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Villain Overview

Secure. Contain. Protect.
~ The SCP Foundation's unofficial motto.
Remember. We die in the dark, so you can live in the light and the monsters you can't see are more horrifying then the ones you can.
~ Another unofficial motto of the Foundation.

The Special Containment Procedures Foundation (or Secure. Contain. Protect.), commonly abbreviated to the SCP Foundation and more simply known as just SCP, are the titular main protagonists of the SCP Foundation series.

It is an extremely diverse and well-funded paranormal orgaization dedicated to the apprehension and containment of anomalies, ranging from creatures to objects, locations, events, and phenomena, known dubbed as "SCPs," and is led by the O5 Council. The organization is overall dedicated to understanding anomalous occurrences and permanently incarcerating them so that they are kept away from humanity, whether it is for the SCPs' safety from society or vice versa.

Due to a lack of a central canon, the SCP Foundation's morality is different for every author. In some versions of the mythos, they aren't villainous at all, and in others they are the main antagonists of the story. The most common interpretation is that despite certainly having good intentions, the Foundation is willing to commit several morally questionable acts in order to accomplish their goals. The Foundation captures and contains all abnormal occurrences, whether they are threatening or not. Every SCP is experimented upon, and tests are conducted on them on a daily basis, although whether or not these tests are ethical varies significantly depending between each article.


In 2007, an 4chan user known as "Moto42" writed an Creepypasta known as SCP-173 on a post and people started to populize it. Just like other Creepypasta, SCP started spreading all over the internet, until the SCP website was launched in 2008, which has been collecting and documenting SCPs also were separated from Creepypasta. Today, there have been over 6000 entities and articles on the website and in the foundation. New ones are still being discovered and contained to this day.


The exact nature of the SCP Foundation's founding is unknown, but over the years there have been many myths, involving everything from the Angel who guarded the Garden of Eden to a supernatural post-Civil War Factory. The true origin will likely remain hidden forever, but it was known that Foundation (or a precursor) was operating already in the 19th Century and was a powerful organization on the world stage by the 20th Century, being acknowledged by both the Anomalous community and most national governments.

After World War I, the Foundation created a special Task Force known only as of the "Insurgency", which would perform more the more questionable tasks of the Foundation. This Task Force would be deployed in 1925.

The Foundation took part in the Seventh Occult War (which ran concurrently with World War II), and while its role in the war was not known, it is presumed they were fighting the Thule Society and Ahnenerbe Obskurakorps, who tried to perform the "Rite of Solomon". Eventually, the war ended, and the Foundation continued to its normal duties of containing.

The Global Occult Coalition was formed since the governments of the world wanted a force against the anomalous that they could control, but the Foundation continued to work with them.

In 1948, the Insurgency went A.W.O.L. and rose against the Foundation, obtaining several with several SCPs in the process, and renaming themselves the Chaos Insurgency.

In the 20th Century, the Foundation came across thousands of anomalies, making the best in containing them, as well as coming in contact with several rivals and enemy factions.

In the 1950s to 1980s, the Foundation would also discover the re-emergence of Sarkicism, with devastating anomalies in Europe like SCP-610 and SCP-2191-3, as well as cults like Adytum's Wake and The Hunter's Black Lodge spreading their influence.

The Foundation would also discover several anomalies tied to an ancient, malevolent eldritch being, for which they would have to perform some of its more questionable procedures, such as Procedure 110-Montauk, which involved doing something unspeakably heinous to a girl as part of a ritual to prevent the birth of the being's child.

In 2007, the Foundation would discover Anderson Robotics, a corporation that develops advanced androids and artificial intelligence, which used advanced fly-like drones to spy on the Foundation.

Despite the emergence of these things, the Foundation has been able to pursue its mission statement without breaking the status quo too much.

Ranks and Structure

All Foundation personnel are sworn to secrecy and are expected to be loyal and professional in their duties. For example, matters like personal morals or superstition should never cloud their judgment during work.

O5 Council

Main article: O5 Council

The SCP Foundation is led by the Overseer Council, also known as the O5 Council. The O5 Council (usually) consists of 13 official members who are often only defined as O5-1 through O5-13. The O5 Council has almost unlimited access to all files and reports. The Council usually decides major decisions with anomalies that have existential threats to humanity or the universe at large but can influence anything. It is often speculated that the O5s might be anomalous themselves.

Ethics Committee

The Ethics Committee also wields a lot of power inside the Foundation. Most personnel considers the Ethics Committee as a joke or myth, but in reality, the members of this Committee are described to have even more power than the O5s. They hide in plain sight and apparently have some authority over the O5 Council. The Committee decides what is ethically acceptable for the Foundation to do in their mission statement. ("The Foundation is cold not cruel") The Committee has unlimited access to all files and reports.


Site-Directors are high-ranking researchers that lead the different containment sites around the world. They often have Assistant Directors of different expertise that assist them inside the facilities. Site-Directors are also usually the highest-ranking officials who still have a full name and not a numeric designation like with the O5 Council.

Mobile Task Forces

Mobile Task Forces, or MTFs, are the Foundation's most effective and skilled personnel. They can be anything from scientists and researchers to Elite Special Forces Soldiers (The most common variant used in stories or media about the SCP mythos). Mobile Task Forces are, as the name suggests, mobile and can operate on either Containment-Sites or in the Field.

They usually deal with the most dangerous anomalies, where the more common field and recovery agents might lack knowledge or training. MTF's often also have specialties: Example: MTF Mu-4 ("Debuggers") is specified in tracking anomalous electronic devices, technology, and transmission, and either trying to contain or block them.

The most famous/infamous Mobile Task Force is MTF Alpha-1 ("Red Right Hand"), which consists of the Foundation's best and most loyal operatives and employees.

Despite this MTF Alpha-1 is often connected to the creation of the Chaos Insurgency, a rival organization that seeks to destroy the Foundation.


Researchers are doctors and scientists who research anomalies. Their duties can vary from experimentation on the anomalies to developing Special Containment Procedures. Security clearances and ranks also vary from simple Research Assistants to Site-Directors and everything in between. The expertise of researchers can vary from different scientific fields like technology to zoology or different anomalous field. An example for the ladder is that Dr. Judith Low is specialized with anomalies that relate to Grand Karcist Ion and his following, Sarkicism.

Containment Specialists

The Containment Specialists are employees who design and uphold the Special Containment Procedures of anomalies. Containment Specialists can be anything from technicians to doctors to security personnel, and these duties often overlap with other ranks.

Security Personnel

The facilities of the Foundation employ Security Personnel that serve as the primary defense force indoors. Their duties rank from guarding anomalies to serving as bodyguards for higher-ranking officials. Their duty often overlaps with Containment Specialists and MTFs.

Field Agents

Field Agents are responsible for detecting anomalies in the outside world. They can be placed in any organization, whether it is a government, a company, or a military or law enforcement organization. They serve as eyes and ears and contact the Foundation when something anomalous is detected.

Recovery Teams

Recovery Teams are usually called in by Field Agents when an anomaly is found. They are responsible for capturing the anomaly and transporting it back to the Foundation-owned facility. As mentioned before, with more dangerous anomalies MTFs are sent in.

D-Class Personnel

Class-D Personnel is the lowest ranking staff of the Foundation. Usually recruited from convicted criminals, especially the death row criminals. They often serve as human test subjects with anomalies, be it on facilities or in the field. Other groups and civilian organizations see this usually as a human-rights violation, though the Foundation sees this as necessary. In older canon, Class-D Personnel were automatically terminated after 30 days of employment; in newer canon, they are often given Class B amnesiac drugs instead at the discretion of security and medical staff. In some cases when the Foundation is running out of D-Class and none of death row prisoners are available, the Foundation may enable Protocol 12, which recruits Class-D personnel from other prison populations, refugee populations, or in extreme cases civilian sources.

Other Ranks

The Foundation also employs more mundane staff such as communication specialists, kitchen staff, accounting, archives, janitorial staff, and electricians, who do not work directly with anomalies but are vital in day-to-day operations.

About SCPs

While literally thousands of SCPs have been contained by the Foundation, there are several notable ones that are popularly associated with the Foundation. It should be noted that all of these SCPs are contained by the Foundation and are not affiliated with the Foundation's personnel.

Object Classes

In the SCP Foundation, the SCPs are categorized by different classes, which vary based on the SCPs' ease of containment. Most notable are the Safe, Euclid, and Keter classes, but there are more in the Foundation:

  • Safe - SCPs which are easily contained by the Foundation. These SCPs ultimately cannot escape containment of their own accord and are not considered a threat by the Foundation unless specifically used in a threatening manner. Safe classification does not necessarily mean that the SCP in question is not dangerous, just that it is easily contained.
  • Euclid - SCPs that require resources to remain contained. Most Euclid SCPs are difficult to understand and oftentimes unpredictable. Their danger is greater than Safe class SCPs.
  • Keter - SCPs that are extremely difficult to contain in the facility. Though Keter classification refers solely to the difficulty of containment and does not necessarily mean that the SCP in question is dangerous, most of the time, Keter SCPs are considered to be extremely dangerous and hostile and can pose a threat to the world or universe at large. The procedures of these SCPs are very complex.
  • Thaumiel - SCPs used by the Foundation to assist in efforts of containing and/or countering other SCPs. These SCPs are some of the most well-kept secrets of the Foundation.
  • Archon - SCPs that the Foundation believes should not be contained due to the potential damage that could be caused by containing them.
  • Apollyon - SCPs which are near-impossible to contain by the Foundation. These SCPs are considered to be one of the most threatening SCP classifications of all and are threats on global or cosmic scales.
  • Neutralized - SCPs that, as the name suggests, are deceased, destroyed, or otherwise no longer functional.
  • Explained - SCPs whose anomalous properties have been explained or debunked, and most often do not pose a threat.
  • Decommissioned - Terminated SCPs rejected by the Foundation.

