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Villains Wiki

So, you are my original!
~ Ryu Hayabusa's Doppelgänger upon seeing the real Ryu Hayabusa.

Ryu Hayabusa's Doppelgänger is the third major villain in Ninja Gaiden III: The Ancient of Doom, next to Foster and H.P. Clancy.

Biography and Origins[]

After seeing the battle Ryu have with Jaquio, Foster (The Corrupt Leader of the CIA Auxiliary Unit) decided to use part of Ryu´s DNA to create a new clone, With this, The nameless clone obtained Ryu Hayabusa´s abilities and exact looks, And he was possibly corrupted by Foster and the rest of the CIA, Making him go after Ryu and Irene.

Incriminating Ryu[]

Ex-CIA agent Irene Lew was investigating a mysterious laboratory. During Irene's investigation, she encountered someone with the same exact outfit as Ryu, At first, She thought It was the real Ryu, But after a short while, She quickly understand that she was facing an Usurper, Irene tried to run from the usurper, But she was quickly left In the edge of a cliff and then murdered by a Doppelgänger resembling her ally Ryu Hayabusa.

The real Ryu Hayabusa was accused of the murder. Angered, Ryu decided to search for answers. During the search, Ryu encountered the Doppelgänger who framed him. Both of them engaged in a sword duel but Ryu quickly lost. The Doppelgänger claimed to be Ryu's clone and Revealed he was the responsible of murdering Irene Lew. Doppelganger then decides to let Ryu live (This mainly due to Foster´s orders) And then proceed to leave a confused and angered Ryu all alone, Who decided to follow him and fight the other monsters of Foster´s Laboratory.

Final Battle[]

Ryu Finally encountered Foster once again at a place called the Castle-Rock Fortress. Foster was about to order the Doppelgänger to attack Ryu. Suddenly, Irene Lew appeared and claimed she survived her murder.

Ryu's clone transformed into a powerful monster and threatened to kill her and Ryu. Irene used her gun but it was useless. Ryu killed his clone in a battle. When Ryu pursued Clancy into subspace, he encountered his Doppelgänger again. The subspace's energy mutated Ryu's Doppelgänger into a much more powerful form. He was destroyed by Ryu and remained dead.


Ryu Hayabusa's Doppelgänger possesses three forms. His first form is identical to the original except his hair is slightly longer and is cropped. In his second form, he is a tall monster with dark blue skin and dark red eyes. He is a large beast with red eyes and dark yellow skin in his third form.


The Doppelgänger is the exact opposite of Ryu Hayabusa. He is cynical, violent, and takes pleasure in others' misfortunes. Unlike Ryu, the Doppelgänger has no sense of honor, but instead blood lust. Despite the Doppelgänger's violent demeanor, he is still loyal to Foster and heavily influenced by him. He always follows orders given to him, regardless of his personal desires. He Is also very confident and charismatic (This Is shown when he laughs at ryu and jokes about what happened to Irene).


Ryu vs ryu
  • Superhuman Speed: Doppelganger could easily match Ryu´s speed and even defeat him In a sword duel, Even thought Ryu could easily avoid lightning from Bloody Malth and Even attack faster than the human eye.
  • Fire Projectiles: Doppelganger can Invoke multiple projectiles that have enough power to damage Ryu and generate giant explosions In the stage.
  • Swordsmanship: He can easily damage and beat an expert swordsmanship warrior like Ryu, And from his own words; He has the same skills as him.
  • Transformation: When angered, Doppelganger can transform Into a giant blue monster, This obviously increases his strenght and durability (This Is shown when he can easily survive after being shot multiple times by Irene, And he could survive two encounters with Ryu, Not to mention that he can make the ship shake by just jumping)
  • Ninpo Powers: Since he mentioned that he has the same abilities as the original ryu, It Is possible and safe to say that he can make ninpo out of nowhere.


What´s wrong Irene?, Don´t you understand this is the end for you?
~ Doppelganger's first line In the game.
Hahaha... No one who has seen what´s going on there can live to tell about It!
~ Doppelganger before attacking Irene.
Come on!. Fight me!
~ Doppelganger challenging Ryu for a duel.
So?, What are you going to do about It?!
~ Doppelganger taunting Ryu.
You´re nothing but talk aren´t you?
~ Doppelganger to Ryu after beating him In a quick sword duel.
Haha... I don´t only look like you. I´ve also acquired all of your strenght
~ Doppelganger revealing that he has the same abilities as Ryu.
You fools... You came all this way to get Killed!
~ Doppelganger before transforming Into a Giant Monster.
I´ll give you and the real Ryu a Bloodbath together!
~ Doppelganger´s Last lines.


           Ninja Gaiden logoVillains

Classic Series
Arnold Foster | Ashtar | Baron Spider | Basaquer | Bladedamus | Bloody Malth | Bomberhead | Chaosium Sword | Cult of Nostradamus | Dando | Demon of Destruction | Emperor Garuda | Funky Dynamite | H.P. Clancy | Jaquio | Kelbeross | Naga Sotuva | Professor Bucky-Wise | Ryu Hayabusa's Doppelgänger | Shiragane | Shogun of Darkness | The Barbarian

Modern Series
Alexei | Alma | Ashtear Higgins | Black Spider Ninja Clan | Cliff Higgins | Dagra Dai | Dark Dragon | Dark Dragon Blade | Doku | Elizébet | Gamov | Genshin | Lords of Alchemy | Marbus | Murai | Tengu Brothers | Vazdah | Vigoor | Vigoor Empire | Volf | Zedonius
