The Robbers are minor antagonists in the 2019 comic book movie Shazam!, the seventh installment of the DC Extended Universe. They are a pair of robbers who attempted to rob a convenience store, but were stopped by Shazam.
They were portrayed by Craig Henry and Shawn Stewart.
As Shazam and Freddy Freeman pretended to be adults to purchase beer in a store, two robbers enter the store and hold the cashier at gun point. They tell her hand over the money. Freddy realizes this is the time for Billy to become a hero. Billy, as Shazam, confronts the pair of Criminals. They point their guns at him, but he grabs one of their guns out of their hands. The other shoots Billy, but it is ineffective. That is how Billy learned he was bulletproof. He handed the gun back and tells the robbers to go to town on him, as Freddy videos. The pair look at each other with confusion, but do shoot him, with no effect. After nerding to Freddy about how cool his bullet Immunity, he throws the pair through the window tied up with Christmas lights. Shazam walks out with Freddy and tells them that he doesn’t want to see them again. They run away in fear.
They were not seen again for the rest of the film and it is left unknown what had happened to them after they ran away. It could be possible that they went to jail.