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Villains Wiki

Leftovers, huh? Introducing myself to trash like you gets old, but it's his style. I'll tell you who I am. I am Uno of the Diez Gentlemen, "Salvatore the Magnificent"... And I am sending you all straight to hell.
~ Salvatore's introduction.
Shh shh shh. If you've got time to chat, you're not screaming hard enough. Go ahead, try and run!
~ Salvatore's first line.
The one who was most rebellious against me was... The Overlord's son. You will be the first to die. Take my attack, full on from the front, and say, "A splendid attack, Salvatore!" as you die! Here it goes! Don't mess up your line!
~ Salvatore ordering her enemies around.

Salvatore is a major antagonist in the video game Disgaea 3: Absence of Justice.

She is voiced by Miho Yamada in Japanese and Michelle Ruff in English.


Disgaea 3: Absence of Justice[]

Salvatore is a member of the Diez Gentlemen, a group of mysterious students at Nether Institute Evil Academy.

She works under the mysterious leader of the Diez Gentlemen who orders her to attack the Sophomore Campus of Evil Academy. She does so, killing anyone who gets in her way until she runs into Mao and tries to kill him and his team while ordering them around.

She lost the fight but barely took any damage, tanking every attack they threw at her, Salvatore tried to shoot Mao to kill him, however, his butler Geoffery got in the way, almost dying to the attack. This enraged Mao and revealed his true power to Salvatore, piquing her interest into wanting to fight Mao again, however, the class bell rang and she was forced to retreat.

She would wait in the Senior Campus, ready to fight Mao when he arrived, however, this time she lost due to the growth Mao received from his heart. Salvatore would then discover that her mysterious leader was Superhero Aurum who would order her away.

Salvatore couldn't stand that her leader was Superhero Aurum and that his plan was to gain an advantage over demons by making them fight against each other so she teamed up with Mao to stop him.


           Disgaea Logo Villains

Disgaea: Hour of Darkness Villains
Laharl | Etna | Vesuvius | Mid-Boss | Hoggmeiser | Dark Durian | Antoire | Maderas | Sardia | Prism Rangers | Overlord of an alternate Netherworld | Anti-Space Development Terrorists | Earth Defence Force (General Carter | Kurtis) | Seraph Lamington | Vulcanus

Disgaea 2: Cursed Memories Villains
Mass Produced Kurtis | Axel | Oriental Hotel | Land Brokers | Elenor | Axel's Producer | Fubuki | Selion | Shura | Zenon | Fake Zenon

Disgaea 3: Absence of Justice Villains
Mao | Vato Brothers | Rutile | Stella Grossular | Dark Mao | Gold Knuckle | PTA (PTA Chairman | Robot Raspberyl) | Diez Gentlemen (Salvatore | Prinny Mask | Beyond X | Shyrone | Gorillian | Bo Tie | Goro | Se-to-oh | Pauline | Breezy Satina) | Alien A and B | Super Hero Aurum

Disgaea 4: Promise Unforgotten Villains
Fenrich | Unprinnies (Fuka Kazamatsuri) | Desco | Artina | Rekidona Kingdom | Gustark Empire | Corrupternment (Death King Hugo | Axel | Death Emizel | Abaddon | Chief of the Information Bureau) | Minotrose | Genjuro Kazamatsuri | DES X | Aliens | Fear the Great | God | Torn Desco | Judge Nemo

Disgaea D2: A Brighter Darkness Villains
Krichevskoy Group (Grosso | Rainier | Garungun the Destroyer | Barbara | Darkdeath Evilman) | Lanzarote | Xenolith

Disgaea 5: Alliance of Vengeance Villains
Aristocracy of Blood Parch | Seraphina's Father | The Lost (Void Dark | Bloodis | Majorita | Panchos | Beheritas | Void Dark's Secretaries) | Double Illusion Asagis | Carnage Dimension (Carnage Dark | Carnage Overlord Prinny | Carnage Demon)

Disgaea 6: Defiance of Destiny Villains
Hero Yarmada | Naive | Ruffian Red | God of Destruction | Zed of Destruction | Misual

Disgaea 7: Vows of the Virtueless Villains
Netherarmy (Mugai | 13 Demonic Magistrates (Joe Doe | Big Bull | Sea Again | Suisen | Crimson Dark | Sakoora | Yayaka | Tenbuyer | Cannon Line | Yubana | Akuma | Partyasu | Nitra) | Yeyasu | Shirofune & Kurofune) | Ao | Higan Zensshosai | Carnage Dimension ( )

Prinny Villains
Prinny: Can I Really Be the Hero? Villains
Etna | Gourmet Ogre | Turmeric | Kim and Chi | Anise | Basil and Chervil | Bok Choy | Cardamon | Cyberclops | Moab | Morgan | Darth Moab | Sir Sweet

Prinny 2: Dawn of Operation Panties, Dood! Villains
Wuxiangfen | Marjoram | Nightmare Bros. | Chili, Pow and Der | Dolvalky | Evil Suits | Lord Junkie

Asagi Wars Villains
Asagi Asagiri | Cursed Asagi Doll | Asagi Asmaal Asalindt | Asagi Kurosugi's Fans | Asagi Kurosugi

Disgaea RPG Villains
Legion of the Final Boss (Baal | Vulcanus | Superhero Aurum | Dark Sun | Lucy | Diez | Torachiyo) | Overlord Asagi | Creator Asagi | XENO Clan (Overlord Zenon | Fallen Vessel Flonne | Fuka XENO | Desco XENO | Mao XENO | Raspberyl XENO | Emizel XENO | Sicily XENO | Tink XENO | Sapphire XENO | Seraphina XENO | Kagemaru | Black Rabbit Usa | White Rabbit Salia)

Other Disgaea Villains
Disgaea Anime Villains
Maharl | Netherworld Empresses

Disgaea Novel Villains
Yasurl | Kira

Recurring Disgaea Villains
Demons | Angels | Prinnies | Pringer X | Priere | Baal | Asagi Asagiri | Pram | Gig | Metallia

See Also
Nippon Ichi Software Villains
