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Villains Wiki

Road Hugger is a minor antagonist in Generation One of the Transformers franchise. He was based on a figure from the 1989 toyline.

Marvel Comics[]

Road Hugger appeared in the storyline that began in Marvel US Issue #56. He and the rest of the Sports Car Patrol were among the small group of Cybertronian Decepticons who had ended up under the leadership of a returned Megatron. He and his teammate travelled to the Ark where they approached Ratchet proposing as a group of Autobots newly arrived from Cybertron and offered to take him back there so he could use their new techniques to revive the deactivated members of the Earth Autobots. Road Hugger, Detour and Hyperdrive escorted Ratchet back there, leaving Blackjack behind to plant a bomb in order to destroy the Ark.

Road Hugger and the others quickly dropped their pretense and Road Hugger mocked Ratchet for being fooled. The three of them were left to guard Ratchet as he was assigned by Megatron to rebuild Starscream as a brainwashed Pretender. Ratchet managed to cause a piece of equipment to explode, knocking the three Micromasters out, and used the opportunity to repair Jazz, Bumblebee and Grimlock as Pretenders. A brief battle saw Megatron hurl the three Autobots out of the base, with Road Hugger, Detour and Hyperdrive quickly pursuing them, backed up by Dreadwind and Darkwing. The battle came to an abrupt halt when they witnessed Megatron's base exploding in the distance, the result of Ratchet arranging for the bomb on the Ark to be transported there.


            TransformersG1Title Generation One Villains

Megatron/Galvatron | Soundwave | Shockwave | Reflector | Blitzwing | Astrotrain | Straxus | Cyclonus | Scourge | Sweeps | Octane | Trypticon | "Megatron" | Runabout & Runamuck | Megadeath
Seekers: Starscream | Thundercracker | Skywarp | Acid Storm | Sunstorm | Thrust | Dirge | Ramjet
Mini-Cassettes: Laserbeak | Ratbat | Frenzy | Rumble | Ravage | Buzzsaw | Slugfest | Overkill
Insecticons: Shrapnel | Bombshell | Kickback
Constructicons: Scrapper | Long Haul | Bonecrusher | Mixmaster | Scavenger | Hook | Devastator
Stunticons: Motormaster | Breakdown | Drag Strip | Wildrider | Dead End | Menasor
Combaticons: Onslaught | Brawl | Vortex | Swindle | Blast Off | Bruticus
Predacons: Razorclaw | Rampage | Divebomb | Tantrum | Headstrong | Predaking
Terrorcons: Hun-Gurr | Blot | Cutthroat | Rippersnapper | Sinnertwin | Abominus
Headmasters: Scorponok | Weirdwolf | Skullcruncher | Mindwipe | Apeface | Snapdragon | Fangry | Horri-Bull | Squeezeplay
Targetmasters: Misfire | Triggerhappy | Slugslinger | Spinister | Needlenose | Quake
Seacons: Snap Trap | Tentakil | Nautilator | Skalor | Seawing | Overbite
Firecons: Cindersaur | Flamefeather | Sparkstalker
Pretenders: Skullgrin | Bomb-Burst | Submarauder | Iguanus | Finback | Bugly | Carnivac | Snarler | Stranglehold | Octopunch | Thunderwing | Icepick
Duocons: Flywheels | Battletrap
Powermasters: Dreadwind | Darkwing | Doubledealer
Triggercons: Ruckus | Windsweeper | Crankcase
Micromasters: Air Strike Patrol (Whisper | Storm Cloud | Tailwind | Nightflight) | Blackjack | Detour | Hyperdrive | Road Hugger
Action Masters: Krok

Lord Zarak | Vorath | Grax | Monzo | Spasma | Krunk | Aimless | Blowpipe | Caliburst

Unicron | Quintessons (Imperial Magistrates) | Megatronus Prime | Doctor Arkeville | King Nergill | Nightbird | Shawn Berger | Jero | Lord Gyconi | Lord Chumley | Kremzeek | Ali | Old Snake | Victor Drath | Primacron | Tornedron | Dweller | Mark Morgan | Gregory Swofford | Circuit Breaker | The Mechanic | Scraplets | Flame | Mecannibals | Machines (TORQ III)
