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Ruggan Bor is a major antagonist in The Taggerung, the fourteenth book in the Redwall novel series. He is a fearsome warlord in charge of a clan of vermin that he leads that took over the Juska clan, overthrowing their leader Antigra, whom he eventually slew for plotting against him. Having been informed that her son, Gruven Zann, was hunting the Taggerung to kill him, he awaited him to return, seeking to slay the Taggerung himself if he was slain, in order to get his title and interrogates Gruven for information to find him, not believing at first that he had killed him as said.


As the leader of his own clan while being known as the Lord of the South Coasts, Ruggan Bor had commanded his clan using various tricks. At one point, he came across the Juska clan and took it over, overthrowing Antigra, naming the clan the Juskabor clan, and then getting information regarding Gruven that he took over from Sawney Rath, the previous leader of the clan, and was out to kill the Taggerung. Upon learning of Antigra plotting against him, he outwitted and slew her. Eventually, after Gruven makes it back to where the clan previously settled when having retreated from the Taggerung, he gets brought to Ruggan Bor by a few of his vermin in front of his tent, accompanied by Grissoul, the former seer of Sawney, and another called Ermath being his own. Getting confirmation from Grissoul that this is Gruven, the one who took over from Sawne Rath, Ruggan has Gruzzle, one of his guards, loose the rope Gruven was tied with and return his weapon. Introducing himself to Gruven, he reveals that he had took over his clan and added it to his own before slaying his mother for plotting against him. Unaware that Gruven was apathetic about his mother's death, he asks if he seeks to avenge her and challenge him as chieftain of the Juska, telling him that since he stands armed and free before him, now would be the time to do anything.

Gruven, however, lies about him having slain the Taggerung, though when Ruggan asks his seers about this, they say they see no signs of his death with Gruven trying to affirm that the Taggerung lives because he is the Taggerung now. When Ruggan Bor asks him where the Taggerung's head is as Gruven vowed to bring it back, Gruven makes up a lie about how he gave it back to the flies when he reached the old camp. Staring at Gruven levelly and putting his paw on his saber hilt, Ruggan repeats his first quetion about whether he is going to avenge his mother or challenge him to which Gruven responds by stating that they're both mighty warriors and that the clan would gain nothing by their loss and declares that when Ruggan is unable to find the Taggerung, they will realize it's him before they allow the whole of the Juska to decide who is leader. Ruggan Bor decides to have six Juska find Gruven a tent of his own, give him food, and guard him well, telling Gruven he'll give his answer tomorrow at breakfast while dismissing him before striding back into his tent with the two seers. There, they explain to him that the omens are still cloudy and suggest that time may reveal the answers with Ruggan stating that while time reveals all, he suspects that Gruven is a born plotter with a ready tongue and is scheming behind his back, showing further suspicion on how he didn't stand against him despite being such a mighty one with Ruggan having slain his mother and took over his clan as if anyone did that to him, he'd feed them to the sea fishes. Dismissing them, he states he will reach his own conclusions on this.

At dawn, Ruggan uses a trick he had learned through long seasons of commanding Juska vermin by narrowing one eye and staring at the back of a guard's neck until the ferret outside his tent turned and saluted with his spear, to whom he commanded to tell his cook to bring food for two and then go and bring Gruven to him in the tent. When Gruven was brought into his tent, Ruggan told him to sit, eat, and answer his questions truthgully. As they ate, Ruggan asked him where he slew the Taggerung to which Gruven shows an inconsistency in his lie by stating that it was at the old campsite despite having earlier claimed to have carried the head until he reached the old camp and threw it away there. Gruven follows this up with a lie proclaiming that that was where he first saw him as he had been tracking him north for three days before killing him and then returning to the old camp to se if anyone had come back there as there were no signs of Juska back at the camp which is why he decided to throw the head away there. Considering this, Ruggan asks why he did not notice the traces of them breaking camp when he first arrived with Gruven explaining that he didn't due to tracking a Taggerung. Taking this in, Ruggan tells him to finish eating as they are going to the old camp to find the Taggerung's head and confirm whether or not Gruven had spoken the truth. Leaving a few Juska vermin to guard the tents, Ruggan borr set off north into the fading mists with Gruven walking slightly behind him, surrounded by six hefty Juskabeasts with close to three hundred armed vermin accompanying them.

