Sabiru (in Japanese: サビル, Sabiru) is an anime-only villain in Naruto Shippuden. He serves as the main antagonist of the Past Konoha episode "The Man Who Died Twice".
He was voiced by Susumu Chiba in the Japanese version, and Liam O'Brien in the English dubbed version.
While infiltrating Konohagakure to spy on and weaken their defenses, Sabiru murdered Kisuke Maboroshi's wife, then burned the house to hide the crime. Kisuke himself confronted the spy and fought him, never realizing it was a Shadow Clone decoy until too late. The clone blew Kisuke into the river then the genuine Sabiru ripped Kisuke's soul from his body. He then planned to fake the evidence that Kisuke killed his wife and drowned himself.
In the present, he is first seen at a meeting with the Third Hokage promising a security system to triple Konohagakure's defenses. He meets with Koharu and Homura who admire the proposal. Sabiru claims he's dedicated his life to the village. When his defense system goes up, he would have total control of the defenses. Sabiru then snuck into Kisuke's hospital room and turned off his life support, killing the body.
Later that afternoon, the vote for Sabiru's defense system is seemingly approved, but Kisuke suddenly appears in the meeting hall to expose Sabiru as the traitor and spy. He then goes to inform everyone that Sabiru stripped him of his soul, but Sabiru denies it. He suspects "Kisuke" to be an impostor and tries to have him arrested. In the forest, he is cornered by "Kisuke" and Naruto who force him to confess the murders. One "Kisuke" is Kakashi in disguise and Naruto morphs into Kisuke when his spirit bonds with him.
"Kisuke" then uses the Shadow Clone technique to pummel the spy. Before they can interrogate him, Kabuto blows a dart that kills Sabiru instantly.