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Rinny is the main antagonist of the horror web series, Pretty Blood.
She is a bear Malino who is a member of Pretty Blood, a criminal organization and company that abducts and traffics Malinos and locks them in secret prisons, where they get tortured to death to produce snuff films.
Rinny is a polar bear Malino with white fur, big eyes and black irises. She wears a big pinkish red bow on the back of her head and a light blue shirt with two white spots. She also has a light pink nose, cheek markings, and belly underneath her shirt. Malinos themselves are usually animalistic creatures with human intelligence and have chibi proportions resembling characters made by Sanrio.
Throughout the series, Rinny makes various unhinged and eerie faces whenever she's in her sadistic true form. They usually have big toothy grins, pinkish eyes, and multiple wrinkles around her face.
Rinny has two personalities: her public image and her true self. When she uses her public image, she presents herself as a very likable and extroverted girl. She uses this alter ego to make herself seem not suspicious to those around her.
Her public image, however, is only a facade. In reality as her true self, she is a very malicious and perverted psychopath, with her biggest motivations being greed and sexual sadism. She has absolutely zero limits or standards for her sadism, as she stooped so low as to kill her own daughter, Nappy to satisfy her bloodlust.
Rinny uses her public image to befriend Malinos so she can put them in a false sense of security. That way, she can lure them to her home so she can torture them to death or drug them unconscious to sell them to Pretty Blood.
Rinny is also cowardly and falsely claims to be a helpless victim of demonic possession whenever she is confronted, using that excuse to try and justify her actions.
Prior to the events of the series, Rinny was raised by two loving parents, Lemo and Alich. Despite that, however, Rinny was born a sadistic psychopath, even as a young child. When she was four years old, she killed the family's cat by beating it up with a baseball bat. Her parents, however, just passed that off as their daughter simply not knowing any better. As Rinny got older, she married a Malino named Mangy. Together, they had a daughter and named her Nappy.
At one point, she first encountered the Pretty Blood company. However, it was by complete accident. She stumbled into a hidden torture chamber, where she witnessed a psychopathic human torturing a bunch of Malinos. And the Malinos weren't just any Malinos; they were all Rinny's friends.
But Rinny didn't react with a single shred of fear, instead, she smiled at the sight of the Malinos being tortured, much to the human's surprise. Rinny then finishes the job for the human by grabbing a knife and then brutally slashes her friends with it. After the Malinos were killed, the human became interested in Rinny and offered her to join the Pretty Blood company.
Rinny happily accepts the invite, as she explained to the human that she has always had a desire to torture fellow Malinos, and there was never a place in her home place where she could do something like that. This makes her the very first Malino to officially join Pretty Blood.
Pretty Blood[]
In her namesake episode, Rinny arrives at her house, much to Nappy's delight. When Nappy runs up to her mother to receive a hug, Rinny punches her in the abdomen. This makes Nappy cry. As Nappy cries, Rinny just stares at her sobbing daughter with a sadistic smile. After a few seconds, Rinny proceeds to kick Nappy and repeatedly stomp and kick her, finishing it by knocking her out by smashing a flower pot on her head. After checking Nappy's pulse, Rinny takes an orange shirt and wraps it around her daughter's arms. And she also wraps a green shirt around Nappy's legs off-screen.
Some time later, Rinny wakes Nappy up by splashing water right in her face. And Nappy is greeted with the aftermath of the horrible fate her father, Mangy, has met from his wife. Seeing this greatly upsets Nappy, making her scream and cry. When Rinny enters the scene, she then grabs Nappy and stuffs her face into Mangy's disemboweled stomach, making Nappy puke.
Rinny then drops Nappy back on the floor, with Nappy mumbling the words; "Mama...please...Stop!..." Rinny then taped her daughter's mouth right after she said that. She then makes a big, toothy smile as she grabs an empty syringe. As Nappy panics and tries to break free, Rinny slowly stabs the syringe in Nappy's back. Rinny, still smiling sadistically, injects the empty syringe into her daughter's back, causing her to scream and pound her legs against the floor. Then, Rinny viciously stabs the syringe into Nappy's legs five times, with her digging the syringe further into Nappy's leg, further amplifying Nappy's pain and shrieking.