Notable Examples


  • SCP-993: A twisted TV show starring Bobble the Clown, which causes psychotic and schizophrenic symptoms. Anyone over the age of ten will pass out upon viewing it.
  • SCP-999: An adorable orange-colored slime creature, which cures anyone-anything in pain.


  • SCP-049: A plague doctor who uses a mysterious treatment on human subjects that renders them as brain-dead and hostile zombies.
  • SCP-087: A seemingly endless staircase going down that contains a humanoid figure.
    • SCP-087-1. The constant sound of crying can be heard deep within SCP-087.
  • SCP-096: A tall, pale, humanoid that will kill anyone or anything that sees its face. It is indestructible and unstoppable when enraged.
  • SCP-173: One of the first SCPs, SCP-173 is a statue-like creature that cannot move when in direct eyesight, but can move unfathomably fast when looked away from. It will kill anything it can by breaking the neck.
  • SCP-3008: An place that inside looks like an IKEA and contains hostile species.
    • SCP-3008-2: An humaonid hostile species who resembles IKEA employees.


  • SCP-035: A sentient mask with the ability to possess anyone that wears it and rots them into nothingness.
  • SCP-076-2: A humanoid of Sumerian descent that can summon a variety of weapons and if killed, revives in SCP-076-1.
  • SCP-106: An elderly humanoid with the ability to pass through any material and create pocket dimensions at any time.
  • SCP-682: An indestructible reptilian monster with a hatred for humanity and a desire for all of it to be wiped out.
  • SCP-055: Anti-memetic object that suppressing information.
  • SCP-579: Anomaly with infohazard properties that any information was expunged from all the SCP Foundation.


  • SCP-6820-A: a version of SCP-682 as a result of Project ANTIKILL, with the device intending to be used to kill SCP-682, but then it becomes an immortal enigma, corrupt SCP-6820 and becomes SCP-6820-A, a highly dangerous Apollyon Class destroyer with no known physical form.
  • SCP-001 (When Day Breaks): A G-type main-sequence star at the center of the Solar System. One day, its shifted its appearance, turning itself from a usual orange and yellow to blood-red. After any living being is in contact with the Sun's visible light or moon⁣⁣light, the being would liquify and undergo a process which turns them into an SCP-001-A instance, making XK-Class End-of-the-World Scenario.


  • SCP-1762-2: Paper dragons which lives inside SCP-1762-1 before their death.


SCP-001 is a title given to a mysterious anonymous SCP in the SCP Foundation. What is interesting about this SCP is that there isn't an official SCP titled SCP-001. Only proposals exist for SCP-001, which have been listed on the foundation's site. According to the site, one, many, or all of the SCPs proposed may or may not be the real identity of SCP-001. There have been over 40 proposals dedicated to the SCP-001 title, and the foundation also implements that SCP-001 is considered to be the biggest main secret of the foundation, which has been blocked for everyone to get access to top-secret information about the anomaly of SCP-001.

Known Membership

The SCP Foundation employs thousands of people such as researchers, agents, doctors, and guards. The work these individuals perform is often morally controversial in nature, such as D-Class Personnel and Procedure 110-Montauk. However, the work is always meant to protect mankind and preserve normality.

List of Members

Highest Leadership

  • The Administrator
  • The O5 Council
  • Ethics Committee

Administrators, Site Directors & Asst. Directors

  • Dr. Tilda D. Moose
  • Ruslav Diaghilev
  • Edgar Holman
  • Dr. Phillip Foster
  • Dr. Shirley Gillespie
  • Dr. Jean Karlyle Aktus
  • Cyrus Hourdoon
  • Dr. Sarah O'Connell
  • Amanda Malkin
  • Wade Quincy
  • Dr. Hollister Cox
  • Angelina Mikhailova
  • Ndeye Bocoume
  • Bryan Browning
  • Matias Hernández
  • Marcel Gunther
  • Harold Schwartz
  • Idoia Azaki
  • Dr. Mohammad Scott
  • William Vesterland
  • Arnold Camp
  • Jane Erwin
  • Leslie Rodriguez
  • David Runeberg
  • Sandra Chaperone
  • Kerry Eckelkamp
  • Earl Runner
  • Anastasia Brine
  • Harvey Black
  • Pauline Barrett
  • Dr. Lisle Naismith
  • Danny Kramer
  • Jeremiah Witfield
  • Alice Wistuba
  • Dr. Jacqueline Perry
  • Dr. Nuru Jua
  • Dr. Sayyeda Aisha Rizvi
  • Praveen Arora
  • Commander Mike Peterson
  • Haugen (SCP-3608)
  • Simon Oswalt, formerly (now Karcist Karvas)
  • Damien Robinson

Containment Staff

  • Dr. James E. Falzon
  • Dr. Jamie Regal
  • Sophia Turner
  • Yolanda Thomas
  • Emmitt Ivers
  • Sylver Tolen
  • Dr. Kyle Jobar
  • Commander Alejandro Ortiz
  • Simon Lorell

Doctors & Researchers

  • Dr. Charles Gears
  • Dr. Jack Bright
  • Dr. James Días
  • Dr. Everett Mann
  • Dr. Alto Clef
  • Dr. Lakshmi Agarwal
  • Dr. Charles Anborough
  • Dr. Django Bridge
  • Benjamin Kondraki
  • Dr. Jeremiah Cimmerian
  • Researcher Jacob Conwell
  • Dr. Kain "Pathos" Crow
  • Dr. Michael Edison
  • Dr. Chelsea "Photosynthetic" Elliott
  • Dr. Simon Glass
  • Dr. Frederick Heiden
  • Dr. Everett King
  • Dr. Zyn Kiryu
  • Dr. Mark Kiryu
  • Dr. Sophia Light
  • Dr. Jaime Marlowe
  • Dr. Katherine Sinclair
  • Dr. Johannes Sorts
  • Dr. Thaddeus Xyank
  • Dr. Zander Heikkila
  • Dr. Julian Iceberg
  • Dr. Chelsea Elliott
  • Dr. Patrick Dentick
  • Patrick Gephart
  • Researcher David Rosen
  • Dr. Zemyla Cenh
  • Dr. Syka Brown
  • Dr. Anand Mannava
  • Dr. Venkatraman Krishnamoorthy (deceased)
  • Dr. Avery Sanchez
  • Dr. Christina Morse
  • Dr. Peter Gerthart
  • Dr. Isaac Schmidt
  • Dr. Dillan Polsun
  • Dr. Von Hacht
  • Dr. Judith Low
  • Dr. Peter Hull
  • Dr. Kate Greenaway
  • Dr. Kevin Chandler
  • Dr. Kim Antoche
  • Dr. Burgundy Lowell
  • Dr. Christopher Erwick
  • Dr. Iliza Schrader
  • Dr. Urmd Abdul
  • Dr. Wendell Adler
  • Dr. Helena Bloom
  • Dr. Sophia Fitzgerald
  • Dr. William Hoskins
  • Dr. Matthieu Desmarais
  • Dr. Elizabeth Lane
  • Dr. Felix Gärtner
  • Dr. Porter Mills
  • Dr. Taylor Itkin
  • Dr. Ricky Scott
  • Dr. Isaiah Henderson
  • Dr. Georges Luikj
  • Dr. Todd King
  • Dr. Samuel Brow
  • Dr. West Roth
  • Dr. Isha Saint Claire
  • Dr. Peter Vincent
  • Dr. Ian Harris
  • Dr. Mohammad Scott
  • Dr. Avery Bone
  • Dr. Eila Harris
  • Dr. Owen Mars
  • Dr. Cotter Davis
  • Dr. Francis LaFleur
  • Dr. Hannibal Lopez
  • Dr. Joesph Schwartz
  • Dr. John Louef
  • Dr. Joanna Hsiao
  • Dr. Ivan Cooper
  • Dr. Andrew Califano
  • Dr. Alice Randall
  • Dr. Luis Ricardo
  • Dr. Emmett Bell
  • Dr. Simon Hayes
  • Dr. Adeline Renaud
  • Dr. Isaac Lem
  • Dr. Giles Blanc
  • Dr. Gabriel Langley
  • Dr. Philip Orellana
  • Dr. Arthur Brook
  • Dr. Daniel Erikson
  • Dr. Hunter Miles
  • Dr. Natasha Kozel
  • Dr. Miles Wright
  • Dr. Esti Del Olmo
  • Dr. Carlos Quesada
  • Dr. David Holmes
  • Dr. Rudolf Bauer
  • Dr. Leslie Yolas
  • Dr. Shufan Shen
  • Dr. Amelia Wygandt
  • Dr. Lauren Palmer
  • Dr. Ellis Cartwright
  • Dr. Edmund Caspar
  • Dr. Howard Grant
  • Dr. Eunice Walker
  • Dr. Jeremiah Cimmerian
  • Dr. Matthew Hardison
  • Dr. Shirley Gillespie
  • Dr. Adrien Bleikoff
  • Dr. Marion Kelster
  • Dr. Muhammad Iqbar
  • Dr. Jans Ulrich
  • Dr. Clarence Frost
  • Dr. Ingrid Laika
  • Dr. Terrence Vaughn
  • Dr. Dominick Jensen
  • Dr. James Leary
  • Dr. Tyrone Hardy
  • Dr. Emil Falzon
  • Dr. Sam Quentin
  • Dr. James E. Falzon
  • Dr. Owen Hamilton
  • Dr. Ulysses Malcom
  • Dr. Reynold Acke
  • Dr. Janet Spiegel
  • Dr. Walter Floyd
  • Dr. Madoka Yoshida
  • Dr. Percy Lewis
  • Dr. Patrick O’Malley
  • Dr. Daniel Adams
  • Dr. Amanda Clarke
  • Dr. Jonas DeWitt
  • Dr. Jonas Gold
  • Dr. Gavin McIntyre
  • Dr. Harlan Sun
  • Dr. Wendy Robin
  • Dr. Alex Harlow
  • Dr. Seung Young
  • Dr. Wei Lin
  • Dr. Connor O’Neil
  • Dr. Maria Vanger
  • Dr. Lamar Elworthy
  • Dr. Scott Fletcher
  • Dr. Frederick Hoygull
  • Dr. Lauren Stosser
  • Dr. Farik Ghazalie
  • Dr. Seymour Tracy
  • Dr. Carver (SCP-1562)
  • Dr. Darritz (SCP-1562)
  • Dr. Baker (SCP-527)
  • Dr. Johnston (SCP-058)
  • Dr. Lambert (SCP-743)
  • Dr. Mitchell (SCP-3822)
  • Dr. Sanderson (SCP-3608)
  • Dr. Vogel (SCP-3608)
  • Kendall Loren
  • Oliver Gordon
  • Eleanor Joseph
  • Jennifer Dresden
  • Steven Mason
  • Dave Campbell
  • Em Choi
  • Madeleine Sailer
  • Susan Burke
  • Lucy Chang
  • Sylvia Hernandez
  • Laura Hernandez
  • Chris Hastings
  • Martha Clayton
  • Scott Garber
  • Tomas Graham
  • Antonia Cárdenas
  • Rosalind Taylor
  • Agatha Chiovenda
  • Chad Benson
  • Cullen Williams
  • Claire Beasly
  • Lilliana Walsh
  • Melissa Novak
  • Olivia Anderson
  • Daniel Beck
  • Amaleen Sacaran
  • Bernice Malki
  • Vladim Eisenberg
  • Rose Labelle
  • Franklin Prangley
  • Tyler Jensen
  • Andrea Barclay
  • Flynn Lagrange
  • Carmen O'Connor
  • Dominic Kaczmarek
  • Flynn Lagrange
  • Daniel Schröder
  • James Petahn
  • Nicholas Crawford
  • Phil Shipherd
  • Joe Fynegan
  • Alene Janssens
  • Pavel Romanov
  • Robert J. Boyd
  • Robert Fay
  • Alice Jones
  • Jeremy Collins
  • James Carpenter
  • Pyotr Vasilev
  • James A. Harkness
  • Natalie McCreed
  • Sybil Westwood
  • Claude Montague
  • Amir Safavi
  • Emma Stark
  • Oliana Kaiwi
  • Cathy Milnor
  • Arvo Driessen
  • Isaac McCormack
  • Dr. Darryl Loyd (deceased)
  • Dr. Jay Macarthur (deceased)
  • Dr. Herbert Wimble (deceased)
  • Dr. Nicholas Lusk (deceased)
  • Dr. Lionel Dunbar (deceased)
  • Dr. Asuka Miyamoto (deceased)
  • Dr. Samuel Rudi (deceased)
  • Shannon Bruce (deceased)
  • Andre Johnson (deceased)
  • Brandon Sullivan (deceased)
  • Beverly Bass (deceased)
  • Corey Benich (deceased)
  • Researcher James Talloran (deceased)
  • Dr. Dämmer (deceased)
  • Dr Lina Raznakovic (deceased)
  • Dr. Herman Friedman (deceased)
  • Research Assistant Michael Pelion (deceased)
  • Head Researcher Christopher Byrnes (retired)

