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Villains Wiki
NOTE: This article is about the incarnation of the Ultranationalists from the 2007 Call of Duty: Modern Warfare sub-series. For the reboot version of character, please click here.
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Good news first: the world's in great shape. We've got a civil war in Russia, government loyalists against Ultranationalist rebels, and 15,000 nukes at stake.
~ Gaz to Captain Price about the Second Russian Civil War.
Take no prisoners, comrades!
~ Announcer in multiplayers.

The Russian Ultranationalists, also simply known as the Ultranationalists, are the main antagonists of the Call of Duty franchise's original Modern Warfare sub-series.

They are a revolutionary political party and armed paramilitary force based in Russia, which aims to bring the country back to the days of Soviet Union and Stalin-like totalitarism believing that its current government do not have the country's citizens at their best interests.

Sometime after the events of the first game, the party was splintered into two factions, with one being the main faction led by Boris Vorshevsky that ruled Russia following the elections in the Second Russian Civil War and the Inner Circle of Vladimir Makarov that would eventually overthrow the main faction and invade the U.S. and Europe.



During the late 20th century, Imran Zakhaev became disillusioned by the belief that Russia's government no longer had Russian citizens' best interests at heart, instead siding with the Western Civilization's interests both philosophically and economically, and then perceived this to be both destroying and weakening the country's state. Following an ideologue out a sense of national pride that worships the Soviet Union, Zakhaev founded the Ultranationalist Party to achieve his goals through the acts of terrorist fascism and communism and also gained a large number of Russians who believed in his cause, including his own son Victor.

During this crusade for national liberation, the Ultranationalists performed several criminal activities to fund their operations, including human trafficking, drug trafficking, hijackings, arms dealings, and kidnappings. In 1996, Zakhaev led an arms dealing in Pripyat, Ukraine, which has been hazardous since the reactor explosion and used to smuggle nuclear materials. During the meeting, Zakhaev was nearly assassinated by Lieutenant John Price and Captain MacMillan. Although he lost his left arm, he was saved from blood loss by Vladimir Makarov and his best friend Yuri, and rewarded them both with power. He then continued to run the party while the intelligence community thought him dead.

Over the years, the Ultranationalists' influence extended oversees to other parts of the world, including South America and the Middle East due to bearing mutual hatred towards Western Civilization. While their greatest influence appears to be in the former Soviet states in the Caucasus Mountains and Central Asia, they present a clear threat to the Russian state and have designs on taking over the rest of the former Soviet Union.

Events of the Games[]

During the events of Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare, Zakhaev begins aiding OpFor leader Khaled Al-Asad with his coup in the Middle East, which includes shipping in nuclear materials for assist and executing President Yasir Al-Fulani. During this, S.A.S.'s Bravo Team is sent into Russia to rescue "Nikolai", who was their informant in the Ultranationalist party. After Makarov detonated a nuclear bomb that killed thirty thousand U.S. Marines as well as countless OpFor militants, the Ultranationalists started "protecting" Al-Asad when he was in his Azerbaijani safehouse by mercilessly killing the nearby villagers. After Al-Asad was finally caught and executed for his crimes, Ultranationalists were then sent to claim him while fighting Bravo Team. After Zakhaev's son committed suicide when cornered, Zakhaev himself led the Ultranationalists to launch missiles at the United States, but this was prevented. During a final confrontation on a bridge, Zakhaev was shot dead by S.A.S. operative "Soap" MacTavish when executing members of the Bravo Team.

After Zakhaev's death, the part faced a leadership struggle - particularly between Makarov and Boris Vorshevsky. Within the next five years afterwards, the Ultranationalist party wins the civil war and gains power over Russia. Vorshevsky becomes President but was more benevolent than Zakhaev and had Makarov and his loyal men excommunicated due to being to violent and ambitious. Therefore, Makarov founds the Inner Circle and begins a vendetta against the Russian Government for betraying him and the Western Civilization for killing Zakhaev.

During the events of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, the Russians cracked into a downed A.C.S. module, allowing them access into America without being detected. Makarov then leads a massacre on Zakhaev International Airport and, thanks to General Shepherd's secret machinations, kills undercover C.I.A. operative Joseph Allen to frame America for the incident and start World War III. Using info gained from the A.C.S. module, the Ultranationalists then sent the Russian Armed Forces to invade the country and kill every American they come across to avenge the massacre victims. Knowing that America was losing, Captain John Price launches a missile to detonate over the country and trigger an E.M.P. to give them an advantage. As a result, the Russians were driven back from Washington D.C., thus turning the tide on the invasion.

During Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3, the Russians are forced out of America after attempting to take New York City. Makarov plans to have Russia conquer Europe, and so he kidnaps Vorshevsky, who was one his way to negotiate a peace treaty. Makarov then takes full control of the country's army and after setting off gas attacks across Europe, he has them invade the continent for a takeover. He then has Vorshevsky's daughter Alena kidnapped so he can claim the nuclear codes to destroy Europe for conquering. However, Vorshevsky and Alena are rescued by Task Force 141 and Delta Force before that could happen, forcing Makarov and his Inner Circle on the run. Vorshevsky then makes peace between Russia and the United States, ultimately ending World War III. Makarov was later finally killed by Captain John Price in January, 2017, thus ending his terrorist faction once and for all. The Ultranationalist government then made peace with the Loyalists and formed an Ultranationalist-Loyalist government.



  • Imran Zakhaev - Founder and leader (Deceased)
  • Vladimir Makarov - Second-in-command, later de-facto leader (Excommunicated; deceased)
  • Boris Vorshevsky - De-facto leader


  • Victor Zakhaev - Field commander, Imran Zakhaev's son (Deceased)
  • Yuri - Militant, Makarov's right-hand (Excommunicated; defected to Loyalists; deceased)
  • "Nikolai" - Militant (S.A.S. informant; defected to Loyalists)
  • Sasha - Militant (Deceased)
  • Viktor - Militant (Deceased)
  • Yura - Militant (Deceased)
  • Sergey - Militant (Deceased)
  • Numerous other militants


External links[]


           5b75443e654ce385696653 Villains

Axis Powers
Nazi Party (Luftwaffe | Waffen-SS) | Empire of Japan (Imperial Japanese Army) | Royal Italian Army

Nazi Party
Adolf Hitler | Erwin Rommel | Heinrich Himmler | Heinrich Amsel | Schmidt | Karl Dönitz | Richter | Friedrich Steiner | Dr. Edward Richtofen | Dr. Ludvig Maxis | Carl Heinrich | Metz | Heinz Richter | Peter Straub | Hermann Freisinger | Jannick Richter | German Base Commander | Baumann | German Tank Commander | German Rifleman | German Commander | Forstadt | Ganeles | Glaser | Edrich | Keller | Huber | Heinrich's Secretary | Sauer | German Officer | Leo Steiner | General Lehmkuhl | Hezel | German Sniper | German Prisoner | Luftwaffe | Waffen-SS

Empire of Japan
Kawashima Kiyoshi | Hideki Tojo | Japanese Officer | Japanese Interrogator | Japanese PFC

Eastern Bloc
Warsaw Pact | Red Army (Spetsnaz) | NVA | Tropas (Fidel Castro) | KGB (Lukas Richter) | Stasi (Stasi Defector)

Project Nova
Nikita Dragovich | Lev Kravchenko | Friedrich Steiner | Daniel Clarke | Yared | Numbers Lady | Adolf Schlussel | Church

Red Army
Commissar Letlev | Nikita Dragovich | Lev Kravchenko | Oscar II Officer | Daniel Clarke | Spetsnaz | Spetsnaz Operative | Anton Charkov | Mikhail Belov | Vorkuta Guard | Pavel Gorki | Nikolai Belinski | Kovics | Vastov | Koslov | Vadim Rudnik | Commander Sobol | Yared

Vietnam People's Army
VC Bookie

Khaled Al-Asad

Russian Ultranationalists
Imran Zakhaev | Victor Zakhaev | Viktor | Ivan Petrovitch | Petrov (MW2) | Petrov (MW3) | Vladimir Makarov | Yuri

Shadow Company
General Shepherd | Winston Harker | Vinson | Oxide | Butcher-5 Actual | Lambert | Excalibur | Butcher 1-5

Inner Circle
Vladimir Makarov | Viktor | Lev | Kiril | Anatoly | Volk | Alexi | Yuri

Zaragoza Drug Cartel
Manuel Roba | Gilberto | Vernon

Brazilian Militia
Alejandro Rojas | Alberto Vasquez | Hector Ortiz | Rojas' Assistant

African Militia
Waraabe | Mahad | Farhan | Afghan Double-Agent | Afghan Warlord

Cordis Die
Raul Menendez | DeFalco | Javier Salazar | Tian Zhao | Felix Kaplan

United States Armed Forces
General Shepherd (Reboot) | Kevin Sparks | Vernon | Marcus Washington | Gabriel T. Rorke | Barber | Jacob Hendricks | Norris | John Taylor | Dylan Stone | Rook | Russell Adler | Phillip Graves | Smokey | Jackson Caine

