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Villains Wiki
Villains Wiki

The Rhino Nezire is a rhinoceros-themed Nezire Beast and is the main antagonist in episode 3 of 1997 TV series called Denji Sentai Megaranger.

He is voiced by Toshiharu Sakurai who previously voiced Space Cockroach Goki-chan and later voiced Bombs, Garaga, Futabutabou, Trinoid 16: Tsutakotatsu, Bon-Goblin Hells, a Magnet Banki, Oinogare and a Wataameloid.


The Rhino Nezire made his first appearance on the Death Neziro as he was the 2nd Nezire Beast to be created. As Bibidebi was about to make a comment Dr. Hinelar covered its mouth as he laugh in triumphant. A while later the Rhino Nezire was then tasked by Yugande to bring chaos and destruction onto earth to which he happily replies.

A while later he appeared on planet Earth with a couple of Kunekune as they breach the CG Center which is exactly where Shun is at when he's working on his project in order to achieve his dream. So the three members transformed into Megarangers while Kenta heads into the building to save Shun. Speaking of which Kenta made it inside warns Shun about the enemies, but Shun is still too focus to achieve his dream, so Kenta holds off Kunekune as Shun finishes his project.

Once he finished his project the Rhino Nezire sends Kenta into the room and pinned Kenta to the floor. However Shun came to aid his friend at the cost of losing his saved project as they managed to flee the building. Once the team were outside the remaining members transformed and battle the Rhino Nezire. After that Megared used the Screw Drill Saber to destroy the Rhino Nezire's drill-like horn and then he was finished off by this finisher called Saber Slash.

However Dr. Hinelar arrived with the modified Bibidebi as it used the enlargement virus to infect and enlarge the Rhino Nezire prompting the team to bring out the Galaxy Mega to battle it. After that the Rhino Nezire was then destroyed by this finisher called Mega Flying Cutter.

See Also[]

  • Power Driller


Logo-megaranger Villains

Wicked Electric Kingdom Nezirejia
Evil Electro-King Javious I | Doctor Hinelar | Shibolena | Nezirejia Mobile Commander Yugande | Bibidebi | Guirail | Soldiers Kunekune
Nejirangers: NeziRed | NeziBlack | NeziBlue | NeziYellow | NeziPink
Nezire Beasts: Stingray Nezire | Rhino Nezire | Chameleon Nezire | Shrimp Nezire | Elephant Nezire | Bee Nezire | Bat Nezire | Neo-Bat Nezire | Rose Nezire | Mole Nezire | Owl Nezire | Poison Moth Nezire | Toad Nezire | Mushroom Nezire | Scorpion Nezire | Crocodile Nezire | Centipede Nezire | Antlion Nezire | Anglerfish Nezire | Buffalo Nezire | Moray Nezire | Cicada Nezire | Coral Nezire | Termite Nezire | Pig Nezire | Lion Nezilar | Porcupine Nezilar | Mantis Nezilar | Condor Nezilar | Canary Nezilar | Lizard Nezilar | Crab Nezilar | Thorn-Needle Nezilar | Illusion Nezilar | Transport Nezilar | Hell Nezilar

Ultimate Lifeform | Gigire | Helmedor
