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It's funny, though... as against what you were doing with Dinosaurus I was... it was mostly because it conflicted with my plans. It really was the most forward-thinking you'd ever been. It impressed me. Made me think you might even be a good ally. But seeing your potential here, no. Only one of us can rule.
~ Robot betraying Invincible as he vows to take over Earth.
You know what this is? It's new. It's a new way of doing things, of fighting evil, of saving the world. And it's messy and imperfect, but it's effective. But most of all... it's new.
~ Robot justifying his actions.
I used to fear what I might do in the name of logic... Truth is, I think things are better this way.
~ Robot accepting his fate after his defeat.

Rudolph "Rudy" Conners, better known as Robot, is one of the two secondary antagonists (alongside Angstrom Levy) of the Image Comics series Invincible, and a major character in its animated adaptation of the same name.

He was first thought to be nothing more than a robot superhero with advanced artificial intelligence who leads the Teen Team. As it turns out, Robot is a machine controlled by the mind of genius Rudy Conners. Rudy was physically unable to live outside of a specially built pod due to outside air burning his lungs, so he created Robot to live vicariously through. Rudy now exists outside his tube as a clone of Rex Splode who, after his death, takes on his name in honor. He now wears a power-suit and is friends with Invincible.

Over the course of the series, he progressively becomes more deranged after many conflicts, leading to him becoming a villain and an extremist. This pushes him to the point of betraying Invincible and his teammates to become the ruler of Earth, killing every hero and villain that opposed his rule. Near the end of the series, he was successful in taking over Earth and ushered a utopia. When Thragg re-initiated his conquest of Earth with his hybrid children, Robot teamed up with the heroes to successfully fight back Thragg and he even helped Mark kill Thragg by pinning him in the core of the sun until Thragg completely disintegrated from the extreme heat. After that he attempted to re-establish his rule on Earth only to be stopped by Mark and his allies. He was imprisoned for eternity in a glass container and served as an advisor for the Immortal, who now ruled the Earth in his place.

He was voiced by Zachary Quinto, who also portrayed Charlie Manx in NOS4A2, Crosby Franklin in Hotel Artemis, Dr. Oliver Thredson in American Horror Story, and Sylar in Heroes. In his new body, he was voiced by Ross Marquand, who also voiced Bi-Plane and Omnipotus in the series, Infinity Ultron in What If...? and Apocalypse in X-Men '97, and portrayed Red Skull in Avengers: Infinity War and Avengers: Endgame.


Early Life[]

Rudolph Conners was born with a severe deformity, but was gifted with a genius level intelligence, which he used to study the fields of science, engineering, and genetics. Rudolph would decide to become a superhero under the alias "Robot", and became the leader of the Teen Team.


When Robot and the Teen Team were fighting the supervillains, the Mauler Twins, they were supported by the new superhero Invincible. Robot would later investigate mysterious bombings at a local mall, and managed to link his sources to a high school teacher named David Hiles. Conners then contacted Atom Eve on who the bomber was while he was battling an unnamed villain, and sent her and Invincible to apprehend him. Around this time, Conners was offered a membership to the Guardians of the Globe, which he accepted and told his teammates that he would disbanding the Teen Team. When the Guardians of the Globe were slaughtered by Omni-Man, Conners was appointed as the new leader of the team, and was tasked by Cecil Stedman to recruit superheroes for the group.

Robot organized tryouts for superheroes, and recruited Dupli-Kate, Monster Girl, Black Samson, Rex Splode, and Shrinking Ray into the new Guardians of the Globe. Conners also offered Invincible a membership into the Guardians of the Globe, but he refused due to him not feeling ready to commit to such a task. After Invincible brutally battled his father, Atom Eve asked Robot to find him since he disappeared, and spoke with Donald Ferguson. Donald revealed that they were keeping Invincible in care, and told Robot that he and the government weren't pleased with the Guardians. Later on, Robot and his team battled against an invasion by the Flaxans, and made their leader retreat when they started to remove their bands that allowed them to not age quickly.

Powers and Abilities[]

Robot has super-intelligence, making him the smartest character in the Invincible series. He's an expert in robotics as seen through him making a robotic suit for himself in combat with flight, super strength, speed and durability.


  • Cybernetic Enhancement: Robot originally had a cybernetic enhancement implanted in his brain, allowing him to control his drones.


  • Genius-level Intellect: Rudolph Conners has demonstrated himself with being a genius, being knowledgeable in the fields of science and mechanical engineering. His intellect also goes to charisma, as he able to gain the trust of an entire planet, and deceive many to think he was benevolent individual. Additionally, he was bilingual, being able to speak English and Flaxan.
  • Leadership: Robot showed himself to be a capable leader, as he had many victories while leading the Teen Team and the new Guardians of the Globe.
  • Master Engineer: Robot is a master engineer, being capable of creating his own robots and drones.
  • Extreme multitask capabilities: Robot posesses the mental capacity to preform dozens of different tasks at once effectively. He uses this to control all his robots remotely, even if there are dozens of them on the field. This is also why Cecil recurited him as the commander of the superhero defence force.




TV Series[]



  • Robot is based on the Marvel Comics superhero, Iron Man and also Robotman from DC Comics.
    • Funnily enough, neither of these characters were ever portrayed as villains.
  • By technicality, the original Rudolph is more innocent and does not count as much of a villain with only the Rex clone with a copy of Rudolph's mind being the one who fell to villainy, making the original indirectly being responsible, but with no evil intent.
  • Very much like Marvel Comics supervillain, Dr. Doom, Robot believed he was the only leader suitable to rule the world and that he would turn it into an unrivalled utopia for all it's inhabitants. Unlike Doom, Robot succeeded in achieving his goal of global conquest and had genuinely managed to bring peace and order to all it's inhabitants, through what he perceived to be necessary actions.

External Links[]


           Invincible comics logo Villains

Viltrum Empire
Argall | Thragg | Nolan (Earth-646) | Conquest | Oliver Grayson | Kregg | Anissa | Thula | Lucan | Vidor | Onaan | Ursaal

Alternate Mark Graysons
Invincible (Earth-646) | Mohawk Mark | Sinister Mark | Viltrum Mark

The Order
Mr. Liu | Titan | Embrace | Face | Furnace | Insomniac | Isotope | Machine Head | Multi-Paul | Octoboss | Red Eye | Set | Slaying Mantis | Squidmen | Walking Dread | War Woman II

Lizard League
Queen Lizard | King Lizard | Supreme Lizard | Iguana | Komodo Dragon | Salamander

Global Defense Agency
Director Radcliffe | Cecil Stedman | Steven Erickson | D.A. Sinclair | ReAnimen | Rodgers | Phase Two

Flaxan Empire
Slash | Monax

Angstrom Levy | Battle Beast | Bi-Plane | Bulletproof | Cho | Damian Darkblood | Darkwing II | Data Twin 2 | David Hiles | Dinosaurus | Doc Seismic | Elephant | The Giant | Gridlock | Killcannon | King Immortal | Knuckle Buster and Force Fist | Kursk | Magmaniac | Magmanites | Magnattack | Master Mind | Mauler Twins | Omnipotus | Powerplex | Rampage | Roarface | Robot | Rus Livingston | Sanford | Sequids | Tether Tyrant | Vault | Volcanikka
