, the founder of the facility and Odd World.
    • Another theory is that he is Trenton, who's implied to be an employee according to a video by MatPat. This, however, had since been debunked.
    • However, in Chapter 2, a Technician that appears in the chapter seems to closely resemble Trenton, due to both wearing glasses and having a similar face.
    • But, this also conflicts with his similarities to another character named Uncle Bob, a minor character in the Roblox horror-game, Spider, that was also made by RoyStanford, a developer for Rainbow Friends. The character was thought to had died after the spider mauled him, which started the events of Spider. It could be likely that he survived the spider attack. What he's doing in Odd World and how he recognized Blue in the first place remains a mystery however. It's also unknown if Rainbow Friends and Spider are set in the same universe.
  • The Scientist was the only known antagonist in Rainbow Friends to not do any direct harm to the player in Chapter 1. However, as of Chapter 2, he has now been known to have committed direct harm to them, as in Hour 2, he is implied to had released a cannon full of Lookies, that hit the player(s) and also hit the Technician, who fell head-first onto rock before kidnapping the Technician and placing him on top of a dropper ride.
  • The Scientist is speculated to be the creator of the Rainbow Friends. Evidence to back this up is that there is a machine located in a hallway by the portraits along with text on a wall that says "THIS IS WHERE THEY WERE ACTUALLY MADE", possibly meaning that the machine was used to create the Friends.
    • The machine that the player had to power up in Night 3 had some body parts of Robloxians, meaning that it could be possible that The Scientist was trying to create a new Rainbow Friend.
    • In the game's files, there are two unused Rainbow Friends that may have been created by The Scientist. Those two being Pink and Yellow, as their models can also be seen out of bounds from the map.
      • Although Yellow was eventually redesigned and revealed to be canon, it is unknown whether Pink is canon to the storyline.
  • In the Castle area of the facility, there's some red text that says "You only slowed me down". This is also implied to be written by The Scientist.
  • The Scientist is known for not keeping his promises of letting the player leave, as he would keep them from leaving the facility on Night 4 despite promising them to let them go. However, he did keep this promise in the Finale.
  • When the player escapes from Blue in the Finale, the door mysteriously closes on the latter. It is unknown whether this was done by The Scientist, or some other force.
  • It is heavily implied that The Scientist may have been the one that switched the arrow of the Odd World sign. He may have also been the one that dragged the player into the facility.
  • His head resembles the Lookies that the player needs to collect in Hour 3.
  • It is possible that he could be a human wearing a mask or a monster.

External links[]



Rainbow Friends
Blue | Green | Orange | Purple | Yellow | Cyan | The Scientist / Red