Strategic Defense Coalition
Tian Zhao

Mullah Rahmaan

Inter-Services Intelligence
ISI Leader

Menendez Cartel
Jose Luiz Menendez | Torres | Lev Kravchenko | Mullah Rahmaan | Manuel Noriega | Manuel | Jorge | Raul Menendez

Gabriel T. Rorke | Diego Almagro | Victor Ramos | Federation Admiral | Federation Foreman | Federation Soldier

Joseph Chkheidze | Pierre Danois | Hades's Double | Ted Bock | Key-Man

Atlas Corporation
Jonathan Irons | General Shepherd | Dietrich Ansel | Samael | Dark Shepherd | David Greer | Proton | Juarez | Michaels | Hidora Kai | Iron Will | Dr. Edward Richtofen | Lazarus | Spectre | Owethu "Jackal" Mabuza | The Marshal | Nyx | Jun Takeshi | Satsumebachi | Wicht Warden

54 Immortals
Goh Xiulan | Goh Qiang | Hyun Jian | Jae Xiong | Goh Min | He "Seraph" Zhen-Zhen | Danny "Blackjack" Li

Coalescence Corporation
Sebastian Krueger | Yousef Salim | Xavier Hirtzel | Corvus

Common Defense Pact
John Taylor | Dylan Stone | Abasi Hakim

Nile River Coalition
Abasi Hakim

Settlement Defense Front
Salen Kotch | Akeel Min Riah | Bradley Fillion | Caleb Thies | Radoslav Barkov | Negrete | Phantom | Vlad Derhachov | Damien Nichols

Barkov's Forces
General Barkov | J-12 | Vladimir Makarov | Evgeny | Luka | Viktor | Andrei

The Wolf | Hadir Karim | The Butcher | Khaled Al-Asad | The Chemist | Christopher Yuter | Jessica Ramirez | Abu Sa'ir | Rasheed | El Traficante | The Banker | Mark Davies | Derek Watson | Ahmed | Alamik | Danny | Pyro | Scavenger | Rhinoceros | Sniper

Victor Zakhaev | Imran Zakhaev | Vladimir Makarov | Inner Circle | Konni | Konni Captain | Milena Romanova | Ivan Alexxeve | Nestor Gustev | Andrei Nolan | Rook | Gibson | Rees | Davidson | Raptor One | Charlie One | Charlie Two | Ari "Dokkaebi" Jo| Sona "Keres" Mirzoyan | Rainmaker | Orla "Banshee" Murphy | Bashirr "Hush" Shirwa | Pyro | Scavenger | Bombmaker | Bullfrog

Winslow Accord
John Taylor | Dylan Stone | Javier Ramirez | Alice Conrad | Sarah Hall | Peter Maretti | Sebastian Diaz | Joseph Fierro | Jacob Hendricks

Perseus Spy Network
Perseus | Arash Kadivar | Anton Volkov | Qasim Javadi | Franz Kraus | Robert Aldrich | Vadim Rudnik | Imran Zakhaev | Bell | Vikhor "Stitch" Kuzmin | Kapono "Naga" Vang | Freya "Wraith" Helvig | Roman "Knight" Gray | Owethu "Jackal" Mabuza | Kaori "Kitsune" Tanaka | Benito "Fuze" Ortega

Warsaw Pact
Benito "Fuze" Ortega | Freya "Wraith" Helvig | Ghostface | Harry Stone | Kaori "Kitsune" Tanaka | Kapono "Naga" Vang | Owethu "Jackal" Mabuza | Roman "Knight" Gray | Vikhor "Stitch" Kuzmin

Quds Force
General Ghorbrani | Hassan Zyani

Shadow Company
Phillip Graves | Wimbush | Spaulding | Velikan | Scavenger | Bombmaker

Las Almas Cartel
Valeria Garza | Diego Salgado | Mayor Salazar | Núñez

Ari "Dokkaebi" Jo | Art the Clown | Black Noir | Cody Rhodes | Feyd-Rautha | Firecracker | Homelander | Ivan Alexxeve | Lilith | Mace | Michael Myers | Nikto | Phillip Graves | Rhea Ripley | Shredder | Sardaukar | Skeletor | Valeria Garza | Velikan

Jane Harrow | Matvey Gusev | Jackson Caine | Saddam Hussein | Springer Greyson | Witman | Arcus One | Nocturne

The Guild
Johannes Essaïdi | Sevati "Sev" Dumas | Witold Bayan | Aminata Sy | Yannik Dufour | Omar Seghir

Rogue Black Ops
Lion Mask VIP

Crimson One
Alejo "Toro" Carasco | Front Man | Harry Stone | Jackson Caine | Klaus | Masked Men (Masked Manager | Masked Soldier | Masked Worker) | Nocturne | Panther Mask VIP | Volta Rossi | Vortex