Security and Interrogation

  • Carlos Gonzales
  • Theodore Anderson
  • Lincoln Yates
  • Jennifer Blaire
  • Frank Onegra
  • Jamie Currie
  • Bertrand Tomlin
  • Don Blake
  • John Waterman
  • Maximilian Woodson
  • Raymond Trask
  • Alex Whittingham
  • Ardal Rogers
  • Judith Parker
  • Malcolm Wethers
  • Carl Michelson (deceased)
  • Kayla Rodriguez (deceased)
  • Mickey Jacobs (deceased)

Field Agents

  • Max Lomabardi
  • Agent "Green"
  • Troy Lament
  • Sasha Merlo
  • Agent Navarro
  • Dmitri Arkadeyevich "Waxx" Strelnikov
  • Aaron Ruberson
  • Sean Bat
  • Monica Storch
  • Lily Rondeau
  • Hobert Brennan
  • Cyril Novak
  • Diana Fischer
  • Melissa King
  • Louis Franklin
  • Elliot McNamara
  • Phil Kowalski
  • Dimitri Siegel
  • Louis Franklin
  • Markus Pierce
  • Elizabeth Carden
  • Markus Villacorta
  • Chester Preston
  • Alexis Garcia
  • Josephine Creed
  • Marcus Bauer
  • Lance Owens
  • Steven Falkenham
  • Julian Escher
  • Daniel Vega
  • Gabriel Chavez
  • Frank Giuseppe
  • Daniel Jackson
  • Lukas Keller
  • Christopher Pennings
  • Lauren Dietz
  • Bernard North
  • Viola Smythe
  • Gordon Gompton
  • Beatrice Ross
  • Julian Calloway
  • Xavier Garcez
  • Maggy E. Grant
  • Bruce Wallace
  • Helen Marcus
  • Roger Brent
  • Mortimer Foster
  • Greer Brewskey
  • Sebastián García
  • Mark Roland
  • Patrice Walters
  • William J. Kirkwise
  • Pedro de Souza
  • Ron Towson
  • Gareth Marlow (deceased)
  • Agent Gallagher (SCP-953, deceased)
  • Cameron Wells - Commanding Officer
  • Fredrick Meryle
  • Carlen Ozols
  • Xander Peterson
  • Cyrus Fielding - Commanding Officer
  • Tobias Rourke
  • Alistair Burton
  • Sean O'Doherty
  • Agent Swanson (deceased)
  • Agent Turquoise (deceased)
  • Agent 86 (deceased)

Mobile Task Forces

  • William Lonegan
  • William Johnson
  • Carter Walsh
  • Cpt. Ephram Ross
  • Liam Ohalo
  • Cotter Houston
  • Elliott O’Neil
  • Calvin Ekblad - Commanding Officer
  • Scott Harpur
  • Nicholas Bjugstad
  • Marjorie Holt
  • Leon Ledford
  • Connor Bathory
  • Vivian Morodecci
  • Alejandra Cavallero
  • Chuck Jefferson
  • Rolf Vogel
  • Michael Niedringhaus
  • Hanna Dam
  • Dr. Giles Mathys
  • Â Samuel Walker
  • Michael Castellano
  • Amelie Zelinka
  • Liz Boyd
  • Joseph Lanning
  • Fiere Mekonap
  • Tony Atkinson
  • Dr. Blaire Roth
  • Joseph Mann
  • Steven Wu-Cheng
  • Nicholas Caruso
  • Elaine Matteus
  • Yanirys Espinosa
  • Beatrice Sanders
  • Helen Zhao
  • Zoe Smith
  • Darren Wells - Commanding Officer
  • Johna Baldric - Commanding Officer
  • Donald Blaire (formerly)
  • Sandra Gonzales
  • Jia Turner
  • Joseph Bell
  • Dr. Logan Igotta
  • Dr. Lakshmi Agarwal
  • Joseph Bell
  • James Candle
  • Myron Goldstein
  • Adam Grayson
  • Emma Lightbody
  • Frank Giuseppe
  • Reese Maynard
  • Harold Mason
  • Lauder - Commanding Officer
  • Yukon
  • Imski
  • Powers (deceased)
  • Kowalski (Kovesky)

D-Class Personnel

  • Chris Simmons
  • Leroy Tucker
  • Jonas Murkowski
  • D-3826 (deceased)

Persons of Interest

Besides SCPs, the Foundation also holds a record of Persons of Interest (PoI), who are either anomalous or connected to it.


Interestingly enough, the SCP Foundation exists worldwide, and it is in various languages displayed on the internet as its own Branches. If enough English SCP's get translated into another language, and new unexisting SCPs get made in a different language, it escalates in a new Branch being made in that exact language. Currently, 13 official and 4 unofficial Branches exist in the SCP Foundation:

On the Villains Wiki, International SCP's exist such as SCP-025-FR, SCP-060-FR and SCP-015-IT.

In Media

In Video Games


SCP - Containment Breach map.

SCP - Containment Breach

The Foundation is the driving force behind the video game SCP - Containment Breach, based on the SCP mythos. Located in one of the site buildings/prisons, the player plays a member of the D-Class personnel trying to escape when a containment breach releases dozens of hostile SCPs.

SCP - Containment Breach (Unity Remake)

On October 14, 2016, a group of developers remade SCP - Containment Breach by upgrading the graphics and adding a number of new SCPs. The game itself had the same goal as the original, but the game got canceled before it could be finished in 2021.


The game Control developed by Remedy (which is also take big insparation from SCP lore) is mentioned in the SCP Wiki, with the Federal Bureau of Control referenced in one of documents.

Lobotomy Corporation

An indie horror strategy management simulation game developed by Project Moon, which is about an underground company that uses paranormal beings referred as "Abnormalities" to draw energy. This game was inspired by the SCP Foundation among many more.