After that, Rinny takes out three golden hooks and stabs them, along with two other hooks, into Nappy. Two on each arm, one on her head, and the last two on each of her legs. This makes Nappy scream loudly and thrash around some more. Nappy's weeping was cut short when Rinny yanked the strings of each hook and hung them on a bigger hook hung from the roof, ripping Nappy's skin and keeping her immobilized in the air.
Rinny takes out the syringe again and aims it at Nappy's left eye. Nappy shuts her eye closed, but Rinny forces the eye open and stabs the syringe needle right dead center in Nappy's eye, causing even more pain and screeches from the defenseless cub. After all of that, Rinny, still having that depraved look in her face, walks over to her desk to grab her camera, so that she can record her daughter's suffering.
Toy Lilly[]
Rinny sends out invitations to a party to multiple people. However, when she sees Nono, she immediately recognizes her as Sadny Bin’s ally and walks away from her. During the party, she puts sleep pills in the drinks, causing everyone to fall asleep, including a girl named Lilly, selling everyone but her to Pretty Blood.
Lilly is then taken to where she is surgically implanted with a mind control device. Lilly wakes up in the grass, only to realize that she cannot move, calling for help. Cheeky and others come up to her, as Cheeky offers her cake. Suddenly, Rinny moves Lilly starts to beat up Cheeky, leaving her on the ground, crying. Another malino tries to stop her, only to get decked, as she walks home.
When she walks home, Lilly spots her mother and tries to warn her, only to be forced to knock her out, and put duct tape on both of their mouths to silence them. Rinny then uses her to set up a noose device around Lilly’s mother, and a rope for her father to fall over, as she grabs a knife.
Lilly’s father comes home, only to spot his wife tied up. As expected, he immediately runs to rescue her, only to trip on a rope, as Lilly walks from behind the door and is forced to dismember him. Seeing this, Lilly’s mother thinks of her as a monster, and commits suicide by activating the noose trap. Lilly is left in tears, as Rinny is asked by other Pretty Blood members to sell her to them. Rinny hesitates at first, but then agrees to sell her, leaving with pleasure from what she caused, and sold Lilly to Pretty Blood afterwards.
Dream Terror[]
Rinny is first shown manipulating Eluca into torturing Malinos, as he runs off to eventually kidnap Berry, Ron, Supa, and Miny. After, she hears on the news about the victims' torture, as she pulls up a sadistic grin on her face. However, when Eluca calls her, she finds out that he left them alive, causing her to be angry. Eluca says that he is changing the world through his actions, as she hangs up. Rinny ponders how he can change the world by torturing Malinos, but afterwards is revealed to have killed several Malinos, including Cann.
Necro Worm[]
Rinny has a minor appearance in the episode, as she kidnaps Leafy in front of a sentient flower, and tells the flower not to tell anyone. It is implied that she also kidnapped Cuft, Zelm, Gummy, Weddle, and Felly (who were nicknamed by the fans of the series).
Space Blubby[]
Surprisingly, she does not display any villainous actions, as in the episode, she decides to visit space with Ron, and the closest thing she does to even being villainous is briefly yelling at her for accidentally breaking her suitcase. However, it can be assumed that she helped the Intruder upload the code to the robots that corrupted them.
Red Snow[]
This is Rinny’s most villainous role to date. She is seen in a UFO strangling an escaped victim, before dropping them in a bucket of water, face first, next to a cabin. The cabin inside has multiple victims, and 6 kidnapped malinos: Luny, Copper, Bloon, Elma, Carl, and a bunny malino. First, she strangles Luny, and then starts throwing glass bottles at Copper, causing him to get a nosebleed. Then, she stilts the white bunny malino’s neck, resulting in her blood pouring on Luny, before slicing her face off. She then puts Luny in an electric machine, along with freezing Bloon and Carl. However, due to the snowstorm, a tree falls on Copper’s trap, freeing him. It then cuts to Rinny, tied up, surrounded by her surviving victims. Carl calls her out for torturing them, as Luny prepares to torture her.
