Confrontation-Beast Crane Fist Rutsu is a minor antagonist of the 2008 Super Sentai series Juuken Sentai Gekiranger, serving as one of two primary antagonists of the episodes 13 and 14, alongside his partner Rasuka and the primary antagonist of the Episode 15. He was the Crane fighting style user and one of the two personal beastmen loyal to Sky Fist Demon Kata, alongside Rasuka. They served as Kata's personal bodyguards and were the first Beast-Men summoned by Kata and also one of the first truly powerful Beast-Men fought by the Gekirangers.
A Confrontation Beast Crane-Fist (臨獣クレーン拳, Rinjū Kurēnken) user, able to perform graceful air maneuvers to deliver attacks to the head of his opponents. Rutsu is effeminine in personality and had feelings for Rasuka. His weapons are the Crane Leg Sharp Swords (鶴脚尖剣, Kakukyaku Senken), twin swords.
Rasuka and Rutsu were summoned by Kata in the thirteenth episode, when Kata was training Rio and were then sent by the evil Sky Overlord to atack Tokyo and they were tasked by their master to gather the fear and despair from humans and then use it to create a powerful vortex that would destroy the city. The two demons attacked the city and started terrorizing the town, attacking and horrifying the citizens and gathering their fear and despair for fulfillment of their evil plan. When Gekirangers arrived to stop the villains from continuing their evil scheme, Rasuka and Rutsu easily defeated the three Gekirangers on the ground in human size and later defeated their Geki Robo in the formation of Geki ElephanTohja. The villlains emerged victorious because they could fly, while Gekirangers's Robo couldn't fly. After easily defeating the heroes, Rasuka and Rutsu continued their malicious scheme.
Gekirangers were tasked by Master Xia Fu and principal Miki to go to the Master Bat Li in order to make this wise master teach them the art of Geki Ju Bat-Ken fighting style. However, when the heroes came to him, Master agreed to teach only Retsu, while Jan and Ran went vack to the city to fight Rasuka and Rutsu. Rasuka and Rutsu arrived back to the city, continuing to terrorize it and again fought the two Gekirangers, easily besting them again. However, later Retsu arrived together with his new Bat-Ken technique and fans and managed to fairly easily best the two demons in a fight. After being enlarged, the two monsters again tried to best the Geki Robo with theur flying techniques, but Gekirangers followed the advice of Master Bat Li and combined the Robo with legendary Geki Beast Geki Bat, forming Geki BatTohja. The new flying Robo managed to beat the demons and eventually Rasuka was destroyed by the Robo's final attack, while Rutsu was knocked out and escaped, swearing to get revenge on the Gekirangers for the murder of his friend.
Later, Rutsu again encountered the Gekirangers and decided to destroy them in the most hateful way as possible. Rutsu used his secret technique to transform Jan and Retsu into children, but Ran survived and suceeded in returning her friends to normal, before the Rangers fought Rutsu again and destroyed the Beast-Man. Rutsu enlarged himself, but similarly to his friend Rasuka, he was destroyed by GekiBatTohja.
Villains | ||
Rinjuken Akugata Genjuken Mechung Fu Cosmic Kenpo |