ANNO: Mutationem

The SCP Foundation and various SCPs appear in the video game ANNO: Mutationem developed by ThinkingStars, which is set in a cyberpunk post-apocalyptic world.


SCP: 5K, formerly known as SCP: Pandemic, is an upcoming hardcore cooperative first-person tactical shooter based on the story of SCP-5000. In the game, the players take the role of a rogue fireteam who are tasked with stopping the SCP Foundation from exterminating humanity.

SCP: Fragmented Minds

SCP: Fragmented Minds is an upcoming first person horror adventure game in which game will be placed in Mars. In game, contained SCP's were escaped and tries to hunting down the players.

Go Home Annie

Go Home Annie: An SCP Game is a twisted first person horror adventure game in which the player takes the role of a personnel working for the SCP Replication Division. In the game the player is tasked with testing various anomalies which include puzzles and interacting with various entities.

Border Officer

In Border Officer, a game like Papers, Please, an SCP agent will be appears on border and depents on player choice, they can help and do task of SCP's so he can join the Foundation or just keep playing normal.

In Tabletop Games

Escape From Site 19

A horror, murder/mystery RPG board game created by Extreme Board Games, s. r. o. The game can be played by 3 to 5 players over the age of 18. The players take the role of survivors in a containment breach that occurred in Site 19 and are expected to work together to make it out alive and confront SCP-0001. Along the way players will draw cards of different SCPs which come specific tasks that become harder to complete as the game goes on.

In Manga

Gun X Clover

In the Rikan Island Incident Arc of the Gun X Clover manga series, Kotonoha Nahase is seen wearing a t-shirt depicting the Foundation's logo.

Tsukiiro no Invader

In chapter 4 of the series Tsukiiro no Invader, a boy is seen wearing a t-shirt depicting the Foundation's logo and a small monster named SCP-9999.

SCP Comic Anthology - KAI

A manga released by B-minus Scans for free on MangaDex. The series revolves around a doctor employed by the Foundation encountering various SCPs and personnel.

In Movies

SCP: Dollhouse

On August 23rd of 2019, Retro Digital Media released a short movie titled SCP: Dollhouse which revolved around an MTF investigating some anomalous activity inside a house in suburban Middle America but were misinformed and highly unprepared for what they encountered.

SCP: Overlord

On November 4th of 2020, Retro Digital Media released another short movie titled SCP: Overlord which revolved around MTF-Nu 7 investigating a house inhabited by an anomalous cult. The movie was well received and even won several awards.

SCP: Heretic

The third installment planned to complete the trilogy done by Retro Digital Media. However, due to lack of support on Kickstarter as a result of the massive budget required, the project was ultimately cancelled.


Little Demon

A creature closely resembling SCP-173 briefly appears in Episode 6 of the Little Demon TV series.

In Books

There Is No Antimemetics Division

A book adaptation of the first series of "There is No Antimemetics Division". It revolves around the Antimemetics Division's director Marion Wheeler who in her search for the truth about the unexplained disappearance of the original Antimemetics Division she comes across SCP-3125 and is soon followed by her attempt in trying to the evil entity from taking over humanity and the world.

The Breach Goes On: Bury the Survivors Vol 1

A book with illustrations created by SCP author Harry Blank. It is a story revolving around seven Foundation personnel working in Site-43, Canada, which include Dr. Lillian S. Lillihammer, Dr. Udo A. Okorie, Chief Noè Nascimbeni, Dr. Harold R. Blank, Chief Delfina M. Ibanez, Dir. Allan J. McInnis and Dr. William W. Wettle. The story is about an anomalous waste facility exploding and causing damage to the surrounding reality which left a massive impact in all of them, forcing them rebuilt their lives while finding out what happened and prevent it from happening again.


A narrative anthology book containing short stories and poems written by famous authors based on Site 23981 and art illustrated by some artists. It has one connected meta-horror story about the Site which the reader can solve it themselves. It was published by Wildside Press with funding gathered from backers of Indiegogo.

SCP Foundation: Iris Through the Looking-Glass

A light novel series written by Akira and illustrated by Sidu, the book focuses on a boy who is kidnapped by the SCP Foundation after he sees a picture of Iris Thompson, a girl designated as "SCP-105", in every book he opens; the boy and Iris are forced to cooperate to escape the Foundation.


Yesterday, I watched the world nearly die in a thousand thousand terrible ways. Sometimes we would have had time to scream. Today, I'm alive to write about it. You want happy endings? F-ck you. You're alive to read it. God help us all. Secure. Contain. Protect.
~ An unknown figure in "black white black white black white black white black white gray".
We are the Foundation. We will not worship you. We will not join you. We will not go back to hiding in fear of you. I hope you will change your minds, but we will stand against you, and alone, if we have to.
~ The Administrator to various gods in "Revelation".
We have chained the indestructible lizard. We have kept at bay cosmic horrors for centuries, ten at a time and all eager to cleave our world in twain. We have cheated Time, we have defeated Death, we have protected the world from the unknown, and we have not failed in all this time. We have not merely stared into an abyss but plunged headlong into it, armed to the teeth to fight whatever lies at the bottom. Do you think a god can stop us? Do you think that anyone can stop us?

We are the Foundation. We will secure, we will contain, and we will protect above all else; we are the Foundation, and our mission is unstoppable.
~ Dr. Weather in "A Hymn For Pandora".
Yes, you are a monster. But, whether we are deemed anomalous or not, so is every last one of us. And that means you deserve your existence.

We secure you.

We contain you.

We protect you.

And even if you still don't get why I'm doing this, please understand that I still love you.
~ O5-5 in SCP-001 (WJS' proposal) explaining to an escaped anomaly the real reason why they contain it.
I seriously doubt every single member of our staff believes in the Foundation to their core. Hell, I don't even think most religious people are as faithful as they tell themselves they are. But we all still participate in these rituals, don't we? The Foundation arguably more so than any religious group I can think of. Everything from the way we organize ourselves to the way the research gets logged, the way the skip files get written… there's a very strict way of doing things here, and it never gets questioned. If we started telling staff to take Communion every Sunday, we all know they would.
~ O5-11 in SCP-5636.
I can feel your eyes on this, Old One. We are watching. We are waiting. Give us time. You will fall.
~ The Great Betrayer to the current Archivist of the Wanderer's Library in "Groups of Intrigue".
The Foundation does believe in God. Your God is Normalcy. Normalcy, the perfect, arbitrary Plan from which there can be no deviation. Trying to change Normalcy is the worst sin of all. The cardinal sin against which your organization stands with all its might. A stalwart bulwark against change.
~ Joanna Cross of the Serpent's Hand.


  • The SCP Foundation currently has nine known "series" of SCPs: Series I contains SCP-001 through SCP-999, Series II contains SCP-1000 through SCP-1999, Series III contains SCP-2000 through SCP-2999, Series IV contains SCP-3000 through SCP-3999, Series V contains SCP-4000 through SCP-4999, Series VI contains SCP-5000 through SCP-5999, Series VII contains SCP-6000 through SCP-6999, Series VIII contains SCP-7000 through SCP-7999 and Series IX contains SCP-8000 to SCP-8999.
  • Given the number of contributors and history of the site, SCP Foundation is without a doubt the largest collaborative work of fiction in history.
  • The SCP Foundation's main enemies outside of the SCPs include the Chaos Insurgency, Serpent's Hand, Marshall, Carter, and Dark, Anderson Robotics, the Church of the Broken God, and the The Sarkic Cults.
  • The SCP Foundation and the entire SCP mythos placed #14 on Tat's TopVideos' 2011 Top 22 Non-Gaming Creepypastas list and #18 on the 2014 Top 22 Non-Gaming Creepypastas list. Tat's TopVideos has since released many SCP-related countdowns and is credited with helping to bring the SCP mythos to the popularity it has now.
  • YouTubers Cody Maverick, Kraken Kid, and Cannibal Crab have made a series that is from the SCP Foundation.
  • In 2020, the SCP Foundation online community became involved in a legal battle against a Russian man named Andrey Duskin, who used Russian trademarking loopholes to trademark the SCP brand in Russia. However, he then began illegally violating the Creative Commons License that the SCP Foundation by copyright claiming or prohibiting others' SCP-related work, threatening to prohibit the creation and distribution of further SCP-related content and writing. The SCP Foundation community is currently raising funds to pursue legal action.
  • Dr. Scantron's proposal for SCP-001 seems to imply that the Foundation itself is considered an SCP.
  • The SCP logo wasn't in fact created for the SCP Wiki. The symbol is actually a free, non-copyrighted vector graphic that was included in an Adobe product and was a modified sign warning about having a grounding device/wire connected, such as when working with explosive gases.
  • The "Present Malice Theme" used in numerous articles of the SCP Foundation was directly based on the Umbrella Corporation from the Resident Evil franchise.
  • In the universe of SCP-6001 where the Compendium, a benevolent amalgam organization of different GoIs, took over the world and declared worldwide peace with all anomalies, The SCP Foundation known as the Foundation was one of the GoIs that made up the Compendium.