Eventually, when they stopped for the night, Ruggan converses with his seers as they perform their rituals and mumble while trying to read the omens with Grissoul stating an omen about how he who has the Taggerung slain shall take on the champion's name which Ruggan wants to know the meaning of, though she dies of old age before she could answer. He tries to ask Ermath about the omen, though she explains that it's not for her to read the omens of another seer. Laying down to rest, he cuts her short and dismisses her. Four days later, when they reach the old campsite, Ruggan has Gruven be brought to him before asking him where he left the head. Gruven, however, complains about his treatment and declares that he will not speak until the rope is taken from him, leading to Ruggan whipping his saber through the air and slicing the whiskers from the left side of Gruven's muzzle. He threatens to take off his ears with the next stroke and then start working down his body bit by bit before asking him where the Taggerung's head is. Sitting on the sand and weeping like a babe, Gruven states he threw it in the stream. Ruggan asks him what stream as there was no stream around there to which Gruven responds by stating it was the stream back in the woodlands northeast of there. When Ruggan asks him what he did with the body, Gruven begins hysterically laughing and sobbing while shouting that he threw it in the swamp, leading to Ruggan leading an expedition to the swamp. When they arrive there, Ruggan had his Juskabeasts fan out and search for the boglands while he and the six guards rested close to the tree fringe with Gruven in their midst.

When they arrive back, they reveal a crazed Rawback, much to Gruven's shock as he thought he had died in the swamp and began yelling that he's dead and to go away. Sticking his tongue out at Gruven, Rawback turns to Ruggan and talks about Gruven having thought he left him for dead in a crazed manner before asking Ruggan if he would push any beast in a swamp. Ruggan has his guards untie Rawback while stating he wouldn't and tells him to sit down by him while ordering his guards to bring him food and blackberry wine. Recognizing him as one of the old clan by his tattoos, Ruggan asks him if Gruven slew the Taggerung, leading to Gruven trying to drown Rawback out by shouting that he's mad and that what he says should not be believed. This leads to a tough lean vixen stuffing his mouth with a sod of earth and grass as Ruggan continues conversing with Rawback, who explains the incident that happened regarding Vallug Bowbeast and Eefera capturing them and using them to fake a siege against Redwall Abbey before being slain by the Taggerung with him seeing Vallug lying slain in the ditch and what happened to him and Gruven. Having heard enough, Ruggan tells him to finish his food and rest, welcoming him to join his clan as a Juskabor. Having Gruven ungagged and brought before him, Ruggan asks what he has to say with what Rawback had spoken to which Gruven tried to dissuade him by declaring that Rawback is mad and he had seen the Taggerung lying slain inthe ditch instead of Vallug as Gruven had severed his head from his body. When Ruggan asks him why he didn't tell him this first instead of the foolish lies he spoke, Gruven tried to cover up by lying that he did not want him to know he fled in the midst of a battle, though he had to due to them being greatly outnumbered while repeating that he had slain the Taggerung outside Redwall's gates. Thinking about this, Ruggan decides to lead an expedition to Redwall Abbey to get the truth as Gruven had lied his way around the truth.

Once they arrive to the abbey, Ruggan has four spear carriers run forward and thud their spearbutts against the great oaken doors of Redwall. He had expected to wait until some old gatekeeper appeared on top of the wall to see who was knocking, but instead, the doors swung open with over twoscore otters, tough capable beasts, armed with slings and javelins led by a hare carrying a long hooked window pole. An otter would then step forward with a sword, said otter being Deyna who was, unbeknownst to Ruggan Bor, the Taggerung. When he asks what he wants, Ruggan introduces himself and threatens them if they lie before asking if the Taggerung was here. Deyna lies by declaring he no longer exists and is now dead with Nimbalo affirming that Gruven slew him, much to Gruven's surprise as he exclaims hysterically. Placing his paw to the blade at his throat, Ruggan tells Deyna to put up his sword, declaring that they are leaving. As Gruven frees himself with his sword and seemingly prepares to exact vengeance on the six Juska who had been his guard for mistreating him, Ruggan Bor held a hasty whispered conference with his Seer Ermath who explains to him that he who slays the Taggerung becomes Taggerung himself. As such, Ruggan sneaks up behind Gruven and slays him by beheading him with his saber, officially becoming the next Taggerung, still oblivious that Redwall Abbey had lied.

