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Villains Wiki

Allow me to introduce myself... I am Ishmael Gregor. And you bitches are trespassing
~ Sabbac (Ishmael Gregor) to the Outsiders
Human beings! Soft, wet things!! All i see in front of me is human beings! Some with all kinds of flashy powers, and strength. But still you are flesh and blood, meat and bone. I am a creature of fire, of stone, and ash!! I am a death dealer. Satan's right hand!! You will not be able to stop me!
~ Sabbac (Ishmael Gregor) to the Outsiders
The souls of your innocents will belong to me! And thus will begin Neron's century of fire! A Hell reborn on Earth, so hot it will met the flesh off your bones! So swears Sabbac! King of Devils!
~ Sabbac (Timothy Karnes)

Sabbac is a supporting antagonist in the DC Comics universe. The first super-villain known as Sabbac was Timothy Karnes, an enemy of Captain Marvel and the Marvel Family which gained demonic super-powers from Six Lords of Hell. He could acess these powers saying his name, giving him the strength of SatanAymBelialBeelzebubAsmodeus and Crateis.

The russian crime boss Ishmael Gregor sought more power and eventually tricked Karnes into taking part in a ritual that would transfer his magical abilities to him. When the ritual ended, Karnes and a bus full of innocent people were dead, and Gregor was granted the power of Sabbac. The third Sabbac was introduced in The New 52 as Mr. Bryer, a rich man who became simultaneously possessed by all Seven Deadly Sins.


Timothy Karnes[]

Sabbac (Timothy Karnes) 02

Timothy Karnes as Sabbac in the Golden Age of comics

YES!! FLEEEEE!! Run or succumb to the power that burns through ME! Feel the awesome might of the Underworld!!
~ Timothy Karnes as Sabbac

Timothy Karnes was the sole possessor of the power of Sabbac, an acronym for the demons Satan, Any, Belial, Beelzebub, Asmodeus, and Craeteis. An empowerment spell triggered when the wielder utters the word sabbac, then endowing him with the powers of each of these creatures.

Karnes embarked on a life of crime coupled with his obsession in defeating his foster brother Frederick Freeman aka Captain Marvel Jr., but as Sabbac, Karnes was an ineffectual agent, easily defeated by Earth's heroes. So eventually the mob-boss Ishmael Gregor has ritually slain him and thus transferred the power of Sabbac to himself.

Ishmael Gregor[]

Ishamel Gregor (DC) 01

Young Ishmael Gregor

Bestow it upon him, Great Lords of Darkness! May your servant be born anew! We beseech you-- return the power so he may serve you on this plane! Come to me, Satan! Any! Belial! Come to me "'Beelzebub! Asmodeus! Craeteis! Give him you great gifts! Yes! Can you feel it! They have answered our pleas! THE MOMENT IS AT HAND! WE MUST CLAIM THE POWER! SABBAC!
~ Ishmael Gregor and Timothy Karnes summoning the powers of Hell

Ishmael Gregor was born somewhere in Russia approximately 40 years ago. He was raised by his grandmother Anatalia, who was rumored to have dabbled in the occult, other rumors named her a witch. At age twelve, Gregor had already established himself as a hired killer. At 16 he was hiring others to kill for him.

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Gregor kills Karnes and becomes the new Sabbac

At 20, he was one of the heads of Moscow's most feared organized crime clan. Five years later, he came to the United States, and it took him less than 3 years to become a captain in the russian mob. Eventually, he also became the head of russian mob of New York City belongs, but with power comes avarice. He spent years attempting to summon greater power, to create or capture it. However, Gregor had little success, but as he has done his entire life, when he couldn't build something, Gregor stole it.

Since Timothy Karnes was a huge disappointment to the Lords of Hell, they were far happier when Gregor murdered a bus full of people as a blood-sacrifice and stole the power from Timothy's expiring corpse. Reveling in slaughter and chaos, the new Sabbac undertook a vicious campaign to amass wealth and bring about Hell on Earth. However, when Gregor opened a portal and started recruiting demons from the Pit, he was defeated by the Outsiders. Sabbac has returned many times, allying with the Secret Society of Super Villains, the demon lord Neron, and the Fearsome Five.