External Links


           SCPFoundation SCP VillainsSCP SCPFoundation

Major Organizations
Ambrose Restaurants | Anderson Robotics | Arcadia | Are We Cool Yet? | The Black Queen | The Chaos Insurgency | Chicago Spirit | The Children of the Scarlet King | The Church of the Broken God | The Daevites | The Factory | The Fifth Church | Gamers Against Weed | The Global Occult Coalition | Greazeburger Incorporated | The GRU Division "P" | Herman Fuller's Circus of the Disquieting | Imperial Japanese Anomalous Matters Examination Agency | Just Girly Things | Marshall, Carter and Dark Ltd. | Office for the Reclamation of Islamic Artifacts | SAPPHIRE | Sarkicism (Adytum's Wake, The Church of the Eternal Mother, The Church of the Red Harvest, The Hunter's Black Lodge) | The SCP Foundation (The O5 Council) | The Serpent's Hand | TotleighSoft | Valravn Corporation | Vikander-Kneed Technical Media

Minor/Recurring Organizations
Accelerate the Future | The Ahnenerbe Obskurakorps | Brazen Heart | Cowboys | Children of the Torch | The Chosen of God | Crystal Elms Productions | Foundation Elimination Coalition | Giftschreiber | HANSARP | House of Apollyon | House of Stars | Light Courier Enterprises | Myrmidon International | PENTAGRAM | Proponents of Paranormal Rights | Pokémon Company | Second Haptic Assembly | Sin Nombre | Sugarcomb Confectionery | The Syncope Symphony | Twelve Stars | Westhead Media | Y.W.T.G.T.H.F.T.

International Organizations
Annihilism | Association of Black Magic Power Users | Hive | Japan Organisms Improvement and Creation Laboratory | Meat Circus | P.O.R.A. | SAPPHIRE | The Civilian

Safe SCPs
Bobble the Clown | The Scarlet King | SCP-021 | SCP-072 | SCP-088 | SCP-098 | SCP-245 | SCP-252 | SCP-343 | SCP-432-1 | SCP-456 | SCP-490 | SCP-517-01 | SCP-522 | SCP-553 | SCP-602 | SCP-695 | SCP-749 | SCP-863 | SCP-875-1 | SCP-875-3 | SCP-984-1 | SCP-1004 Infectees | SCP-1049 | SCP-1105 | SCP-1160 | SCP-1285-3 | SCP-1312-1 | SCP-1312-2 | SCP-1357-A | SCP-1499-1 | SCP-1599 | SCP-1646-1 | SCP-1757-A | SCP-1888-2 | SCP-1981-1 | SCP-2069 | SCP-2264-4 | SCP-2264-5 | SCP-2732-2-A | SCP-2732-2-B | SCP-2835 | SCP-2851-1 | SCP-3148 | SCP-3872 | SCP-4268 | SCP-4338 | SCP-4812-S | SCP-4950 | SCP-4974 | SCP-5000-█ | SCP-5705-1 | SCP-5733-1 | SCP-(5.782×10⁵⁴)-567 | SCP-5874-1 | SCP-5887-2 | SCP-5976-2 | SCP-6541 | SCP-6549 | SCP-6733-1 | SCP-6789 | SCP-6959 | SCP-6977 | SCP-7091-1 | SCP-7695-2 | SCP-7894 | SCP-7898

Euclid SCPs
The Announcer | SCP-008 | SCP-023 | SCP-031 | SCP-046-1 | SCP-049 | SCP-071 | SCP-074 | SCP-075 | SCP-079 | SCP-080 | SCP-082 | SCP-087-1 | SCP-089 | SCP-096 | SCP-101 | SCP-125 | SCP-136-2 | SCP-137 | SCP-145 Torturers | SCP-153 | SCP-157 | SCP-164 | SCP-173 | SCP-178-1 | SCP-205 Entities | SCP-218 | SCP-230 | SCP-234 | SCP-247 | SCP-250 | SCP-260 | SCP-267 | SCP-277-R█ | SCP-286-1 | SCP-286-2 | SCP-303 | SCP-305 | SCP-312 | SCP-323-1 | SCP-333-C | SCP-337 | SCP-347 | SCP-355 | SCP-359 | SCP-366 | SCP-367 | SCP-371 | SCP-372 | SCP-395 | SCP-400 | SCP-401 | SCP-428 | SCP-439 | SCP-452 | SCP-457 | SCP-511 | SCP-513-1 | SCP-525-1 | SCP-526-2 | SCP-542 | SCP-548 | SCP-567-9 | SCP-569 | SCP-597 | SCP-605 | SCP-611 | SCP-617 | SCP-625 | SCP-647 | SCP-650 | SCP-666-1 | SCP-681 | SCP-688 | SCP-693 | SCP-701-1 | SCP-735 | SCP-745 | SCP-747 | SCP-748-4 | SCP-751 | SCP-767-15 | SCP-772 | SCP-777-1 | SCP-784-1 | SCP-797 | SCP-799 | SCP-811 | SCP-820 | SCP-822 | SCP-823 | SCP-840 | SCP-843-2 | SCP-844 | SCP-847 | SCP-856 | SCP-879 | SCP-885 | SCP-899 | SCP-906 | SCP-930 Entity | SCP-932 | SCP-956 | SCP-963-1 | SCP-965 | SCP-966 | SCP-973-2 | SCP-974 | SCP-995 | SCP-1001 | SCP-1002 | SCP-1026 | SCP-1027 | SCP-1033 | SCP-1051 | SCP-1060 | SCP-1077 | SCP-1098 Infectees | SCP-1111-1 | SCP-1120 | SCP-1124 | SCP-1128 | SCP-1145 | SCP-1204 | SCP-1219 | SCP-1227 | SCP-1255-1 | SCP-1269 | SCP-1280 | SCP-1299-1 | SCP-1305 | SCP-1316 | SCP-1325 | SCP-1337 | SCP-1349 | SCP-1386 | SCP-1400 | SCP-1429 | SCP-1451 | SCP-1471-A | SCP-1495-M | SCP-1507 | SCP-1529 | SCP-1611-1 | SCP-1620-1 | SCP-1627-B | SCP-1637 Entities | SCP-1669 | SCP-1701 | SCP-1715 | SCP-1749-2 | SCP-1897 | SCP-1913 | SCP-1918 | SCP-1919-1 | SCP-1972-B | SCP-2014 | SCP-2056 | SCP-2059 | SCP-2254 | SCP-2315-1 | SCP-2363-A | SCP-2396 (SCP-2396-B) | SCP-2401-Alpha | SCP-2419-A | SCP-2424 | SCP-2427-3 | SCP-2522 | SCP-2549-1 | SCP-2611-1 | SCP-2721 | SCP-2812-2 | SCP-2817-2 | SCP-2901 | SCP-2940-B | SCP-2965 | SCP-2999 | SCP-3008-2 | SCP-3019-A | SCP-3093-A | SCP-3114 | SCP-3166 | SCP-3280 | SCP-3229-A | SCP-3229-B | SCP-3229-O | SCP-3325-1 | SCP-3388 | SCP-3428 | SCP-3522 | SCP-3560-1 | SCP-3616 | SCP-3631-1 | SCP-3785-1 | SCP-3786 | SCP-3838-8 | SCP-3860 | SCP-3924 | SCP-4023 | SCP-4162 | SCP-4166-2 | SCP-4173 Entity | SCP-4181-1 | SCP-4187-1 | SCP-4212 | SCP-4231-A | SCP-4310 | SCP-4434 | SCP-4458 | SCP-4670 | SCP-4673-A | SCP-4680 | SCP-4812-E | SCP-4886 | SCP-4924-A | SCP-4959 (SCP-4959-A) | SCP-4975 | SCP-5045-1 | SCP-5077 | SCP-5150-1 | SCP-5174 | SCP-5211 | SCP-5293 | SCP-5351 | SCP-5535 | SCP-5611 | SCP-5660 Entities | SCP-5638-A | SCP-5745-2 | SCP-5841-1 | SCP-5916 | SCP-5935-1 | SCP-5952 | SCP-5998 Empyrean Entities | SCP-6076 | SCP-6184-1 | SCP-6198 | SCP-6283 | SCP-6310 | SCP-6345 | SCP-6396 | SCP-6618-A | SCP-6633 | SCP-6640 | SCP-6479 | SCP-6661-1 | SCP-6696-A | SCP-6769 | SCP-6789 | SCP-6921 | SCP-6979 | SCP-7083-3 (SCP-7083-3a) | SCP-7083-5 | SCP-7110-2 | SCP-7116-B | SCP-7154 | SCP-7184 | SCP-7258 Entity | SCP-7281 | SCP-7376-B-1 | SCP-7431-C | SCP-7431-D | SCP-7431-E | SCP-7465 | SCP-7533 | SCP-7573 | SCP-7579 | SCP-7725-C | SCP-7785 | SCP-7786 | SCP-7807 | SCP-7840 | SCP-7983 | SCP-7992 | SCP-8011-A | SCP-8134-1 | SCP-8247 | SCP-8249 | SCP-8250-2 | SCP-8994 | SCP-8999