The Five Knights
Russell Adler | Vladimir Makarov | Raul Menendez | Sebastian Krueger | Gabriel T. Rorke | Mace | Édouard "Templar" Couteau | Cecilia "Dame" Perrin | Hidora Kai | Vagr Modir | Rott

The Dark Covenant
Stansfield | Kryptis | Anna "Artery" Buckler | Witch Doctor | Krystof "Firebreak" Hejek | Dark Shepherd | Édouard "Templar" Couteau | Cecilia "Dame" Perrin | Nyx

Vladimir Makarov's Crew
Vladimir Makarov | Freya "Wraith" Helvig | Kryptis | Nyx | Cecilia "Dame" Perrin | Eldermann | Darling | Garrett

The Tontine
General Shepherd | Dark Shepherd | Gertrude Warnholdt | Fiona "Flamewing" St. George | Lizbeth "Kestrel" Warnholdt | Dr. Edward Richtofen | Owethu "Jackal" Mabuza | Vikhor "Stitch" Kuzmin | Templar's Shadow | Kryptis | Nyx | Cecilia "Dame" Perrin | Wicht Warden

Ascension Group
Yuri Zavoyski | Harvey Yena | Anton Gersh

Iraq Armed Forces
Saddam Hussein | Saeed Alawi

Luttazzi Crime Family
The Godmother | Don Luttazzi | Francesco | Luttazzi Security

Edward Richtofen

Shadowman | Dr. Monty

Omega Group
Lev Kravchenko | Gorev | Aleksandra Valentina | William Peck | Medvedev | Dimitri Kuhlklay | Hugo Jager

Nightfall Program
Samantha Cross | David Archer | Dr. Kassar | Contact #28

Group 935
Dr. Edward Richtofen | Dr. Ludvig Maxis | Sophia | Groph

Terminus Outcomes
Jack Fletcher | Victor Zakhaev | "Legacy" Baranov | Rainmaker | Ari "Dokkaebi" Jo | Krawvir | Bishop | Rook | Knight | Sona "Keres" Mirzoyan

Project Janus
Edward "Eddie" Richtofen | John Blanchard | Ernst Duffer | Dr. Pericles Panos | Dr. Revati Modi | Owen Guthrie

French Syndicate
Francois "Franco" Moreau | Chloe | Laurent

Avogadro | Cosmic Silverback | Demonic Announcer | Yuri Zavoyski | Samantha Maxis | Nathan Aguinaldo | Dr. Edward Richtofen | Dr. Ludvig Maxis | Nikolai Belinski | Deimos | George A. Romero | Oz | Hellhounds | High Priest of Chaos | The Order | Oracle | The Forsaken | The Entity | Crawler Zombies | Space Monkeys | Pavel Lazarev | Zombie Monkeys | Napalm Zombies | Shrieker Zombies | Astronaut Zombie | Denizens | Jumping Jacks | Zhang Wei | Ms. Brown | Panzersoldat | Lebeau | Lukas Kurtz | Kortifex | Godfrey | Zaballa | The Rat-King | The Guardian | Tiberius | Remus | Die Wahrheit | Crog-Zilla | Kevin Smith | Mephistopheles | Salvatore DeLuca | Billy Handsome | Albert Arlington | Michael O'Leary | Orcus | Perseus | Peter Straub | Projekt Endstation | Ordas | Brutus | The God-King | Ulrich Vogel | Willard Wyler | Wolfram Von List

A-Train | Ahmad Al-Ghazi | Alex Borsheim | Alucard | Anne Johannsson | Ayala | Castro's Double | Castro's Mistress | Catherine Wilson | Church | Columbian Veterinarian | Commander Helo | Cryptids | Cuban Interrogator | De La Vega | Dr. Vasilyev | Evelyn Cross | Godzilla | Goro | Gunzo | Inarius | Ivan Rudel | Jack McKenna | Johann van Graan | Jonathan Price | Juggernauts | Kastovian Major | Konrad | Prince Farhad | Project Phoenix | Korean People's Army | Krasney Baba | Kristina Raskova | Lee Grisham | Mako | The VIPs | Marika Hejek | Maxim Chernakov | Mendoza | Mendoza's Assistant | Mikhail Gorbachev | Mercs | Mexican Army | Militia Captain | Mokrie Baba | Mr. Hejek | Mr. Riley | MPLA | Ortelius | Paul Atreides | PDF Officer | Predator | Reginald Barton | Richard Kain | Russian Forces | Sam | Savannah Mason-Meyer | Sawyer | T-1000 | Task Force Tyrants | The Insurgency | The Kraken | The People's Covenant | Terrorist Leader | Timur Abulayev | Yakuza