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Once upon a time, there was a girl, and the girl had a shadow. The two were connected, tethered together. When the girl ate, her food was given to her warm and tasty. But when the shadow was hungry, she had to eat rabbit raw and bloody. On Christmas, the girl received wonderful toys; soft and cushy. But the shadow's toys were so sharp and cold that they sliced through her fingers when she tried to play with them. The girl met a handsome prince and fell in love. But the shadow, at that same time, met Abraham, it didn't matter if she loved him or not; He was tethered to the girl's prince after all. Then the girl had her first child, a beautiful baby girl. But the shadow, she gave birth to a little monster. Umbrae was born laughing. The girl had a second child, a boy this time. They had to cut her open and take him from her belly. The shadow had to do it all by herself. She named him Pluto, he was born to love fire. So you see, the shadow grew to hate the girl so much, for so long, until one day the shadow realized she was being tested by God.
~ Red revealing her backstory.
And to think… if it weren't for you, I never would've danced at all.
~ Red before her final fight with Adelaide.

Adelaide "Addy" Thomas, mistakenly known as Red, is the main antagonist of the 2019 psychological horror film Us.

She is initially presumed to be a Tethered, a doppelgänger of protagonist Adelaide Thomas Wilson, who seeks to usurp the life of her counterpart and escape the conditions of the Tethereds' miserable existence and is worshipped as a messiah by the rest of her kind. However, as the ending of the film reveals, Red's origins are even more tragic than they initially seem.

She was portrayed by Lupita Nyong'o who also played Adelaide in the same film.


In 1986, the Thomas family travel to Santa Cruz, California to take part in a festival at the beach. During their stay at the local carnival there, Adelaide wanders away from her father and discovers a funhouse. Going inside, Adelaide is trapped in a room of mirrors at the funhouse called "Vision Quest" (later renamed "Merlin's Forest" 3 decades later) when a storm knocks the lights off. While going through the mirror room, she finds a doppelganger of herself and without warning, the doppelganger attacks her, strangles her to unconsciousness (damaging her larynx), and chains her to one of the many beds belongings to the Tethered while she escaped to the surface world. Adelaide is forced to live a terrible existence within the Tethered society, being made to eat raw rabbits, and performing crude mannerisms to a similar vein of her doppelganger. When her doppelganger met and fell in love with a good man, Red in turn was made to partner with the unloving Abraham. While her doppelganger gave birth to children, Adelaide in turn gave birth to the sadistic Umbrae and the pyromaniac Pluto. Eventually, the Tethered realized that she was different from them as she had her own mind and her ability to speak. From there, she was made the de facto leader of the Tethered, and Adelaide would spend the last thirty odd years formulating her revenge against her doppelganger for taking her life as well as to lead the Tethered on a mission to kill off their real-world counterparts (which she later called "The Untethering").

The attack happens on the night the Wilson family return home from the beach. Adelaide, now going by the name “Red”, tasks her Tethered family with dividing up the family while she gets to toy around with the Tethered Adelaide. After the family manages to kill Abraham and Umbrae as well as the Tylers' doppelgangers, they try to escape Santa Cruz only to find that several other residents had been slaughtered by the Tethered, who are now forming a line in reference to the "We Are the World" campaign that Red had watched years ago prior to being switched out. After Jason succeeds in tricking his Tethered counterpart Pluto into walking into the flames of a burning car, Red kidnaps him and takes him to one of the Tethered's secret facilities. Chasing her to the facility, the Tethered Adelaide confronts Red, who explains her origins and that this has all been a direct revenge towards Adelaide. The two of them fight brutally, with Red maintaining the upper hand by anticipating all of her opponent's moves, but with Adelaide ending it by stabbing and brutally strangling Red to death. Despite her death, her plan appears to have succeeded as the Tethered are last seen being observed from afar by the government.


Once upon a time, there was a girl, and the girl had a shadow. The two were connected, tethered together. When the girl ate, her food was given to her warm and tasty. But when the shadow was hungry, she had to eat rabbit raw and bloody. On Christmas, the girl received wonderful toys; soft and cushy. But the shadow's toys were so sharp and cold that they sliced through her fingers when she tried to play with them. The girl met a handsome prince and fell in love. But the shadow, at that same time, met Abraham, it didn't matter if she loved him or not; He was tethered to the girl's prince after all. Then the girl had her first child, a beautiful baby girl. But the shadow, she gave birth to a little monster. Umbrae was born laughing. The girl had a second child, a boy this time. They had to cut her open and take him from her belly. The shadow had to do it all by herself. She named him Pluto, he was born to love fire. So you see, the shadow grew to hate the girl so much, for so long, until one day the shadow realized she was being tested by God.
~ Red revealing her story.
Be careful.
~ Red in the trailer (said quote never said in the actual film).
Little girl... Run!
~ Red advising Zora Wilson to run whilst Umbrae gives sprint.
If it weren’t for you, I never would have danced at all.
~ Red's words to Adelaide before fighting her, also doubling as her last words.





           Us logo Villains

The Tethered

Tethered Wilsons
Abraham | Umbrae | Pluto

Adelaide Wilson | Tethered Tylers
