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Roderick de Wett is a major antagonist in The Witcher. He is a Knight of the Order of the Flaming Rose and a Nilfgaardian Count.
He was voiced by Kerry Shale.
Roderick de Wett is a Nilfgaardian aristocrat, a member of the Order of the Flaming Rose and an aide of Princess Adda chosen by King Foltest. When Foltest was away, Roderick allied himself with Salamander, and after the alliance, he forged royal edicts to wreak havoc and cause civil war while the king was away, all in order to eliminate his political opponents by undermining his position.
In the Vizima, Roderick, accompanied by Adda, come to a banquet organized by Declan Leeuvarden and introduce themselves to their lover alongside Geralt and Triss Meligold. Roderick tells Geralt that he remembers him and is negative towards him, calling him a mutant even though Adda warned him not to be rude to the guests.
After the banquet is over, Roderick confronts Thaler on Vizima Street to get Thaler to resign from the leadership of the Temerian special services in order to weaken Temeria, but Thaler refused to resign and accused de Wett of stuffing the decrees, so Roderick ordered his men of the burning rose to arrest him. Before they were supposed to fight each other, Geralt comes, seeing the tense situation, and wants to listen to both sides. Roderick tried to manipulate Geralt that the secretariat decided to dismiss Thaler from the position of the head of the Temerian social service, which Thaler does not call him a forger. Roderick tried to persuade Geralt to Temerian patriotism and helped defeat Tharel. If Geralt decides to fight with Thaler by killing him Roderick will be grateful and if he stands by him telling him he can leave Count de Wett starts to get frustrated. Canonically, Thaler Geralt spares him.
After the confrontation between Thaler and Roderick, Geralt goes to the inn where he meets Triss, Declan, and optionally a tried-and-true Siegfired or Yaevinn to devise a plan to defeat the Salamandra. If Geralt optionally defended Thaler from Roderick the Order of the Flaming Rose accompanied by de Wett attack under a false document declaring that Geralt should be killed and his companions arrested just because he came at him and the knights of the Order of the Rose entered through the door Triss immediately teleported Geralt and the optional ally to have escape somewhere.
Before entering the Old Manor, Geralt witnesses Roderick not letting him pass because he is carrying out orders for the Grandmaster. To which Geralt replies that the Grandmaster has entrusted him with guarding the street, which amuses the count greatly, commenting in a mocking way that he will not be provoked and will not let the witcher through even if he has documents allowing him to enter the Old Manor. Roderick did not let Geralt pass because he was making sure that Geralt could not find out about Jacques de Aldersberg's secret plans.
When Foltest returned to the Temerian kingdom, de Wett uses her daughter Adda, who is under a curse that turns her into Strigga. In this way, Roderick wants to weaken Foltest by taking away Addy's necklace so that she can transform into Strigga and be able to cause chaos in the palace in Temeria, and at the same time he takes everything that could break her spell. After that, Adda turned into Stygga again and King Foltest recruited everyone who wanted to stop the escape and Geralt to break the curse again. Among the participants who wanted to block the escape was de Wett. When he met Geralt, he approached him and asked him to stop thinking about misunderstandings related to the past and to dispel Adda's spell just to cover up the traces of suspicion. Roderick describes Adda's transformation to Geralt as the work of the gods who did it on purpose to severely punish King Foltest and tells him that Adda gave birth due to the incestuous relationship between Foltest and his deceased sister. Additionally, Roderick persuades Geralt to kill her as a Striga instead of disenchanting Adda.
After dealing with Adda turned into a Striga, depending on the decisions made, Geralt meets de Wett again in the swamps near the city, where he confronts him. During the meeting with Geralt, Roderick asks him if he finished off the Striga. Geralt responds to him depending on the decision he made, and he found out about the traitor who was close to Adda. This worries Roderick very much and he asks how he knows about the alleged traitor, to which Geralt admits that he doesn't know yet, but reveals that he found a diary in which he found out full of information. Roderick asks Geralt to casually hand over the diary belonging to Ostrit to give to the Grandmaster. After returning the diary, Roderick was confused because Geralt had never given his name, so he could follow his actions.
He also worked with Salamadra for power and profits, but when Geralt discovered it, he killed him in combat. However Jacques de Aldersberg commented that Roderick de Wett was always useless to him.
Journal Entry[]
I met Count de Wett at Leuvaarden's reception. He hails from Nilfgaard, belongs to the Order of the Flaming Rose and advises King Foltest on behalf of the Order. He is exceptionally loathsome and arrogant, and he came to hate me from the moment we met. De Wett arrived at the party in the company of Princess Adda. I sense there is something going on between them.
De Wett turned out to be the sworn enemy of Thaler, the chief of the Temerian intelligence service."
The Order acknowledged De Wett's achievements and promoted the rat. I don't know what the count did in response, but it apparently pleased his superiors.
The Nilfgaardian spilt the beans. Now I am certain he is to blame for the return of Adda's striga curse.
I killed De Wett in a fight. One less son of a bitch to worry about.
- Only if Geralt kills both the werewolf and the striga:
I encountered De Wett's ghost in the Ice Plains.
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