Keter SCPs
The Authors | The Black Moon | The O5 Council | The Prototype | SCP-016 | SCP-017 | SCP-019-2 | SCP-029 | SCP-035 | SCP-058 | SCP-060-Alpha | SCP-076-2 | SCP-090 | SCP-106 | SCP-129 | SCP-140-A | SCP-149 | SCP-150 | SCP-165 | SCP-204-1 | SCP-231-1 | SCP-236 | SCP-274-1 | SCP-274-2 | SCP-280 | SCP-307 | SCP-339 | SCP-352 | SCP-353 | SCP-354 Entities | SCP-363 | SCP-427-1 | SCP-435-2 | SCP-469 | SCP-575 | SCP-582 | SCP-589 | SCP-610 | SCP-631 | SCP-682 | SCP-718 | SCP-752-1 | SCP-783 | SCP-835 | SCP-870 | SCP-939 | SCP-940 | SCP-953 | SCP-968 | SCP-1000 | SCP-1013 | SCP-1048 (SCP-1048 Duplicates) | SCP-1155 | SCP-1179 | SCP-1295 | SCP-1322-A | SCP-1368-1 | SCP-1447-1 | SCP-1500 | SCP-1527-A | SCP-1573-1 | SCP-1736 | SCP-1739 | SCP-1765 | SCP-1788-1 | SCP-1790 | SCP-1927 | SCP-1983-2 | SCP-1984-01 | SCP-2030-1 | SCP-2075 | SCP-2086 | SCP-2191-1 | SCP-2191-2 | SCP-2191-3 | SCP-2200-2 | SCP-2316 Entity | SCP-2317-K | SCP-2385 | SCP-2399 | SCP-2408-4 | SCP-2439 | SCP-2440 | SCP-2490 | SCP-2521 | SCP-2747 | SCP-2774-A | SCP-2803-A | SCP-2807 | SCP-2846-A | SCP-2852 | SCP-2863 | SCP-2877 | SCP-2935 Entity | SCP-2950 | SCP-3002 | SCP-3003-2 | SCP-3004-1 | SCP-3007 Entity | SCP-3033 | SCP-3121-B | SCP-3125 | SCP-3167 | SCP-3199 | SCP-3288 (Emperor Maximilian) | SCP-3333-1 | SCP-3340 | SCP-3405 | SCP-3456 | SCP-3503 | SCP-3580 (SCP-3580-A) | SCP-3615-1 | SCP-3615-2 | SCP-3643 | SCP-3653 | SCP-3683 | SCP-3760 | SCP-3799 | SCP-3812 | SCP-3870 | SCP-3906 | SCP-3997 | SCP-4038-1 | SCP-4049-1 | SCP-4104-B | SCP-4105-B | SCP-4135-B | SCP-4157-2 | SCP-4167 | SCP-4205 | SCP-4290 | SCP-4293 | SCP-4297 | SCP-4315-2 | SCP-4335 | SCP-4338 | SCP-4352 | SCP-4419 | SCP-4495-1 | SCP-4666 | SCP-4715 | SCP-4812-K | SCP-4833 | SCP-4840-B | SCP-4856 | SCP-4866 | SCP-4885 | SCP-4886 | SCP-4910 | SCP-4947 | SCP-4973 | SCP-5048-1 | SCP-5049-A | SCP-5111 | SCP-5167 | SCP-5172 | SCP-5252 | SCP-5267-A | SCP-5284 | SCP-5423 | SCP-5598 | SCP-5630-1 | SCP-5653 | SCP-5659 | SCP-5683 | SCP-5761-1 | SCP-5860 | SCP-5915-A | SCP-5927 | SCP-6004 | SCP-6013 | SCP-6096 | SCP-6362-B | SCP-6426 | SCP-6427 | SCP-6448 | SCP-6455 | SCP-6566-A | SCP-6596 | SCP-6599-1 | SCP-6773 | SCP-6789 | SCP-6810 | SCP-6852 | SCP-7038 | SCP-7064 | SCP-7100-1 | SCP-7105-1 | SCP-7193-1 | SCP-7201-1 | SCP-7219 | SCP-7261-1 | SCP-7274 | SCP-7354-A | SCP-7370 | SCP-7376-A | SCP-7380 | SCP-7436 | SCP-7449-B | SCP-7531 | SCP-7569 | SCP-7639 | SCP-7776-A | SCP-7786-Ω | SCP-7932 | SCP-8024-2 | SCP-8097-A | SCP-8106 | SCP-8155 | SCP-8211 | SCP-8319-1 | SCP-8400 | SCP-8420 | SCP-8700-2 | SCP-8890 | SCP-8935-C

Apollyon SCPs
The Sun (SCP-001-A) | SCP-3999 | SCP-6820-A | SCP-7229-2 | SCP-7299 | SCP-7606 | SCP-7853 | SCP-8249 | SCP-8339

Thaumiel SCPs
SCP-122-2 | SCP-378 | SCP-3000 | SCP-4884 | SCP-5001-A | SCP-6824-1B

Esoteric SCPs
The Factory | SCP-UBU | SCP-924 | SCP-2085-1 | SCP-2744 | SCP-2845 | SCP-3396 | SCP-3700-2 | SCP-3895 | SCP-4113 | SCP-4317 | SCP-4380 | SCP-4428 | SCP-4444 | SCP-4755 | SCP-4861 | SCP-4971-▽ | SCP-5004-A | SCP-5034 | SCP-5346 Entity | SCP-5391 | SCP-5651-1 | SCP-INTEGER | SCP-6004 | SCP-6061-1 | SCP-6065 | SCP-6079 | SCP-6314-V | SCP-6330-2 | SCP-6450 | SCP-6666 | SCP-6727 | SCP-6747-C | SCP-6987 | SCP-7207 | SCP-7294 | SCP-7450 | SCP-7498 | SCP-7511-I | SCP-7566 | SCP-7606 | SCP-7660 | SCP-7766 | SCP-8249 | SCP-8520-1

Explained SCPs
ERZATZ | SCP-012-EX | SCP-1548-EX | SCP-1933-EX | SCP-5025-1 | SCP-5257-EX

Neutralized/Decommissioned SCPs
SCP-083-D | SCP-269-D | SCP-531-D | SCP-1682 | SCP-2480-1 | SCP-3105 | SCP-3999 | SCP-4290 | SCP-4456-D | SCP-5002 | SCP-5277 | SCP-5281-D | SCP-5739 | SCP-6097 | SCP-6110 | SCP-6373 | SCP-6572 | SCP-6624-1 | SCP-6624-2 | SCP-6624-3 | SCP-7115-A | SCP-7404 | SCP-7471 (SCP-7471-A) | SCP-7606 | SCP-7769 | SCP-8097

Archon SCPs
SCP-3787-1 | SCP-4052

Joke SCPs
SCP-001-B | SCP-3-J | SCP-6k-J | SCP-010-J | SCP-049-J | SCP-078-J-1 | SCP-80-K-J | SCP-173-J | SCP-682-J | SCP-719M4-J | SCP-729-J | SCP-777-J | SCP-789-J | SCP-8==D-J | SCP-900-J | SCP-1013-J | SCP-1344-J | SCP-1981-J | SCP-2006-J-1 | SCP-2103-J | SCP-3034-J | SCP-4055-J | SCP-4297-J | SCP-5031-J | SCP-5972-J | SCP-6008-J | SCP-7475-J | SCP-100000-J | SCP-███-J | SCP-@#%&!-J | SCP-even number-J | SCP-K9-J-EX-1 | SCP-SCP-J | SCP-SPOOKY-J | SCP-TTKU-J | The Ethereal Skeleton

International SCPs
Spanish Branch
SCP-ES-002 | SCP-ES-008 | SCP-ES-010-1 | SCP-ES-045 | SCP-ES-048 | SCP-ES-081 | SCP-ES-089 | SCP-ES-113 | SCP-ES-138 | SCP-ES-150 | SCP-ES-156 | SCP-ES-156-1 | SCP-ES-172-1 | SCP-ES-190-1 | SCP-ES-212-B-1 | SCP-ES-266 | SCP-ES-301 | SCP-ES-307 | SCP-ES-350 | SCP-ES-362 | SCP-ES-4991-J

French Branch
SCP-003-FR | SCP-006-FR | SCP-023-FR | SCP-025-FR | SCP-033-FR | SCP-050-FR | SCP-054-FR | SCP-060-FR | SCP-063-FR | SCP-064-FR | SCP-075-FR | SCP-081-FR | SCP-089-FR | SCP-096-FR | SCP-109-FR | SCP-115-FR | SCP-132-FR | SCP-165-FR | SCP-174-FR | SCP-181-FR | SCP-184-FR | SCP-193-FR | SCP-217-FR | SCP-218-FR | SCP-232-FR | SCP-387-FR | SCP-451-FR | SCP-495-FR-D | SCP-583-FR | SCP-687-FR | SCP-1054-FR-J

German Branch
SCP-015-DE-J | SCP-063-DE | SCP-069-DE | SCP-077-DE | SCP-087-DE | SCP-089-DE | SCP-097-DE | SCP-098-DE | SCP-109-DE | SCP-121-DE | SCP-123-DE-J | SCP-131-DE | SCP-149-DE-A | SCP-173-DE | SCP-192-DE | SCP-285-DE | SCP-297-DE | SCP-307-DE | SCP-376-DE-A

Polish Branch
SCP-PL-009 | SCP-PL-079 | SCP-PL-099-B | SCP-PL-113 | SCP-PL-124-J | SCP-PL-141 | SCP-PL-163 | SCP-PL-174-J | SCP-PL-200 | SCP-PL-228 | SCP-PL-286 | SCP-PL-305 | SCP-PL-368-B | SCP-PL-2004-J-1

Czech Branch
SCP-042-CS | SCP-083-CS | SCP-093-CS | SCP-101-CS | SCP-173-CS | SCP-410-CS

Italian Branch
SCP-001-IT-J | SCP-002-IT-J | SCP-005-IT Entities | SCP-013-IT | SCP-015-IT | SCP-022-IT | SCP-023-IT | SCP-027-IT | SCP-042-IT | SCP-044-IT | SCP-052-IT-2 | SCP-053-IT-2 | SCP-055-IT | SCP-057-IT | SCP-066-IT | SCP-078-IT | SCP-100-IT | SCP-118-IT | SCP-143-IT-A | SCP-173-IT-2 | SCP-198-IT