Other Media[]

Main article: Sabbac (DC Extended Universe)
Main article: Ishmael Gregor (Arrowverse)


I is only a matter of time now! The world is about to become a very different place! I wish my grandmother could be here to see it. That crazy old bitch would have loved this! Breathe easy boys. We are about to take over the world.
~ Ishmael Gregor as Sabbac
Fine. Fine! The day will come soon when i kill you all and wear your skin in my back. Death has a new face. My face. Gregor will be coming for you all.
~ Sabbac (Ishmael Gregor) to the Outsiders


Prime Earth[]

New Earth[]


            Shazam logo Villains

Adolf Hitler | Beau | Beck Geist | Black Adam | Black Lantern Corps | Blaze | C.C. Batson | Captain Nazi | Chain Lightning | Clock King | Demons | Doctor Polaris | Doctor Sivana | Evil Eye | Felix Faust | Gentleman Ghost | Georgia Sivana | Ibac | Jeepers | Kanjar-Ro | King Kull | Lex Luthor | Mister Atom | Mister Banjo | Mister Mind | Mister Who | Monster Society of Evil | Oom the Mighty | Penguin | Sabbac | Satanus | Scarecrow | Seven Deadly Enemies of Man | Sobek/Yurrd | Starro | Suicide Squad | Superboy-Prime | The Dummy | The Spectre | Three Faces of Evil | Tobias Whale | Weeper | Wicked Witch of the West | Zookeeper

Superman/Shazam!: The Return of Black Adam: Black Adam
Shazam!: Thaddeus Sivana | Seven Deadly Sins | Mr. Sivana | Brett and Burke Breyer | Robbers | Mister Mind
Black Adam: Black Adam | Intergang (Sabbac) | Demons | Ahk-Ton | Amanda Waller
Shazam! Fury of the Gods: Hesperides (Kalypso, Hespera, & Anthea) | Ladon | Brett and Burke Breyer | Thaddeus Sivana | Mister Mind | Atlas

Black Adam | Mister Mind | Doctor Sivana | Mister Atom

Video Games
Injustice: Superman | Shazam | Black Adam | Gorilla Grodd

           The Outsiders Villains

Amanda Waller | Anti-Monitor | Bad Samaritan | Bane | Black Adam | Blackfire | Black Lantern Corps | Bolt | Brain | Brainiac | Bronze Tiger | Brother Blood | Brotherhood of Evil | Captain Boomerang | Captain Fear | Chemo | Clayface | Crazy Quilt | Darkseid | Deadshot | Deathstroke | Doctor Pyscho | Doctor Sivana | Doctor Light | Doomsday | Eclipso | Egg Fu | Eradicator | Fearsome Five | Felix Faust | Firefly | General Wade Eiling | Gorilla Grood | Guardians of the Universe | Hugo Strange | Intergang | Java | Joker | Killer Croc | King Shark | Kobra Cult | Lady Shiva | Lex Luthor | Manhunters | Marine Marauder | Meltdown | Mister Freeze | Monsieur Mallah | Multiplex | Nuclear Family | Parallax | Penguin | Plastique | Psimon | Ra's al Ghul | Red Hood | Sabbac | Secret Society of Super Villains | Shockwave | Shrapnel | Simon Stagg | Sinestro | Star Sapphire | Steppenwolf | Talia al Ghul | Tattooed Man | Terra | Tobias Whale | Vandal Savage | Veronica Cale

           Scooby-doo logoTeam Up Villains

Bane | Bizarro | Black Manta | Blask Mask | Brainiac | Bud and Lou | Calendar Man | Carmine Falcone | Catman | Catwoman | Cheetah | Condiment King | Doctor Phosphorus | Doctor Sivana | Dr. Zin | Fatal Five (Emerald Empress, Mano, Validus & Tharok, Persuader) | Felix Faust | Firefly | General Wade Eiling | Gorilla Grodd | Harley Quinn | Hugo Strange | Joker | Killer Croc | Killer Moth | King Kull | Legion of Doom | Lex Luthor | Mad Hatter | Man-Bat | Mister Mind | Matter Master | Maxie Zeus | Mister Atom | Moltar | Mongul | Monster Society of Evil | Mr. Freeze | Ocean Master | Penguin | Poison Ivy | Polka Dot Man | Prankster | Ra's al Ghul | Riddler | Sabbac | Scarecrow | Shadow Thief | Sinestro | Solomon Grundy | Talia al Ghul | Time Trapper | Two-Face | Zorak

