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Renfri Vellga, more commonly known as Shrike, is a minor antagonist in the Witcher books. She appears in the short story collection The Last Wish as the main antagonist of one of the stories called The Lesser Evil.

In the Polish film and in the series, Weronika Pelczyńska and Kinga Ilgner played her role.

In the Netflix adaptation, she was played by Emma Appleton.



Renfri was born as a princess in the kingdom of Creyden and after the prophesied eclipse known as the Black Sun. After her father's death, Fredefalk married her stepmother Aridea, who possessed the Nehaleni mirror, a rare artifact that could foretell the future unmistakably, and she learned that Renfri would not only kill her but also other people. Initially, Aridea did not believe it, so she hired the magician Stregobor, who was a fanatic of the black sun and believed that girls of great families, after giving birth to an eclipse, would become mutants who would restore the demonic Lilith and cause the destruction of humanity. This caused her to be sent back to the forest with a hunter hired by her stepmother.

After Renfri was sent back to the forest, it is unknown what happened here other than finding the hunter's body and Renfri's escape from Creyden, but there were two different versions of what happened. In the first according to Renfri's perspective, she was raped and robbed of her valuables, leaving her alive. In the second, from Stregobor's perspective, Renfri killed the hunters with a brooch pin. This event caused Stregobor to flee from Creyden, fearing the suspicion of Renfri's disappearance.

After four years, Renfri tore her own dress and cut her hair with shears for sheep that had not grown back. Then Renfri killed and stole to survive, who was pursued by her stepmother and Stregobor, who tried to get rid of her forever.

An attempt was made to give Renfri a poison apple, but failed because of one gnome who gave her a cure for the poison. This started the uprising of the famous band of Renfri and seven gnomes from Mahakam who plundered and stole. And after the rise of these warbands, Renfri was nicknamed Shrike because of her impaling tales of her enemies. With her rising fame, her stepmother had trouble hiring any mercenaries who could kill Renfri.

Aridea summoned Stregobor to Creyden again, but when he reached the duchy he saw Aridea dead for unknown reasons and there were many speculations about her death. Including speculation that Renfri is responsible for her stepmother's death. And after her stepmother, her father also died of unexplained circumstances during hunting, and her paternal half-brother Jarmagdo disappeared without a trace.

Some time ago, after the death of her father and stepmother and the disappearance of her brother, Shrike was found by Stregobor and went into another fight where Stregobor turned her into a lump of crystal with one spell, then threw her into a mine and then blocked the passage. However, the unnamed prince spent the money on a counter-spell to restore Renfri to his former form and free Renfri from the mine, and then returned home with her to an unknown kingdom in the east. However, when she reached his kingdom with the prince, unpleasant situations occurred because the king punished his son for bringing Renfri to his kingdom, and Renfri ordered her to be tortured to reveal the place where the treasure lies, which she stole with seven gnomes.

Unfortunately for the king, when he was being tortured naked, Renfri was attended by his elder son who decided to help her by pulling her out of the executioner's bench where he next became king and his younger brother and his parents died of unknown circumstances. Some time later, Shrike became his favorite lover for the new king, but not for that long because she wanted revenge on Stregobor and Renfri is immune to magic for unknown reasons.

After this fact, Stregobor was very scared, this made Shrike have a huge advantage over him and he had to flee from countries such as Kovir, Angren and the Pontar valley many times until he finally decided to hide in Blaviken for a year, however, and in this place she managed to find what more Renfri has formed her own Gang to track him down.

The Lesser Evil[]

When Renfri and the band reached Blaviken to take revenge on Stregobor, she sneaked into the witcher's room where she manipulated him about Stregobor being a degenerate who deserved to die to facilitate her revenge, knowing that Stregobor could let Geralt go rather than Renfri herself. But Geralt has no intention and wants to convince Renfri that revenge does nothing, causing a conflict between them about lesser and greater evil. He also refused Stregobor to kill Renfri, saying he did not want to choose any of these sides.

Despite the failure of his first plan, Renfri lies to Geralt, successfully convincing him that he will leave Blaviken tomorrow at Dawn with his band on the condition that I kill Stregobor. Geralt learned from the mayor of this village that Renfri was given a Tridan ultimatum where for 3 years ago in the village of Tridam there was a dungeon of prisoners (including one member of Renfri Civril's gang) who murdered pilgrims in succession, causing Baron Tridam to release criminals to freedom. After this information, Geralt realized that Renfri had tricked him into not leaving Blaviken but stopping people at the fair and then killing everyone around until Stregobor came.

Geralt thought about choosing whom to kill to save the inhabitants of Blaviken, after this thought he decided to kill Renfri and her gang. After killing all the members of her warband by Geralt, Renfri, returning from the mage's tower, when she saw Geralt with the corpses of his companions, got the answer that she cheated and Renfri replies to the witcher that she was ridiculed by Stregobor and told her that he is not interested in the fate of people in Blaviken and that he can kill everyone around and other villages but it will not come out.

Geralt wanted to calm Renfri to prevent a fight between them, but she refuses him saying that she can't do otherwise. So a fight ensues between Geralt and Shrike during the fight the Shrike manages to wound Geralt in the chest though Geralt manages to defeat her by fatally slashing through the thigh and groin. After Geralt wins the fight, Renfri in a dying state asks him to embrace her but the Witcher ignores her because Renfri cunningly had a dagger that could slit his throat. After Renfri's death, Stregobor comes to the square, who slandered their fight through a magic ball and immediately wanted to take Shrike's body to dissect whether she was in fact that demonic mutant, but the witcher refuses to dissect the mage, threatening the mage when he touches the body, so Stregobor abandoned the dissections, telling him that he would never know the research data of a mutation caused a black sun eclipse and passed away. After all, the townspeople of Blaviken begin to accuse Geralt of calling him a butcher and a murderer, and the mayor banished him from the village.


Renfri is a young, slender woman of high stature, equal to Geralt of Rivia, with straw-colored hair that is unevenly cut (below the ears). She wore an uneven skirt which on the left side reached her calves and on the right side it exposed her thigh.


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Blood Origin
Balor | Eredin | Golden Empire | Merwyn

Sirens of the Deep