Japanese Branch
Outer God | Sakuranushi | SCP-002-JP-EX | SCP-███-JP | SCP-030-JP | SCP-036-JP Entities | SCP-058-JP | SCP-070-JP-2 | SCP-173-JP | SCP-192-JP-1 | SCP-233-JP-3 | SCP-262-JP-A | SCP-268-JP | SCP-272-JP-2 | SCP-279-JP | SCP-291-JP-1 | SCP-361-JP | SCP-373-JP | SCP-444-JP | SCP-471-JP-1 | SCP-489-JP | SCP-506-JP-A | SCP-565-JP | SCP-682-JP-J | SCP-683-JP | SCP-719-JP-A | SCP-835-JP | SCP-835-JP-J | SCP-910-JP | SCP-926-JP | SCP-981-JP | SCP-1004-JP | SCP-1016-JP-1 | SCP-1030-JP-A | SCP-1032-JP-A | SCP-1035-JP Entity | SCP-1316-JP-J | SCP-1326-JP-K | SCP-1379-JP | SCP-1409-JP | SCP-1739-JP | SCP-1801-JP | SCP-1824-JP-A | SCP-1834-JP-A | SCP-1942-JP | SCP-1987-JP-1 | SCP-2009-JP | SCP-2401-JP | SCP-2455-JP | SCP-2515-JP | SCP-2901-JP-1 | SCP-2944-JP | SCP-3025-JP | SCP-3122-JP | SCP-3168-JP | SCP-3554-JP-D | SCP-3724-JP-B

Korean Branch
SCP-019-KO-M | SCP-056-KO | SCP-101-KO | SCP-248-KO | SCP-335-KO | SCP-414-KO | SCP-444-KO-5 | SCP-512-KO | SCP-641-KO | SCP-643-KO-B | SCP-710-KO | SCP-724-KO | SCP-770-KO | SCP-755-KO-A | SCP-1693-KO | SCP-1808-KO

Russian Branch
Mr. Match | SCP-1018-RU | SCP-1019-RU | SCP-1026-RU | SCP-1027-RU-1 | SCP-1030-RU Entities | SCP-1046-RU-2 | SCP-1051-RU | SCP-1054-RU-4 | SCP-1062-RU | SCP-1069-RU | SCP-1080-RU-J-M | SCP-1084-RU | SCP-1098-RU-1 | SCP-1109-RU | SCP-1155-RU-J | SCP-1222-RU | SCP-1306-RU-C | SCP-1366-RU | SCP-1414-RU | SCP-1418-RU-EX | SCP-1966-RU | SCP-3321-RU-J

Chinese Branch
SCP-CN-006-2 | SCP-CN-023 | SCP-CN-204 | SCP-CN-586 | SCP-CN-673 | SCP-CN-678 | SCP-CN-801 | SCP-CN-972 | SCP-CN-1091 | SCP-CN-1101 | SCP-CN-1210-A | SCP-CN-1327 | SCP-CN-1359 | SCP-CN-1364 | SCP-CN-1468 | SCP-CN-1490 | SCP-CN-1498 | SCP-CN-1562 | SCP-CN-1677 | SCP-CN-1749 | SCP-CN-1752 | SCP-CN-1790 | SCP-CN-1827 | SCP-CN-1856 | SCP-CN-2101 | SCP-CN-2288 | SCP-CN-2413 | SCP-CN-2469 | SCP-CN-2515 | SCP-CN-2574 | SCP-CN-2636 | SCP-CN-2744 | SCP-CN-2754 | SCP-CN-3091-2 | SCP-CN-3247 | SCP-CN-3466-1 | SCP-CN-3466-2 | SCP-CN-3690 | SCP-CN-3890 | SCP-CN-3935 | The Scarlet Demon

Traditional Chinese Branch
SCP-ZH-022-2 | SCP-ZH-024 | SCP-ZH-058 Entities | SCP-ZH-111 (SCP-ZH-111-A) | SCP-ZH-129-2 | SCP-ZH-227-A | SCP-ZH-231 | SCP-ZH-234 | SCP-ZH-244-A | SCP-ZH-270 | SCP-ZH-282 | SCP-ZH-398 | SCP-ZH-533 | SCP-ZH-613 | SCP-ZH-684 | SCP-ZH-690 Entity | SCP-ZH-848-A | SCP-ZH-897-A | SCP-ZH-904 | SCP-ZH-60053-J

Thai Branch
SCP-003-TH | SCP-009-TH | SCP-016-TH | SCP-025-TH | SCP-043-TH | SCP-053-TH | SCP-072-TH | SCP-087-TH | SCP-099-TH-1 | SCP-111-TH-2 | SCP-206-TH-3 | SCP-206-TH-4 | SCP-222-TH-J | SCP-345-TH | SCP-400-TH-1 | SCP-456-TH | SCP-495-TH | SCP-577-TH | SCP-666-TH | SCP-707-TH | SCP-728-TH | SCP-747-TH | SCP-878-TH-2 | SCP-901-TH | SCP-903-TH | SCP-925-TH |

Portuguese Branch
SCP-045-PT-J Entities | SCP-050-PT | SCP-067-PT | SCP-101-PT-6 | SCP-105-PT | SCP-124-PT-A | SCP-194-PT

Ukrainian Branch
SCP-018-UA | SCP-031-UA | SCP-054-UA Infectees | SCP-071-UA-1 | SCP-074-UA | SCP-077-UA | SCP-078-UA | SCP-080-UA-D | SCP-083-UA | SCP-086-UA | SCP-089-UA | SCP-110-UA-1 | SCP-113-UA | SCP-114-UA | SCP-165-UA | SCP-170-UA-2 | SCP-178-UA-1 | SCP-179-UA-1 | SCP-197-UA | SCP-666-UA-J | SCP-692-UA-J

SCP-001 Proposals
SCP-001 (The Council) | SCP-001 (The Database) | SCP-001 (Atonement) | SCP-001 (The Prototype) | SCP-001-EX (A Good Boy) | SCP-001 (The Factory) | SCP-001 (The Scarlet King) | SCP-001 (The Way It Ends) | SCP-001 (The Black Moon) | SCP-001-A1 (The Preserver) | SCP-001 (When Day Breaks) (SCP-001-A) | SCP-001 ([the] [HUMAN!] [element?])

Canonical SCP Beings
Absence | Adam el Asem | Alagaddans | Announcer | Apakht | Authors | Blinkers | Brothers Death | Children of the Night | End | Faeries | He-Who-Made-Dark | He-Who-Made-Light | Malidramagiuan | Neon God | Neverwere | Pattern Screamers | Queen Mab | SCP-5000-█ | Striders | Studio Guardians | Therion | Unclean | Worm | Nåzhdak | Hajheti

Old Gods
| Black Moon | Carnegias | Crocosquid | The Factory | Hanged King | He Who Walks Beneath Dreams | Hr'sthnpol | Jeser | Lord Goran | Ma'tol | Moloch | Saturn Deer | Scarlet King | SCP-682 | SCP-2845 | SCP-3000 | SCP-3004-1 | SCP-4315-2 | SCP-4947 | SCP-4950 | SCP-4971-▽ | Teran | Thoth | Titania | Violet Queen | Verdant Mage | Voruteut | Xiolt-la | Yaldabaoth | Zsar Magoth

Old Gods' Servants
Adytum's Wake (Cornelius P. Bodfel III) | Ambassador of Alagadda | Archons | BLACKSTAR | Bobble the Clown | Chosen of God | Children of the Scarlet King (Elder Rockwell, John Yttoric) | Church of the Broken God (Robert Bumaro, Trunnion, Hedwig) | Daevites (Orvo, Lror, Ydax) | Fifth Church (Celebration 'Big Cheese' Horace) | Grand Karcist Ion | James Anderson | Mr. Redd | SCP-035 | SCP-076-2 | SCP-096 | SCP-2852 | SCP-3456 | SCP-3700-2 | SCP-3785-1 | SCP-4231-A

Aaron Siegel's Brother | Adam el Asem | Black Queen | Calvin Desmet | Calvin Lucien | Carl Fraser | Cornelius P. Bodfel III | Cynthia Cordier | D-3826 | D-4986 | D-7294 | dado | Daniel DeVorn | Dipesh Spivak | Dr. Byrnes | Dr. Dämmer | Dr. Elliott Emerson | Dr. Jack Bright | Dr. Madison Craggs | Dr. Maynard | Dr. W | Draga Negrescu | Edwin Falkirk | Ella Romero | Elijah | Elizabeth Crocker | Enigma | ENTITY-NaClO | Evelyn May | Ezekiel Clark | Father Pat | General Bowe | Grand Karcist Ion | Hedwig | Herman Fuller | Iris Dark | James Anderson | James Franklin | Jean Durand and Mátyás Nemeş | JGTBot | Joseph Lowry | KeeLee | Konrad Weiss | laceyribbon | Laurence Michaud | Leonid Chernoff | Leopold I | Lovataar | Madeleine von Schaeffer | Marshall Ford Everett | Mavra Isimeria | Milo Igorvich | Mikkel Borov | Mr. Match | Mr. Night | Mr. Redd | Nadox | O5-0 | Orok | Otari Iosava | Paris Kiran | Pico Wilson | Pit Sloth | Randolph Metzger | Rasmin Yelkov | Richard Chappell | Robert Bumaro | Robert Gates | Ruprecht Cartet | Ruiz Duchamp | Ryoto Hishakaku | Saarn | Samuel Decard | SCP-2089-1's Captor | SCP-6113-3's Parents | SerViper1995 | Simon Oswalt | Skitter Marshall | Smiling Man | The Administrator | Theresa Petrucci | Thomas Graham | Traveler | Trunnion | UIU 1933-001 | Vincent Anderson

SCPs in Video Games
The Plane | The Sun | SCP-008 | SCP-035 | SCP-049 | SCP-079 | SCP-080 | SCP-087-1 | SCP-087-B Entities | SCP-096 | SCP-106 | SCP-173 | SCP-178-1 | SCP-245 | SCP-280 | SCP-372 | SCP-427-1 | SCP-432-1 | SCP-457 | SCP-513-1 | SCP-553 | SCP-650 | SCP-682 | SCP-735 | SCP-860-2 | SCP-939 | SCP-956 | SCP-966 | SCP-1026-RU | SCP-1048 | SCP-1048 Duplicates | SCP-1499-1 | SCP-3008-2 | SCP-3114 | SCP-XXXX

Villains from Other Media

Disambiguation Pages
SCP | SCP-001 | SCP-087
Content relating to the SCP Foundation, including the SCP Foundation logo, is licensed under Creative Commons Sharealike 3.0 and all concepts originate from and its authors.