See Also
Scooby-Doo Villains

           Download-Superman-Logo-PNG-001 Villains

Aethyr | Aftermath | Alex Luthor | Alexei Luthor | Amanda Waller | Amazo | Anomaly | Anti-Monitor | Atom Man | Atomic Skull | Az-Rei | Ballser | Bane | Bernadeth | Bertron | Bizarro | Black Adam | Black Mercies | Black Zero | Blanque | Blackrock | Blaze | Bloodsport | Blue Earth Movement | Brainiac | Brainiac Queen | Bruno Mannheim | Boss Moxie | Cestus | Cheetah | Chessure | Circe | Clayface | Commander Gor | Composite Superman | Cron | Cyborg Superman | Cythonna | Dark Knights | Darkseid | Deathstroke | Desaad | Deuce & Charger | Dev-Em | Devil Nezha | The Devastator | Doctor Light | Dr. Pharm | Dr. William Jennings | Doctor Manhattan | Doomsday | Dwayne Litters | Earth-Man | Eclipso | Equus | Eradicator (Dark Multiverse) | Ernest Smalley | Eve Teschmacher | Faora Hu-Ul | Female Furies | Fifth-Dimensional Imps | Forgotten Villains | Galactic Golem | General Chacal | Gorilla Grodd | Graft | Grand Scorpion | Granny Goodness | Green Man | Glorious Godfrey | Gzptlsnz | Harley Quinn | H'El | Hector Hammond | Hellgrammite | Helspont | H.I.V.E. | Hfuhruhurr | Imperiex | Intergang | Janan al Ghul | Jax-Ur | Joker | Jon Lane Kent | Justice League of Earth | Kaizen Gamorra | Kalibak | Kanto | Karkull | Killer Frost | Klan of the Fiery Kross | Kid Warlock | Kobra Cult | Lashina | Last Sun | Legion of Doom | Legion of Super-Villains | Leticia Luthor | Lex Luthor | Livewire | Lobo | Mad Harriet | Magpie | Major Disaster | Major Force | Manchester Black | Mandrakk | Mantis | Master Jailer | Masters of Disaster | Match | Maxima | Maximums | Maxwell Lord | Mercy Graves | Metallo | Mister Oz | Mongul | Mongul II | Morgaine Le Fey | Morgan Edge | Mr. Mxyzptlk | Nadira Va-Dim | Nam-Ek | Neron | Neutron | Nick O' Teen | Nimrod The Hunter | Overman | Parademons | Parallax | Parasites (Rudy Jones | Joshua Michael Allen) | Phantom King | Phantom Zoners | Planeteer | Prankster | Poison Ivy | Preus | "Princess Zala Jor-El" | Psycho-Pirate | Queen Bee | Queen of Fables | Radiant | Red Cloud | Rogol Zaar | Royal Flush Gang | Sam Lane | Scarecrow | Secret Society of Super Villains | Segret Wilson | Shockwaver | Shrapnel | Silver Banshee | Sinestro | Sleez | Solomon Grundy | Subjekt-17 | Suicide Squad | Superboy-Prime | Superdoom | Superman Revenge Squad | Superman (Earth-2) | Superman (The Dark Side) | The SuperMan | Superwoman | Spellbinder | Star Sapphire | Starro | Steppenwolf | Stompa | Tarantula | Thunder & Lightning | Titano | Toyman | Ultra-Humanite | Ultraman | Ursa | Vandal Savage | Vincent | Vincent Edge | Vyndktvx | Whisper A'Daire | William Dunn | Xadu | Xanadoth | Zod

Theatrical Movies
Superman: Lex Luthor | Otis | Eve Teschmacher | Zod | Non | Ursa
Superman II: General Zod | Non | Ursa | Lex Luthor | Otis | Eve Teschmacher | Rocky
Superman III: Ross Webster | Vera Webster | Lorelei Ambrosia | Gus Gorman
Superman IV: The Quest for Peace: Lex Luthor | Nuclear Man
Superman Returns: Lex Luthor
Man of Steel: Sword of Rao (Dru-Zod, Faora-Ul, Nam-Ek, Jax-Ur, Tor-An, Car-Vex, Nadira & Dev-Em II)
Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice: Lex Luthor | Anatoli Knyazev | Doomsday | Mercy Graves | Joe Chill | Zod | Steppenwolf
DC League of Super-Pets: Lulu | Lex Luthor | Mercy Graves | Whiskers | Mutant Guinea Pigs