Feeling powerful, Ruggan Bor began smiling and laughing before turning to face Deyna, who realized the vermin were working themselves into a frenzy. Knowing the population of the abbey is less than a third of their number, Ruggan Bor prepares to attack Redwall Abbey with his army, seeking to conquer it, but before he could, Boorab the hare gave a large battlecry that he rallied other creatures to yell, "Eulalia", alerting the Badger Lord Russano, who had come to visit the abbey for Cregga's funeral, and his army of Long Patrol hares who arrive at the scene and apprehend Ruggan Bor and his army. Revealed as the leader, Ruggan is marched forward as Russano checks to see if anyone in Redwall Abbey had been harmed or slain by them to which Deyna affirms had not happened. Turning to Ruggan, Russano tells him attacking Redwall Abbey would have been his most fatal mistake before asking what his name is. When Ruggan reveals it, Russano recognizes him as his name has been spoken as Lord of the South Coasts before asking him if he will challenge him as he is the Badger Lord of Salamandastron. Laying his saber carefully at Russano's footpaws, Ruggan declares that he too had heard of him and that only a fool would challenge him. Russano then tells Ruggan to take his creatures out to the flatlands beyond the ditch and line them up in ranks a score long facing this abbey and to stand out in front of them. After this command is carried out, Russano declares that he has spared their lives, though he will not be so merciful if any of them are spotted within a season's march of Redwall Abbey again and orders them to go back to their South Coasts and stay there. When Ruggan Bor attempted to rise, the colonel placed his lance on the back of his beck, threatening him to stay on all fours and telling him that this is how he and his army will travel until sunset while being supervised hi him and five hundred of the best. They all then get marched off in shameful banishment with Ruggan Bor at the rear, defeated.


           Redwall Villains

Blodge | Captain Warpclaw | Catseyes | Cluny the Scourge | Damug Warfang | Doomeye | Gabool the Wild | Greypatch | Groffgut | Gruntan Kurdly | Raga Bol | Ripfang | Saltar | Slipp | Strapp | Ullig | Vitch | Wilce

Weasels/Ferrets/Stoats/Pine Martens
Antigra | Badrang the Tyrant | Bullflay | Cap'n Tramun Clogg | Eefera | Emperor Ublaz Mad Eyes | Ferahgo the Assassin | Gruven Zann | King Agarnu | King Sarengo | Klitch | Malkariss | Prince Bladd | Princess Kurda | Raventail | Sawney Rath | Spurge and Agric | Swartt Sixclaw | Threeclaws | Vallug Bowbeast | Veil Sixclaw | Vilu Daskar

Ascrod | Badredd | Balefur | Codj | Farran the Poisoner | Gelltor | Karangool | Lantur | Mokkan | Plugg Firetail | Predak | Ruggan Bor | Silth | Silvamord | Slagar the Cruel | Urgan Nagru | Vannan | Vizka Longtooth | Vulpuz | Ziral

Lady Kaltag | Pitru | Riggu Felis | Tsarmina Greeneyes | Ungatt Trunn | Verdauga Greeneyes

Asmodeus Poisonteeth | Zassaliss, Harssacss, and Sesstra

General Ironbeak | Korvus Skurr | Mangiz

Other "Vermin" Species
Frilled Lizard Leader | Gulo the Savage | Kharanjul | Lask Frildur | Razzid Wearat

Non "Vermin" Species
Druwp | Fenno | Gawtrybe | King Glagweb | Wakka