Notable Legends
Aliens | Beldams | Bogeyman | Bunyips | Centaurs | Chupacabra | Cyclops | Dragons | Demons | Devil | Dover Demon | Dullahan | Fairies | Ghosts | Ghost Pirates | Ghouls | Giants | Goblins | Golems | Gremlins | Grim Reaper | Hags | Headless Horseman | Humans | Jinn | Kraken | Lake Monsters | Loch Ness Monster | Medusa | Minotaur | Monsters | Mothman | Mummies | Ogres | Piscine Humanoids | Revenants | Sea Monsters | Sea Serpents | Sirens | Skeletons | Swamp Monsters | Trolls | Umibōzu | Undead | Vampires | Wendigo | Werewolves | Wyverns | Yeti | Zombies

Humans & Humanoids
Abhartach | Absalom | Aigamuxa | Ajax the Lesser | Amata | Ame-onna | Amaron | Amnon | Amulius | Amazons Andvari | Antaeus | Atreus | Aos Si | Astral Vampires | Bandits | Baobhan Siths | Baron Samedi | Bean Clan | Black Rock Witch | Blair Witch | Blunderbore | Bolster | Busiris | Cacus | Cain | Cassiopeia | Cercyon | Circe | Christie Cleek | Christman Genipperteinga | Chullachaki | Cleek's Clan | Creon | Cycnus | Danaides | Danaus| Davy Jones | Delilah | Draug | The Faceless Phantom of Venice | General Jan Smuts | Giddianhi | Goblins | Goliath | Gomorrahites | Green Knight | Green Man of Knowledge | Green Witch | Hags | Haman the Agagite | Hanako-San | Herod the Great | Herodias | Horsemen of the Apocalypse | Humanity | Iemon | Ixion | Jezebel | Judas Iscariot | Jure Grando | Kansa | King Ahab | King Arthur | King Oenomaus | King Vortigern | Kuchisake-onna | Laius | La Tunda | Lilith | Lord William de Soulis | Louhi | Lucius Tiberius | Lycaon | Marry-san | Meg of Meldon | Morag | Morgan le Fay | Nanny Rutt | Nessus | Orang Minyak | Otus and Ephialtes | Pandarus | Paris | Phaedra | The Pharisees | Pharaoh | Pisadeira | Polyphemus | Procrustes | Rich Man | Romans | Saci | Saul | Sawney Bean | Simeon | Sciron | Shechem | Sinis | Sko-Ella | Sodomites | Soumaoro Kanté | Tadodaho | Tamamo no Mae | Tantalus | Tepegöz | Tereus | Thyestes | Turnus | Tydeus | Yallery Brown | Ysbaddaden | Zahhak

Ghosts, Paranormal Beings & Spirits
Bloody Mary | Bell Witch | Black Monk of Pontefract | Banshees | Duppy| Crew of the Flying Dutchman | Crew of the Caleuche | El Silbón | El Sombreron | Captain Van der Decken| Hanako-San | Hinnigami | Lord William de Soulis | La Llorona | La Santa Compaña | La Sayona | La Viuda | Tunche | Teke Teke | Onryo | Poltergeists | Stingy Jack | Mackenzie Poltergeist | Nameless Thing of Berkeley Square |

Aliens & Ufology
Aliens (AC) | Dover Demon | Greys | Giants of Voronezh| Reptoids | Hopskinville Goblins | Flatwoods Monster | Men in Black |

Abo Ragl Ma Slokha | Black Annis | Black Volga's Driver | Bugbears | Boggarts | Baba Yaga | Coco | Krampus | Grýla | Yule Cat | Yule Lads | Sack Man | Sacamantecas | Namahage | Metminwi | Tokoloshe | Whipfather | Wewe Gombel |

Monsters, Animals & Anthropomorphic Beings
Afanc | Ahuizotl | Akhlut | Akkorokamui | Amarok | Amemasu | A-mi’-kuk | Ao Ao | Averasboro Gallinipper | Bakeneko | Basilisk | Boneless | Chaneques | Chimera | Cirein-cròin | Clurichaun | Cockatrice | Count Dracula| Cuegle | Cuélebre/Culebre | Devil Monkeys | Dip | Dragon | Dry Body | El Comelenguas | Erymanthian Boar | Escornau | Fouke Monster | Giants of Voronezh | Goblins | Golden Cicada | Grendel | Grendel's Mother | Groundhogs | Hidebehind | Harpies | Herensuge | Hydra | Ijiraq | Jackalopes | Jasy Jatere | J'ba Fofi | Jiangshi | Krampus| Kappa | Kigatilik | Kinie Ger | Kurupi | Liches | La Cegua | Lambton Worm | Leviathan | Manticores | Michigan Dogman | Mikari Baba | Monster of Mount Bandai | Morag | Mordred | Morgan le Fay | Mungoon-Gali | Nekomata | Nidhogg | Ojáncanu | Onamazu | Orcs | Paparrasolla | Pesanta | Pombero | Qallupilluk | Rougarou| Redcaps (Robin Redcap) | River Mumma | Scylla | Sphinx | Stymphalian Birds | Tailypo | Tarasque | Te Wheke-a-Muturangi | Tikbalang | Tizheruk | Thardid Jimbo | Thinan-malkia | Tokoloshe | Trolls | Trauco | Tupilaq | Typhon | Undead | Whowie | Will O' The Wisp

Beast of Bray Road | Beast of Gévaudan | Black Eyed Children | Black Stick Men | Blue Devil | Bunyips | Cherufe | Chupacabra | Devil Monkeys | Dog-headed Men | Emela-Ntouka | Enfield Horror | Fear Liath | Flatwoods Monster | Ghosts | Goatman | Grafton Monster | Gremlins | Greys | Highgate Vampire | Hoop Snake | Indrid Cold | Jackalopes | Jersey Devil | Kelpie of Loch Ness | Kongamato | Loch Ness Monster | Malawi Terror Beast | Mamlambo | Manananggal | Maricoxi | Mngwa | Momonjii | Morag | Morbach Werewolf | Mothman | Nobusuma | Ogua | Pale Crawlers | Pope Lick Monster | Popobawa | Pukwudgies | Rawhead Rex | Reptoids | Roc | Ropen | Salawa | Sea Serpents | Shadow People | Sheepsquatch | Slide-Rock Bolter | Snallygaster | Spring Heeled Jack | Tanuki | Thunderbird | Two-Toed Tom | Water Horses | White-Eyed Children | Yeti | Yowie

Urban Legends
Aliens (AC) | Amanda the Doll | Black Goo | Bloody Mary | Bunnyman | Cameraheads | Cartoon Cat | Cartoon Dog | Charlie | China Doll | Clown Doll | Commander (Russian Sleep Experiment) | Crisis | Crying Boy | Eyeless Jack | Ghost (Johnny, I Want My Liver Back) | Ghost Trains | Hairy-Armed Woman | Hatman | Herobrine | 1x1x1x1 | Homey the Clown | Hook Killer | Jeff the Killer | John and Susan Buckley | Joliet the Haunted and Cursed Doll | Kankandara | Karadedeler | Kidney Thieves | Kunekune | La Tunda | Licking Maniac | The Man Upstairs | Martinez Dog Demon | Melon Heads | Men in Black | Momo | Monkey-Man Of Delhi | Mystery Killer | Nain Rouge | Nameless Thing of Berkeley Square | Orie Chef | Paimon | Patasola | Robert the Doll | Test Subjects (The Russian Sleep Experiment) | The Baby in Yellow | The Bacteria | The Gendarmerie Commander | The Lifeforms | The Seeker | Ticci-Toby | SCP Foundation | SCP-035 | SCP-049 | SCP-087-1 | SCP-087-B Entities | SCP-096 | SCP-106 | SCP-173 | SCP-343 | Siren Head | Smile Dog | Skinned Tom | Slender Man | The Spirit of Dark and Lonely Water | Teke Teke

Conspiracy Theories
Illuminati | Rain Man | Men in Black

Possessed Objects
Amanda the Doll | China Doll | Clown Doll | Coffin on Wheels | Curse Jar | Ghost Trains | Joliet the Haunted and Cursed Doll | Painting of the French War | Robert the Doll

Theology Legends (Demonology, Gods & Spirits)
Main: Theology Villains

H.P Lovecraft "Cthulhu" Legends
Main: Cthulhu Villains

Creepypasta Legends
Main: Creepypasta Villains | Backrooms Villains | Marble Hornets Villains | Slendrina Villains | Channel Zero Villains | Sesseurverse Villains | Stress Level Zero Villains

SCP Foundation Legends
Main: SCP Foundation Villains

Trevor Henderson Legends
Main: Trevor Henderson Villains

RPC Authority Legends
Main: RPC Authority Villains