Ren Krawler is a major antagonist in Bakugan: Gundalian Invaders, the third season of the anime series Bakugan Battle Brawlers. He was the leader of the minor Twelve Orders sent to take over Bakugan Interspace to use the Bakugan brawlers there as soldiers in Gundalia’s war against Neathia. After learning he was just a pawn he joins the Brawlers as their Darkus Brawler.
He is a Gundalian with chalk white skin. When disguised as a human, he retains his spiky white hair and reptilian eyes, but has light brown skin.
Ren is an expert liar as shown when he tricks the Brawlers before Fabia comes. In the past he was forced to live underground. In order to attain freedom, Ren serves Barodius, with the mission of finding and recruiting Brawlers for Gundalia's war against Neathia. He believes that Barodius saved him and that's why he fights for him. However, as he learned that the Emperor used him he fights against him with the help of the Brawlers. Like Nurzak, Ren disapproves of Barodius' rule over the Gundalians and hates him for using them for his own selfish motives and not caring about them or their loyalty at all. Ren is loyal to Nurzak as he sees him as a mentor and grandfather figure and considers him the only one in the major Twelve Orders who cares about him and his teammates and the future of Gundalia.
Villains | ||
Doom Beings Masquerade's Spies Vexos Twelve Orders Minor Twelve Orders Teams Anubias and Sellon Chaos Army Nonets Bakugan Mechtogan Mechtogan Titan |