While Bloon looks inside the drawers, Luny suffocates her with a pillow, much to Carl and Copper’s dismay. Carl, Luny, Bloon, and Copper get into an argument about whenever to kill her or not, while Elma hides in a wardrobe, as a flashback plays showcasing all the torture that happened to her. It showcases her being whipped multiple times by a machine, Rinny using a chainsaw to slice off her wing, and tying her onto a table and sending her into the corner of a table, resulting in her eye being pushed into her body. After the argument, Copper tells Rinny that he wishes she would disappear. Bloon then finds footage of her killing a family of Malinos. When the argument finishes, Luny drags Rinny into another room, where she makes her eat a razor blade and a needle. Elma joins the group to eat.
Rinny is shown in the next part being tortured by Luny, as she feeds her nose food and then turns on the heating pad below her. As Luny walks out, she pulls out a razor blade and sets herself free. Offscreen, she finds a crossbow, which she uses to shoot Luny, killing her. The others retreat into another room, as Elma goes insane. where Bloon beats up Copper. After a while, Rinny finds a shotgun and ammo, which she loads. During it, Copper and Bloon ambush her, as they attempt to shoot her, Rinny attacks Bloon and steals the gun, only to find out it isn’t loaded and it was a trick, as Copper shocks her until she is unable to move. When she is able to move, she attacks Bloon again and steals the gun, shooting all of Copper and Bloon’s limbs off as she suffocates them with plastic bags, killing them very slowly and horribly.
When she wanders into the room that Carl is in, Carl, in a bubble above her with a hammer, pops the bubble and attacks her with a hammer, Grabbing the shotgun, she tries to confront Rinny, who has a pistol, using the excuse that she is being possessed for the second time. Carl, now crying, calls Rinny a monster, as she pulls the gun out of her pocket. This prompts Carl to pull the trigger on her shotgun, she finds out that the shotgun is out of ammo, and escapes into another room while Rinny attempts to shoot her. Carl is then mutilated by Elma, believing that she was Rinny, causing her to go into a breakdown. Rinny overhears this and attempts to shoot her, only to miss twice, as Elma has now become berserk and insane, being able to dodge bullets and armed with a machete. This causes Rinny to hide in a cabinet, which she uses to escape.
Rinny then calls a group of armed Malinos to help her out. As they arrive from a helicopter, she goes in the helicopter as they hunt for Elma. However, Elma kills most of the armed Malinos, except Puzz. As she runs out of the cabin, Rinny leaves her in the snow, as Puzz is killed by Elma. However, Puzz shoots her ear off as revenge, causing her to be heavily injured. As she escapes in the helicopter, a flashback plays as her parents witness her beating her pet cat to death with a baseball bat.
This is a list of Rinny’s victims that she has either killed, tortured, or mentally scarred.
- Lemo (mother)
- Alich (daughter)
- Mangy (husband)
- Nappy (daughter)
- Lilly
- Ron (non-canon)
- Cann
- Leafy
- Luny
- Bloon
- Copper
- Carl
- Elma
- Dede (debatable)
- Dada (debatable)
- Various other Malinos
- Rinny's appearance is largely similar to Kitty White from Sanrio's Hello Kitty franchise, possibly inspired from Kitty's design.
- Both wears a red bow on their heads (Rinny's bow is at the back of her head while Kitty's bow is on her forehead).
- Both have a similar body shape, with stubby limbs and lack fingers or toes, as well the same white colored fur.
- Rinny has a total on-screen body-count of 41.
- Just a Neighbor reveals that Rinny was the one who kidnapped Dede and Dada, although this episode is non-canon so it's unknown if this is true.
- The Most Cuddle One (or Red Snow 3 #2) reveals that her favorite form of torture are asphyxiation methods such as choking and drowning.
External Links[]
- Rinny on the Pretty Blood Wiki.
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