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Villains Wiki

The Rugger Megas is a football/rugby theme Neo Mecha-Gigan of Neo Empire Gear, and a minor antagonist in Choudenshi Bioman, It is piloted by Monster.


The Rugger Megas looks a lot like a robotic football player as it is very strong for offensive and not to mention it can use these giant footballs as projectiles. Also its equipped with a projectile resistant armor and an electrified helmet which oddly enough looks a like uniform that a football player would wear.


The Rugger Megas made its first appearance after the defeat of Zyuoh, tossing an exploding football at the team prompting the Bioman to bring out their Bio Robo to battle this evil mecha.

As the battle rages on it used its tackle to knock down Bio Robo, but when they used the missiles on the Rugger Megas it deflected the shot due to the armor that it wears and an electrified helmet as it shock Bio Robo.

Not to mention it has thrown a couple of exploding footballs at the mecha during the fight.

However, they manage to trip the Rugger Megas causing it to fall to the ground and then it was destroyed by this finisher called Bio Particle Cut.


           Logo-bioman Villains

Neo Empire Gear
Doctor Man | Mason | Farrah | Farrah Cat | Monster | Mechaclones
Beastnoids: Zyuoh | Messerjū | Psygorn | Mettzler | Aquaiger
Mecha-Gigan: Kabuto Canth | Devil Canth | Gorilla Canth | Beetle Canth | Mummy Canth | Rhino Canth | Sea Anemone Canth | Twin Canth (Twin Dolls) | Chameleon Canth | Musha Canth | Hammer Canth | Shark Canth | Anchor Canth (Neo Intellect Brain) | Frog Canth | Neptune Canth | Turtle Canth | Haniwa Canth | Grotes Canth (Prince) | Camera Canth | Scarab Canth | Pirahna Canth | Poison Moth Canth | Crab Canth | Ghost Canth | Spider Canth | Octopus Canth | Jellyfish Canth | Mantis Canth
Neo Mecha-Gigan: Metal Megas | Axe Megas | Skull Megas | Wrestler Megas | Magne Megas (Magne Warrior) | Cannon Megas | Battle Megas | Sonic Megas | Crush Megas | Amazon Megas | Thunder Megas | Satan Megas | Baroque Megas | Rugger Megas | Lens Megas | Super Megas | King Megas

Anti-Bio Union
Bio Hunter Silva | Balzion