Direct-to-video Movies
Superman: Brainiac Attacks: Brainiac | Lex Luthor | Mercy Graves | Mr. Mxyzptlk
Superman: Doomsday: Lex Luthor | Superman Clone | Doomsday | Toyman | Mercy Graves
Superman/Batman: Public Enemies: Lex Luthor | Major Force | Metallo | Amanda Waller | Toyman | Solomon Grundy | Gorilla Grodd | Killer Frost | Lady Shiva | Giganta | Mongul | Captain Cold
Superman/Batman: Apocalypse: Darkseid | Female Furies (Granny Goodness, Mad Harriet, Lashina & Stompa) | Doomsday
Superman/Shazam!: The Return of Black Adam: Black Adam
All-Star Superman: Lex Luthor | Solaris | Parasite | Nasthalthia Luthor | Bar-El & Lilo-El
Superman vs. The Elite: The Elite (Manchester Black & Hat) | Atomic Skull
Superman: Unbound: Brainiac
The Death Of Superman: Doomsday | Lex Luthor | Intergang (Bruno Mannheim) | Mercy Graves | Cyborg Superman
Reign Of The Supermen: Cyborg Superman | Darkseid | Parademons | Lex Luthor | Mercy Graves
Superman: Red Son: Superman | Brainiac | Lex Luthor | Joseph Stalin | Superior Man | Batman
Superman: Man of Tomorrow: Parasite | Lobo | Lex Luthor
Batman and Superman: Battle of the Super Sons: Starro | Lex Luthor | Penguin

1940's Superman
Bulleteers | Inventor | Mad Scientist | Indian Scientist

Superman: The Animated Series
Lex Luthor | Brainiac | Darkseid | Metallo | Toyman | Intergang (Bruno Mannheim, Spider Spinelli, Blaine) | Mercy Graves | Joey | Parasite | Dr. Vale | Lobo | Gnaww | Preserver | Kanto | Earl Garver | Jax-Ur | Mala | Prometheon | General Hardcastle | Weather Wizard | Livewire | Bizarro | Kurt Bowman | Luminus | Mr. Mxyzptlk | Lex Luthor (Brave New Metropolis) | Mercy Graves (Brave New World) | Superman (Brave New Metropolis) | Titano | Desaad | Kalibak | Karkull | Corey Mills | Suit | Maxima | De'Cine | Granny Goodness | Steppenwolf | Parademons | Female Furies (Lashina, Mad Harriet, Stompa) | Volcana | Kurt | Darci Mason | Sinestro | Unity | Reverend Amos Howell

Brainiac | Dru-Zod | Doomsday | Lobo | Jax-Ur | Kol-Da | Lis-Ser | Daron-Vex | Araame | Lyta-Zod Clone

Superman & Lois
Tal-Rho | Ally Allston | Bruno Mannheim | Lex Luthor | John Henry Irons | Leslie Larr | Intergang (Boss Moxie, Thaddeus Killgrave, Onomatopoeia & Atom-Man) | Superman (John Henry Irons' Earth) | Reno Rosetti | David Fuglestad | Zeta-Rho | Zod | Mitch Anderson | Bizarro | Inverse Society (Lana-Rho, Jonathan-El & Erin Wu) | Phillip Karnowsky | Kit Faulkner | Emmitt Pergande | Otis Grisham | Cheryl Kimble | Hacksaw Kronick | Amanda McCoy | Milton Fine

My Adventures With Superman
Task Force X (Sam Lane, Amanda Waller, Slade Wilson, Damage & Atomic Skull) | Livewire | OMACs | Intergang (Silver Banshee, Mist & Rough House) | Parasite | Lex Luthor | Heat Wave | Mr. Mxyzptlk | League of Lois Lanes | Overman | Vicki Vale | Kryptonian Empire (Brainiac, Nemesis Omega & Kara Zor-El) | Checkmate | Dr. Killgrave | Thomas Weston | Metallo Drones | Amazo | Bloodsport

Video Games
Superman Arcade: Emperor Zaas | Lex Luthor | Metallo | Parasite
Superman: Shadow of Apokolips: Lex Luthor | Darkseid | Metallo | Livewire | Parasite | Kanto | Mercy Graves | Volcana
Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe: Dark Kahn | Lex Luthor | Scorpion | Shang Tsung | Darkseid
Injustice: Superman | Brainiac | Doomsday | Aquaman | Black Adam | The Flash | Sinestro | Lex Luthor | Wonder Woman | Joker | Darkseid

See Also
Legion of Super-Heroes Villains | Lobo Villains | Smallville Villains | Steel Villains | Superboy Villains | Supergirl Villains | Superwoman Villains
