Roidmude 5886 is the main antagonist of the Kamen Rider Drive movie Kamen Rider Drive Saga: Kamen Rider Heart. It is a being created from the miscellaneous data of all the Roidmudes that were destroyed. It seeks to gather data from each of the humans that were copied by Roidmudes in order to become complete.
It was voiced by Takaya Kuroda.
Formed from the scattered data of all the Roidmudes that were destroyed, Roidmude 5886 went on a spree of attacking all the humans who had been copied by Roidmudes in order to gather data from them to complete itself. The Special Investigation Unit soon took notice and began investigating the matter.
While going after Misuzu Hatori, the human copied by Roidmude 009, 5886 was faced by a newly revived Heart Roidmude. Heart attempted to match up to 5886 by turning into a form of Drive, but was overwhelmed and forced to flee.
5886 later went after Shingo Tachibana, the human who had merged with Roidmude 065 to create the Judge Roidmude. He was faced again by Heart who, after transforming into Kamen Rider Heart, fought and destroyed 5886.
Though 5886 was destroyed, the core of Roidmude 005 managed to restore itself within 5886's data and escaped after 5886 was defeated.